Diarrhea for 5 days.

Posted by rt4copd @rt4copd, Jun 2, 2023

I must have eaten something on Monday that gave me diarrhea. It’s now Friday and not doing better. I went to urgent care on the advice of the transplant nurse because I was very dehydrated. My vitals were elevated and I was weak. I was given fluids and zofran then sent home. I can’t keep anything in. At what point is more intervention indicated? I’m worried about my tacrolimus level which they didn’t check. Is rejection a concern? Wouldn’t a stool culture to treat infectious diarrea be helpful? Now that Im being treated by my PCP in California, I was a Mayo patient in AZ for the transplant, they seem unconcerned or not experienced with treating transplant patient. Any advice?

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Hi @rt4copd, 5 days is a long time to have the diarrhea. Have you tried any anti diarrheal medications? Zofran is usual for nausea. Are you also vomiting?
Anytime we’re on immunosuppressants there is a risk of being more susceptible to illness, bacterial and viral. We also run a risk of Clostridium difficile bacterium is referred to as a C. difficile infection. Though that’s generally caused by a gut imbalance brought on by antibiotic treatments. But it would be a good thing to know for sure that it’s not the culprit.

If you’re not seeing any improvement I’d put in another call to my transplant team for further guidance. I know we get spoiled by our amazing treatment at Mayo and then it’s a real shock to be back in the real world, trying to explain our situations. Your team may second your idea of having a culture run on a stool sample to determine the bacteria so you can get treatment.

I’m not sure how this will affect your tacro levels. Your electrolytes can get out of whack in an hurry so it’s important to have mag, potassium and calcium levels checked. Are you still able to take your tacro daily? Can you get a trough level run through your local labs?


Hi thanks for the response. Im not vomiting thank god. I did put in another message to my transplant doctor. Waiting to get a response. I would need an order to get my tacro checked. They did check my electrolytes on Wednesday when I went to urgent care and they were ok and I'm taking my meds daily. Just concerned whether my body is absorbing them. I’m hoping to get some answers and treatment sooner than later.


Hi thanks for the response. Im not vomiting thank god. I did put in another message to my transplant doctor. Waiting to get a response. I would need an order to get my tacro checked. They did check my electrolytes on Wednesday when I went to urgent care and they were ok and I'm taking my meds daily. Just concerned whether my body is absorbing them. I’m hoping to get some answers and treatment sooner than later.

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I agree with Lori, you need to request a stool pathogen test to make sure if your diarrhea is not caused by something that needs specific medication to treat it. C Diff is nothing to mess with for transplant patients. I had it combined with Norovirus in Feb 2022. It can take a while to fully recover even with medication. Keep hydrated and eat a bland diet like toast, rice, mashed potatoes to try to bulk up your stools. Bananas if they have that effect on you to help with potassium. Cold 7-up helped me, too as well as lots of water. Ask about Imodium AD to slow things down after the stool test.
Take care!


@rt4copd - I had horrible diarrhea after my transplant for a month or so. It was horrible and wears you down. My transplant team finally figured out it was medication related. They switched out the Myfortic I was on. My Tac levels were fine though. I agree with the other comments, let your transplant team know. My thought if it was a food you ate, it would be cleared up by now, but I am no doctor. Good luck 🍀


Hi, Your TO team needs to be on top of this, I am shocked they have not ordered cultures. I hope they will get on top of this and take care of u..
Good luck and feel well soon.


@rt4copd, I am wondering how you are doing. I have seen some excellent patient experiences that members have shared with you. I hope that you are recovered and that this was a case of eating something that didn't agree with you 🤞
You were concerned about your tacrolimus level. What did you find out?

@rt4copd, What organ did you receive? How long ago?


I had horrendous diarrhea for 2 years after my transplant. Honestly it's only been about 7 months, but things have finally settled down. Stay strong. Eat cheese, it's a natural binder and may work 😁

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