New Long Covid Symptom eczema on the ears...Anyone else?

Posted by covidstinks2023 @covidstinks2023, Aug 24, 2023

I'm so glad God has gifted me with a great sense of humor. After Covid last year, I started with a rash on the outside of both ears that was red and itched. I didn't make a connection. Dermatologist told me to use Cortizone 10. It helped, but it hasn't completely gone away. Well, a symptom of long Covid is eczema on the ears! Well, it's been said if both of your ears itch someone is talking about you. I surely hope it's good things they are saying! Have a blessed day all you long haulers!

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In the weeks after Covid hospitalization, I developed a rash that my primary said was eczema and prescribed a steroid cream for it. It spread and a stronger steroid was prescribed. Seven months after Covid, with the rash now covering half my back, on an ear, my shoulders, neck, scalp, wrist, and buttocks, a dermatologist pronounced it tinea (ringworm), and said I probably got it due to a weakened immune system. The steroids I'd been using for seven months were making it worse and in effect, feeding it. I'm on an antifungal now and after 10 days, it's 80% gone.

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I attributed a rash on my chest, underarm, right side only, to a high end sunscreen allergic reaction. I also have the rash on the inside bend of my arms. Not just a rash but bumpy. When do we know if ever if this is a long Covid reaction?


In my case, it was an infection from a common fungus that is all around us, and the dermatologist who diagnosed it said it was likely a result of my weakened immune system, made worse by a treatment for a mis-diagnosed condition - but that was just me. It was worth it for me to see a specialist. I wish I'd done it much sooner.


I attributed a rash on my chest, underarm, right side only, to a high end sunscreen allergic reaction. I also have the rash on the inside bend of my arms. Not just a rash but bumpy. When do we know if ever if this is a long Covid reaction?

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Because LC is so different with everybody, it is hard to tell. My ear rash (eczema) started right after I had gotten over the worst of Covid. I still have it, but, not as severe. A weakened immune system can cause a lot of things. I pray for all you Long Covid haulers to be back to normal.


I attributed a rash on my chest, underarm, right side only, to a high end sunscreen allergic reaction. I also have the rash on the inside bend of my arms. Not just a rash but bumpy. When do we know if ever if this is a long Covid reaction?

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I also developed, in month 11 post covid, a rash of tiny extremely itchy bumps on chest and arms. My dermatologist said she sees these rashes frequently with long Covid patients. She recommended Sarna sensitive cream that helped the itch without further drying out my skin, which cortisone creams can do, and I was very grateful! Rash is gone-for the time being- I’ve learned after 1 1/2 years never to say gone forever to Long Covid symptoms. Highly recommend this cream. Good luck to you all.


I also developed, in month 11 post covid, a rash of tiny extremely itchy bumps on chest and arms. My dermatologist said she sees these rashes frequently with long Covid patients. She recommended Sarna sensitive cream that helped the itch without further drying out my skin, which cortisone creams can do, and I was very grateful! Rash is gone-for the time being- I’ve learned after 1 1/2 years never to say gone forever to Long Covid symptoms. Highly recommend this cream. Good luck to you all.

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Thank you so much. Going out to get some Sarna! Prayers....


I contracted Covid in December of 2022 and to this date, September 1, 2023 have lost my taste and smell. It’s getting hard to enjoy anything I eat due to this! I also don’t ever get hunger pains, so I just eat when it’s time to eat. I recently started to taste a bit of my minty toothpaste, and when I eat something salty, I can taste the salt, but no flavors. I am in the process of finding an acupuncturist as I’ve been told they may be able to help. Anybody else experiencing this?


I contracted Covid in December of 2022 and to this date, September 1, 2023 have lost my taste and smell. It’s getting hard to enjoy anything I eat due to this! I also don’t ever get hunger pains, so I just eat when it’s time to eat. I recently started to taste a bit of my minty toothpaste, and when I eat something salty, I can taste the salt, but no flavors. I am in the process of finding an acupuncturist as I’ve been told they may be able to help. Anybody else experiencing this?

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Yes. I listed those two senses November 14, 2021, and still taste only the essence of foods (e.g., bitter vs. sweet).


I also developed, in month 11 post covid, a rash of tiny extremely itchy bumps on chest and arms. My dermatologist said she sees these rashes frequently with long Covid patients. She recommended Sarna sensitive cream that helped the itch without further drying out my skin, which cortisone creams can do, and I was very grateful! Rash is gone-for the time being- I’ve learned after 1 1/2 years never to say gone forever to Long Covid symptoms. Highly recommend this cream. Good luck to you all.

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I purchased the Saran cream today and am looking forward to quick results. I tried cortisone cream and it made the rash worse. That really surprised me. Just fyi I could not find the lotion among the dozens offered, it was in an entirely different section. So ask a sales clerk or the pharmacist where it is.


I purchased the Saran cream today and am looking forward to quick results. I tried cortisone cream and it made the rash worse. That really surprised me. Just fyi I could not find the lotion among the dozens offered, it was in an entirely different section. So ask a sales clerk or the pharmacist where it is.

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Just to clarify, and I’m sure it was a typo, it’s Sarna Sensitive. Good luck!


Just to clarify, and I’m sure it was a typo, it’s Sarna Sensitive. Good luck!

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Yes, it was I typo, and I did purchase the sensitive. One day now, two applications and things are under control. Thanks so much!

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