Cross-tapering from Zoloft onto Lexapro

Posted by iamunwell @iamunwell, Aug 27, 2023

Wondering if anyone has done this particular cross-taper. I'm doing it now after a bunch of different meds have not worked for my anxiety. My body has been in fight or flight for over a year now. I wake up in a panic every single morning. My life is not worth living, but I can't leave my mother alone, so I stay just hoping to find something to help me. I am also on Clondine, Gabapentin, Mirtazapine and Ativan. Too many.
I am so tired and feel so sick.

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Feeling the same way as you. I am on zolloff, klonopin , trazodone and Restoril . I am so scared of switching and the with drawls . My husband has cancer and I am in a really bad place . Been on meds for a long time and zolloff used to work .


I'm sorry about your husband. My friend has stage four lung cancer and every day I wish it was me instead of her. I'm just getting worse. Nobody and nothing can help. They've suggested TMS but I'm afraid it will make it worse


Hi How are you doing ? I feel all the emotions you feel . What have you experienced with cross tapering ? I have been zolloff for a very very long time at 200mg . Are your side effects painful ? I wish I a had advice for you . I am in a dark place and need to be there for my husband . I take so many meds .


Hi How are you doing ? I feel all the emotions you feel . What have you experienced with cross tapering ? I have been zolloff for a very very long time at 200mg . Are your side effects painful ? I wish I a had advice for you . I am in a dark place and need to be there for my husband . I take so many meds .

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I am doing really bad. I've only been tapering for 4 days or so, so I don't know how it's going to go. I am also in a very dark place, wanting so badly to leave this world, but I can't because of my mother. She doesn't have anyone else. I don't know if I've had side effects because although I feel worse, I'm also lowering the Mirtazapene and have switched from Ativan to Klonopin, so I'm not sure if it may be that. I am in such a mess on these meds, and our state has a shortage of mental care professionals, so I have to see a resident fresh out of school. I've had a psychiatrist and a therapist give up on me. The new therapist doesn't know how to help it seems. I am so scared. Is there a good chance that your husband will get better? I know so well how hard it is to be there for somebody when you are not alright yourself.


I am doing really bad. I've only been tapering for 4 days or so, so I don't know how it's going to go. I am also in a very dark place, wanting so badly to leave this world, but I can't because of my mother. She doesn't have anyone else. I don't know if I've had side effects because although I feel worse, I'm also lowering the Mirtazapene and have switched from Ativan to Klonopin, so I'm not sure if it may be that. I am in such a mess on these meds, and our state has a shortage of mental care professionals, so I have to see a resident fresh out of school. I've had a psychiatrist and a therapist give up on me. The new therapist doesn't know how to help it seems. I am so scared. Is there a good chance that your husband will get better? I know so well how hard it is to be there for somebody when you are not alright yourself.

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I admire your courage and bravery. I wish I was strong like you. May I ask what you are weaning from ? I have horrible anxiety, depression and insomnia. My husband conditions is unknown at this point . A piece of cancer could not be removed after surgery . Chemo does not respond to it and he has already had radiation. I am very sad. He has a great team of doctors and closely monitored. Thank you for responding to me.


I admire your courage and bravery. I wish I was strong like you. May I ask what you are weaning from ? I have horrible anxiety, depression and insomnia. My husband conditions is unknown at this point . A piece of cancer could not be removed after surgery . Chemo does not respond to it and he has already had radiation. I am very sad. He has a great team of doctors and closely monitored. Thank you for responding to me.

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Thank you, but I now can only do the barest minimum to get by. I used to be really strong. I lived my whole life alone never having to ask for help from anyone. Now, I am paralyzed by fear. I am coming off of Zoloft and going onto Lexapro. Meds don't seem to work for me. I can take an Ativan or a Klonopin and really I'm no better. I'm on the Zoloft, Lexapro, Klonopin, Clonidine and Gabapentin. I just came off the Mirtazapine last night. I just somehow need to outlast my 77 year old mother. I know that you must be incredibly sad about your husband. Hugs to you.


Thank you, but I now can only do the barest minimum to get by. I used to be really strong. I lived my whole life alone never having to ask for help from anyone. Now, I am paralyzed by fear. I am coming off of Zoloft and going onto Lexapro. Meds don't seem to work for me. I can take an Ativan or a Klonopin and really I'm no better. I'm on the Zoloft, Lexapro, Klonopin, Clonidine and Gabapentin. I just came off the Mirtazapine last night. I just somehow need to outlast my 77 year old mother. I know that you must be incredibly sad about your husband. Hugs to you.

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Hi. Oh that sounds so sad and painful. What kind of side effects are you experiencing coming off Zolloff onto lexapro ? I am paralyzed with fear too.


Hi. Oh that sounds so sad and painful. What kind of side effects are you experiencing coming off Zolloff onto lexapro ? I am paralyzed with fear too.

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I used to be so strong too. I have two kids , one is getting married in March . I need to strong , for my husband . No one understands that I can’t fall apart even more by making changes . None of my family or friends will support me because I am
not making any changes . I need to be there for my husband . I am totally mess and so scared .


Thank you, but I now can only do the barest minimum to get by. I used to be really strong. I lived my whole life alone never having to ask for help from anyone. Now, I am paralyzed by fear. I am coming off of Zoloft and going onto Lexapro. Meds don't seem to work for me. I can take an Ativan or a Klonopin and really I'm no better. I'm on the Zoloft, Lexapro, Klonopin, Clonidine and Gabapentin. I just came off the Mirtazapine last night. I just somehow need to outlast my 77 year old mother. I know that you must be incredibly sad about your husband. Hugs to you.

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I was in a similar situation eight months ago. I was on Mirtazapine and oxazepam after an operation gone wrong. I have suffered from OCD since I was 20 (1967) and have had constant anxiety, social phobia (although my job required public speaking) and bouts of dark depression. Before the operation, I was on no medication other than for reflux and thyroxine after having had my thyroid removed for cancer. I lost a lot of weight and and this upset my thyroxine levels, causing extreme anxiety and depression. My doctor was treating me with Zoloft and Clobazam but when I had to go into hospital they changed my medication to Mirtazapine and oxazepam. When I was discharged I endured months of despair, weakness and helplessness. I wanted to die. I thought no one could help me , not even God. I was wrong. He did help me and gave me hope. I have found that more than 15 mg Mirtazapine a day increased anxiety and agitation and also caused insomnia. I found tapering off the oxazepam according to the Ashton Manual was not too bad. But the Mirtazapine has been horrible. I am dropping the dose by 10% every fortnight (10% of the current dose) but if the withdrawal symptoms are severe, I continue on with that dose until it settles down, usually after a few days to a week. Mirtazapine withdrawal symptoms for me include intrusive thoughts (which makes my OCD go crazy) nausea, dizziness, anxiety and weird dreams. I am also on Sertraline (Zoloft) to help me with getting off the Mirtazapine. I expect that it will take another few months. I was really saddened to read your post . I am praying that God will help you as He helped me. Even though it seems impossible to you that you can ever come out of this, I believe that you will. God can change everything if you ask Him.


I used to be so strong too. I have two kids , one is getting married in March . I need to strong , for my husband . No one understands that I can’t fall apart even more by making changes . None of my family or friends will support me because I am
not making any changes . I need to be there for my husband . I am totally mess and so scared .

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I am so scared too. I know your suffering. Change has become terrifying for me.

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