New Long Covid Symptom eczema on the ears...Anyone else?

Posted by covidstinks2023 @covidstinks2023, Aug 24, 2023

I'm so glad God has gifted me with a great sense of humor. After Covid last year, I started with a rash on the outside of both ears that was red and itched. I didn't make a connection. Dermatologist told me to use Cortizone 10. It helped, but it hasn't completely gone away. Well, a symptom of long Covid is eczema on the ears! Well, it's been said if both of your ears itch someone is talking about you. I surely hope it's good things they are saying! Have a blessed day all you long haulers!

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Thank you for that information!


Thank God we can still maintain a sense of humor 😊


Yes comedy can help and it boosts our poor old immune system. Interestingly the news about yet another strain states it’s not affecting respiratory system, instead not only is it causing gut problems but also rashes! Hmmm!
Bless you your humour helps others cope.


In the weeks after Covid hospitalization, I developed a rash that my primary said was eczema and prescribed a steroid cream for it. It spread and a stronger steroid was prescribed. Seven months after Covid, with the rash now covering half my back, on an ear, my shoulders, neck, scalp, wrist, and buttocks, a dermatologist pronounced it tinea (ringworm), and said I probably got it due to a weakened immune system. The steroids I'd been using for seven months were making it worse and in effect, feeding it. I'm on an antifungal now and after 10 days, it's 80% gone.


In the weeks after Covid hospitalization, I developed a rash that my primary said was eczema and prescribed a steroid cream for it. It spread and a stronger steroid was prescribed. Seven months after Covid, with the rash now covering half my back, on an ear, my shoulders, neck, scalp, wrist, and buttocks, a dermatologist pronounced it tinea (ringworm), and said I probably got it due to a weakened immune system. The steroids I'd been using for seven months were making it worse and in effect, feeding it. I'm on an antifungal now and after 10 days, it's 80% gone.

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Thank you for this valuable information and I am so glad it's 80% gone for you. WOW! You had a rough case of it and I am so sorry. This is the first of heard of ringworm. Praying it goes away completely for you. Hugs & Prayer...


A few months into covid I had a mysterious rash on my fingers that lasted about a week. One of many odd symptoms that came and went.


I did have the same thing a while back..didn’t connect it to LC but guess I was wrong. It has pretty much gone away but has been replaced by peeling rash on nose ?????


I did have the same thing a while back..didn’t connect it to LC but guess I was wrong. It has pretty much gone away but has been replaced by peeling rash on nose ?????

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Bless you. I pray this goes away for you. Hugs & Prayers....


Thanks Covidstinks😊


I haven't had a rash yet, but had a mild case of shingles. Luckily, it was resolved in two weeks with the help of an anti viral.

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