Vasovagal Syncope

Posted by annbainbridge @annbainbridge, Dec 6, 2016

My husband was diagnosed with this was having a hard time standing in working. I will take any information

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That would be good if I got any premonition of an attack! Oddly enough 2 days after writing the above I fainted at 9.30 am on the way to the gym, 15 months after the last syncope. Out of the blue again, a moment of dizziness and then on my back on the concrete plaza. Only a little soreness on my buttocks so lucky. I walked the few hundred yards to the gym, drank some water and walked home ditching my class. Internist said it sounded like an arrhythmia (although I just had an ekg at my annual physical) and wanted me to get a 14 day patch to look for occasional irregularities. So for the first time in my 83 years I am going to see a cardiologist. A bit of a long shot and I will be surprised if it was anything but vasovagal. Will report back if anyone is interested!


That would be good if I got any premonition of an attack! Oddly enough 2 days after writing the above I fainted at 9.30 am on the way to the gym, 15 months after the last syncope. Out of the blue again, a moment of dizziness and then on my back on the concrete plaza. Only a little soreness on my buttocks so lucky. I walked the few hundred yards to the gym, drank some water and walked home ditching my class. Internist said it sounded like an arrhythmia (although I just had an ekg at my annual physical) and wanted me to get a 14 day patch to look for occasional irregularities. So for the first time in my 83 years I am going to see a cardiologist. A bit of a long shot and I will be surprised if it was anything but vasovagal. Will report back if anyone is interested!

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I also have syncope so I am interested.


Ok @bruceandruth1970 will report back. I hope that something can stop the faints as for the first time the situation is bothering me. First 3 faints (over 30 years) were in a house but this week’s one was outside and I could have been crossing a major road instead of a deserted university courtyard.


Ok @bruceandruth1970 will report back. I hope that something can stop the faints as for the first time the situation is bothering me. First 3 faints (over 30 years) were in a house but this week’s one was outside and I could have been crossing a major road instead of a deserted university courtyard.

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I’m so glad you are okay. It always happens so fast with no warning.


I’m so glad you are okay. It always happens so fast with no warning.

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My vasovagal syncope is triggered by dehydration. The first time maybe 30 years ago in my 50s was when I had norovirus and was throwing up both ends. I stood up in the bathroom to wash my face after throwing up and the next I knew I was on my back in the shower opening which was 90 degrees from where I was at the basin (odd). The next time a few years later again a stomach virus and I went downstairs to the kitchen to get some water and ended up on my back in the dining room. The last time recently I was in the kitchen getting dessert one evening and my husband who wondered why it was taking so long found me flat on my back again. All I can remember is seeing my lunch glass of water still full on the kitchen counter so again dehydration I think. In none of these cases have I had any premonition. This last time because I am now in my 80s I went to the ER and after doing all kinds of tests (scans included) agreed with my diagnosis of a vasovagal syncope.

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An update on my fainting. 15 months after the last faint I referred to above I fainted (onto my back as usual) a month or so ago. It was out of the blue with no premonition on a hot (but not like the current heat wave) day walking to the gym at 9.30am.
Although on a paved surface I was lucky not to have damaged any body parts. I had had tea but was going to get water from the gym so may have been mildly dehydrated as I don’t have a good thirst meter it seems. This time my usually cautious Internist thought that I should have a 14/day cardio patch workup at 83 as he thought it might be afib. I didn’t understand the possible connection and still don’t but bottom line no afib, passed the stress test and echocardiogram showed heart OK but carotids had sone plaque in them, The cardio doc said it was not enough for her to be concerned about. She made a sensible suggestion and that was to take my bp med at night instead of the morning as the “sweet spot” for the med to lower bp might be better at night. Nothing lost by doing that so that is what I did. As to the fainting otherwise she just shrugged and knows that I am being better at hydrating.
So my question to the group and I should have asked her is what heart issues can cause fainting? I haven’t read of any.


There are a few different diagnosis for fainting. There is one you can Google…Cardiac Syncope. The other are caused by problems with the automatic nervous system…Orthostatic Tachycardia, low blood volume, posterior orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), etc. Several of the later either have to do w/blood volume or the inability of the vessels to return blood to the heart. Wish you the best.


I believe I have vasovagal syncope. It has been mentioned before. Curious if this all sounds familar to anyone else. I've had several episodes of passing out with no identifiable triggers. Sometimes I'm sitting doing nothing and feel it come on suddenly and then collapse. Sometimes I'm standing. I do tend to feel faint during intense stress or fear situations (that's happened 2-3 times). I usually have mod to severe nausea afterward. Nausea will also trigger the fainting. As a child, when I was sick, I would faint before I threw up. I also have PVC's and bigeminy so not sure if my symptoms are a combo of the two or 100% vasovagal. I've had other vagal dysfunction symptoms for the past 6-7 years: severe tinnitus, hearing loss and pressure in ears, swallowing problems (get choked on liquids easily), loss of gag reflex, dysphasia and difficulty with speech, slurred speech, my voice has changed and I can't control it, my facial expressions have changed, brain fog, worsening cognitive difficulties, and worsening fatigue. I also have digestion symptoms (bloating, loss of appetite, weight loss, abdominal/colon discomfort, fullness very quickly, can only eat small amounts at a time). I take Pepcid, have taken Omeprazole for short bursts when GERD and acid reflux is severe. I have pre-syncope and syncope sometimes from turning my head or holding my head turned (to the right). Lately I've had spells where my pulse rate drops to 40 and I feel bad (it's usually 60). My BP is normally 110-120 / 70-80. My heartbeat can be irregular at times, slow, skipping beats, extra beats, all over the place. I've had ECG's and they are relatively normal but show PVC's and bigeminy, sometimes trigeminy. But I have felt unwell for the past few years. I have a feeling that all of these symptoms are related and have one cause but no diagnosis. I get sent to different specialists for each individual symptom. I just want to feel better. Hoping for help controlling, preventing the syncope. I've injured my shoulder, arm and head from collapsing into furniture and on concrete. The symptoms are worsening and I don't know where this will end up. I would like to hear if others have similar experiences and have information to share, anything that worked etc... I know about raising the legs/lowering head, wearing compression stockings, eating high salt diet to increase fluids... Has anyone tried SSRI's to calm the vagal nerve response? Curious to hear what has worked from others, I feel alone in this with no direction.


HI - I'm new to this Connect. But was wondering if your husband has had any kind of heart issues. If so, I would definitely ask for an MRI of the brain. There could be something going on between the brain and the heart. At least it's worth another check into it. We are still working with doctors for more information. Good luck.


An update on my fainting. 15 months after the last faint I referred to above I fainted (onto my back as usual) a month or so ago. It was out of the blue with no premonition on a hot (but not like the current heat wave) day walking to the gym at 9.30am.
Although on a paved surface I was lucky not to have damaged any body parts. I had had tea but was going to get water from the gym so may have been mildly dehydrated as I don’t have a good thirst meter it seems. This time my usually cautious Internist thought that I should have a 14/day cardio patch workup at 83 as he thought it might be afib. I didn’t understand the possible connection and still don’t but bottom line no afib, passed the stress test and echocardiogram showed heart OK but carotids had sone plaque in them, The cardio doc said it was not enough for her to be concerned about. She made a sensible suggestion and that was to take my bp med at night instead of the morning as the “sweet spot” for the med to lower bp might be better at night. Nothing lost by doing that so that is what I did. As to the fainting otherwise she just shrugged and knows that I am being better at hydrating.
So my question to the group and I should have asked her is what heart issues can cause fainting? I haven’t read of any.

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Did they do the "tip table test?" POTS is pretty common in older people. Here's information.

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