B-6 vitamin danger!

Posted by Lynsorensen @lynsorensen, Dec 11, 2017

With the assistance of a neurologist at Mayo Clinic, I have almost completely eliminated the uncontrolled muscle spasms now. First and foremost: beware of taking multi-vitamin capsules that have B6 listed. B-6 overdosage (which is contained in every multivitamin I found in stores and on the internet) can cause loss of muscle control and spasms in some people. So can gluten found in many foods so now I am also gluten free. I now work out with a personal trainer 3 days a week and do water aerobics another 2 days. Got off gabapentin and also clonazepam. Using CBD oil capsules each morning (no more opioids or chemicals) and using a CBD topical ointment to rub on my leg muscles each night. He says I don't need him anymore! And I don't. No more shaking or muscle cramps or pain. Still a little numbness but that is receding also.

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This was very interesting for me. My Vitamin B-6 is off the charts and the highest ever see by a neurologist who has been practicing for 15 years plus. Why is it so high? The question of the day is no one knows. A Google search indicated some meds that might bring it down, so will see next month with another reading. Medicare will not pay for the test!

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Is your ALP test low? There seems to be some correlation of low ALP and high b6 but I don't know the correlation.


I hope this is the right place to ask my questions. My daughter's B6 is has been going up and is now 234 and she never took supplements, drank energy drinks or vitamin water. I don't know if this is related but her Folate is higher then the machine can read and her B12 is 1832.

She has spasms, fatigue, the ends of her fingers and toes have no feeling, hands and feet feel like pins are poking her, her hands shake a lot. Her depression and anxiety have gotten worse. Her vision gets blurry and fuzzy, zones out, looses time and feels dizzy and foggy brain.

She has seen two Neurologists, both who have said there is nothing they can do but have not given an explanation of how her B6 is so high and what it affects in her body.

Is this B6 toxicity? Any recommendations if it is? Thanks for reading! Janet

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It is not totally impossible that food can cause high b6. If your daughter doesn't eat a balanced diet this could cause very high b6. Is she eating a very high red meat or seafood diet? Perhaps keto? There is a free on line APP cronometer where you can log everything she eats, drinks, to check for high b6. Salmon, bananas, potatoes, pistachios, avocado in excess could cause high b6. Also ck ALL supplements such as magnesium and melatonin for hidden b6. I hope you find the answer. Also is her ALP low? There is some correlation of high b6 and low ALP but not clear what it is.


I took genetic testing that showed I have one MTHFR mutation. I was surprised to find it often means your body can't metabolize B vitamins because I get very ill when I take B vitamins. I also get a toxicity reaction to most amino acids. I suffer from severe depression, ADHD, and anxiety. I guess my only option is to try to get the B vitamins and amino acids from food?


I took genetic testing that showed I have one MTHFR mutation. I was surprised to find it often means your body can't metabolize B vitamins because I get very ill when I take B vitamins. I also get a toxicity reaction to most amino acids. I suffer from severe depression, ADHD, and anxiety. I guess my only option is to try to get the B vitamins and amino acids from food?

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Welcome @athenaos, You might want to use the search function of Connect to read what others have shared about the MTHFR mutation. Here is a list of the search results:

Have you been diagnosed with a deficiency in B vitamins?


Welcome @athenaos, You might want to use the search function of Connect to read what others have shared about the MTHFR mutation. Here is a list of the search results:

Have you been diagnosed with a deficiency in B vitamins?

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No, I don't even know how to find a good naturopath.


I took genetic testing that showed I have one MTHFR mutation. I was surprised to find it often means your body can't metabolize B vitamins because I get very ill when I take B vitamins. I also get a toxicity reaction to most amino acids. I suffer from severe depression, ADHD, and anxiety. I guess my only option is to try to get the B vitamins and amino acids from food?

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Are B12 injections an option. I’ve had treatment for B12 deficiency treated twice that way. Vitamins always upset my stomach. With GERD & IBS it’s incredibly hard to get the proper diet. I’m also getting treated for Vitamin D. 50,000iu/week.
Both vitamin treatments have helped a bit. They do help with mental clarity & depression. I just didn’t know if any doctors had ever considered trying it. One shot/ month in the arm. Never enters the digestive system.
I do hope that you get the help you need. Positive Vibes…


I was having Neuropathy symptoms, went to a neurologist to be checked out. He ordered last of bloodwork and found out I had toxic levels of Vitamins B6. I wasn't even taking supplements that I knew of, but like you said, it's in a lot of things.
I was taking Emergen-C for 3 years during covid and another energy drink that both had B6 in them. After being off of those 2 supplements, tingling is gone!


I have Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT2) and B6 is toxic to most, if not all of the many CMT types. Many in the medical and naturopathic communities are not aware of this. Take care.


I was recently diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy and my lab values are normal except my B6, it is very high 194.5 and I don’t take a lot of supplements, mainly basic vitamins, magnesium zinc vitamin C turmeric CLA and melatonin Tylenol PM and I take gabapentin. I was getting ready to do an intolerance test with a homeopathic doctor, do you have any other suggestions or advice for me?


I was recently diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy and my lab values are normal except my B6, it is very high 194.5 and I don’t take a lot of supplements, mainly basic vitamins, magnesium zinc vitamin C turmeric CLA and melatonin Tylenol PM and I take gabapentin. I was getting ready to do an intolerance test with a homeopathic doctor, do you have any other suggestions or advice for me?

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Welcome @kristi18, I'm guessing you are not taking any multi-vitamins or drinking energy drinks which may contain excess B6. This article suggests a few things you can do including drinking more water.

--- How to Lower B6: https://www.livestrong.com/article/522968-how-to-lower-b6/

Did you discuss the B6 levels with your doctor as a possible cause of your peripheral neuropathy?

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