Evenity pain

Posted by jeanniebeannie54 @jeanniebeannie54, Oct 25, 2022

I have had 3 months of evenity and my left hip, thigh and buttock are so very painful I can hardly stand, lay down and not walk. Anyone experiencing horrible pain. Help.

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Oh my goodness. There is not a chance I could afford a $5,000 plus shot :o(((( Gosh though, reading your posts are so helpful and you really do put my mind at ease over this. Money will definitely be a factor. My doctor said she would look in to payment help so I would have to wait to see what she finds out. Thanks you also for the recommendation on the book! I'll look into that. I'm so very glad the treatment is working for you and you haven't had any reactions so far :o)))) I look forward to hearing more. Have a wonderful weekend! Sheri

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Good evening @sheriv, I understand why the costs are frightening. Tymlos was the most reasonable copay for me. There are usually support options explained on the website. Recently, I have had to seek help from the manufacturer of my itch control injections. There was a staff of medical professionals who helped my daughter find some help for me. I am not good at following processes because of my cognitive issues. My daughter has 30 years of experience with insurance. On my current medication, I pay nothing at this time. My co-pay would have been $1547 per month. Don't give up. There is help ....you just have to apply and be approved.

Clue #1....make sure your medication is on the Medicare formulary. Sometimes, and for some reason, a medication is left off. You can ask for an exception.

Good luck to you.


Thank you so much for this information Chris. I truly appreciate it :o) Sheri


Has anyone had knee aches? I did a jog-walk and felt great. The next morning I could barely get out of bed. My left knee was aching terribly. I eventually went to urgent care, had an X-ray done and there was nothing wrong with my knee. I am going to physical therapy to strengthen muscles around the knees. Even if I walk, both knees all the way to the ankle feels sore. I just had my 6th Evenity shot and I told the nurse about my problems. She said if it was due to the Evenity, it would be a problem right after the injection, not weeks afterwards.


Yes, I had achy hips about 6 mos in. Because it wasn’t both sides initially I was told it wasn’t the Evenity. I decided to stick it out but by 10 mos I felt like my muscles were going to snap, they felt brittle and felt like arthritis throughout my body. I am very active, ski, hike, mountain bike so in decent shape. I feel like the Evenity definitely gave me hip pain where I couldn’t pick something up off the floor until I moved around for about an hour. I stopped after 11 months as I couldn’t deal with aches and pains where I had none prior. My DEXA scores improved 49% in spine and 14 femur and only a little in hip. I’m on Fosomax now as I didn’t want to do Reclast a year long lasting injection after the adverse reactions from Evenity. It’s been 6 months since last injections and aching as gone away mostly but during this year of Evenity I have had tennis elbow for no reason and now have a torn rotator cuff from who knows what. I am wondering if the awful brittleness I felt while on Evenity this past year has contributed to my current muscle issues? Idk but need surgery to repair tendon. Just be aware of symptoms that are not normal for you. I wish I had stopped sooner but I usually just push through things to completion! Hope this helps you with your decisions.

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I am also considering going on Evenity due to my T spine score of -4.6. It’s great to hear that your numbers went up except for your side effects. Can you share with us your T score of your spine .


I am also considering going on Evenity due to my T spine score of -4.6. It’s great to hear that your numbers went up except for your side effects. Can you share with us your T score of your spine .

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Hi, sorry for the delayed response. My spine went from -3.8 to -2.1, 2.8 to 2.7 in hip and 2.5 t0 2.1 in pelvis


I haven't had extreme pain but I do get some aches now and then. It's always hard to know if it's from the injections or me just overdoing. I garden a lot. It usually goes away with some gentle stretching and icing so I attribute it to my overuse. I am going for my 4th injection so will check back afterward.


Has anyone had knee aches? I did a jog-walk and felt great. The next morning I could barely get out of bed. My left knee was aching terribly. I eventually went to urgent care, had an X-ray done and there was nothing wrong with my knee. I am going to physical therapy to strengthen muscles around the knees. Even if I walk, both knees all the way to the ankle feels sore. I just had my 6th Evenity shot and I told the nurse about my problems. She said if it was due to the Evenity, it would be a problem right after the injection, not weeks afterwards.

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I'm not sure the nurse was completely correct. I had such bad back pain after 3 injections that I had to quit the drug. I'm back on Prolia. It was hard to convince the physician and I had to bring my husband with me. The physician printed out information on the Evenity trials for me to read. I noticed it was their labs that were involved in the printed information results. Plus the idea of having a cardiovascular incident didn't make me feel any better.



My doctor is suggesting I start going on Evinity. I'm petrified and don't know if I should. I was doing perfectly fine on Prolia for about 6 years, then when I switched to Reclast last year I had a severe decrease in bone loss. Prolia always kept it stable. I don't know if I should just stay on Reclast to prevent further bone loss or what to do. Any advice would be appreciated

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I just started Evenity. I picked it up at the pharmacy and injected myself. I hope all goes well.


Wow. I didn’t know that you could do it yourself. What was the cost if you don’t mind me asking?


Evenity is a one-year drug therapy. Has anyone stopped after a year and what did you experience? My doctor wants me to do Reclast-which I won't because of side effects. I don't know what the alternative is as I hated Prolia and couldn't wait to get off of it in six months. I will not take a yearly injection of anything because, if you have side affects you can't stop the drug and get it out of your system.

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