Iron deficiency anemia without an apparent cause

Posted by ellie0989 @ellie0989, Aug 18, 2023

I'm a 21-year-old female. Last year, after a routine trip to my primary care physician, I received alarming blood test results and was sent to a hematologist who diagnosed me with severe iron deficiency anemia. Initially, the anemia was thought to be caused by heavy menstrual bleeding, and so in addition to being given two iron infusions, I was also put on an oral contraceptive that has halted the heavy bleeding entirely. Over the course of the last few months, the typical symptoms of iron deficiency anemia began to return (dizziness, fatigue, restless leg syndrome, headaches, etc.) and after another trip to the hematologist, I was once again diagnosed with anemia and have at this point received the first of two more iron infusions. After consulting with my hematologist, he recommended that I take another trip to see my primary care physician who can hopefully run some more tests to try and determine the cause of the anemia. Does anyone know of any other common causes of iron-deficiency anemia or has anyone had a similar experience?

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Hello, I wanted to share my story and hopefully get some insights here. My iron numbers have hovered just barely in normal range for years, then suddenly started dipping and I very quickly ended up severely anemic. I had 5 iron infusions and my numbers came up beautifully. I felt great for about 2 weeks, then the symptoms started coming back. My last hemoglobin showed mild anemia. I've been cleared of having cancer and no internal bleeds. I've always had trouble absorbing iron and have been mildly anemic most of my life. Any thoughts on what to do from here?

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I am having the exact same issue. I’m going to see another doctor next week to get some more insight, and if I learn anything new I’ll let you know.


All replies should help both of us. Thanks for posting your issues. I doubt if 21 year olds have diverticulitis but you never know until you ask or google it.
I have never had the test to find if I am losing iron from genetics? I also have tried only one type of iron pill, iron sulfate from Dollar General. I am sure you know the human body can only digest 32 mg of iron daily through the stomach.

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Thank you so much for replying and sharing your experience!


I am having the exact same issue. I’m going to see another doctor next week to get some more insight, and if I learn anything new I’ll let you know.

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Thank you, that would be much appreciated. Hope your appointment goes well.


Hi, I was diagnosed as slightly anemic about a year ago. I am 69 years old. I've had every blood test, colonoscopy, endoscopy, and a bone marrow biopsy. My diagnosis is CCUS, Clonal Cytopenia of Unknown Significance. In other words, the doctors don't know why I'm anemic? They tell me to keep taking iron. I have more labs, and appointment with oncologist and primary doc next month. Anyone else been diagnosed with CCUS?


Hi, I was diagnosed as slightly anemic about a year ago. I am 69 years old. I've had every blood test, colonoscopy, endoscopy, and a bone marrow biopsy. My diagnosis is CCUS, Clonal Cytopenia of Unknown Significance. In other words, the doctors don't know why I'm anemic? They tell me to keep taking iron. I have more labs, and appointment with oncologist and primary doc next month. Anyone else been diagnosed with CCUS?

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Hi @pamrod02 I haven’t found anyone specifically with the diagnosis of CCUS. But there are certainly quite a few members in the forum with similar symptoms as yours; Anemia without an obvious cause. If you haven’t already, this link below might be of interest to you.

Iron Depletion in Blood related to COVID?

Did you receive a covid vaccination or have the virus?


Hi @pamrod02 I haven’t found anyone specifically with the diagnosis of CCUS. But there are certainly quite a few members in the forum with similar symptoms as yours; Anemia without an obvious cause. If you haven’t already, this link below might be of interest to you.

Iron Depletion in Blood related to COVID?

Did you receive a covid vaccination or have the virus?

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I had the covid vaccine. Last one, booster, was on 3/2021. I have read that the vaccine may cause anemia, but nothing conclusive?


I had the covid vaccine. Last one, booster, was on 3/2021. I have read that the vaccine may cause anemia, but nothing conclusive?

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I suppose that I am the source of all this speculation about CoViD mRNA vaccines and iron deficiency. Go to this discussion - - and find my comment on June 7. I was surprised to see one of the Mayo mods declare that VAERS has no record of any connection of CoViD mRNA vaccines and serum iron deficiency. Since there was no record on VAERS I decided to establish a discussion here. My question - to my PCP and my hematologist - was since the vaccines operate within the mRNA protocols and so does blood ferritin, could there be some relation? They both said 'no' - but of course it is an all new unexplored issue. I decided to put my question on record on VAERS; that seems to have fizzled.

There is no telling how many such cases there might be, or whether any medical researcher will ever pursue it. Since VAERS seems to be a dead end, I thought this forum might be an alternative.

Time might tell.


Thanks for your reply. I agree, time will tell.


"Earlier this summer, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stopped collecting data on the adverse effects of Covid-19 vaccines through the agency’s V-safe website" -

Apparently VAERS is still active - if anyone is paying any attention.

Never give up! 👌 I agitated for years for a vaccine to fight shingles - and finally we got one!

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