Daily random shocks throughout body
Hoping someone can give us suggestions of things for us to test for. I posted this in the kids and teen section but I don't believe this happens to just kids.
Two of my kids, one boy age 15, one girl age 11 get random shocks in their bodies everyday. The shocks go straight through their body from front to back. It does NOT run along a nerve. There can be just one or up to about 10 in a row. It can be so painful it makes them moan out load in pain or ones they barely feel. They last for just a second or two. The shocks happen everywhere on their bodies, mostly on their chest and rarely on the head.
My oldest son has seen a Cardiologist and a Neurologist where he had tons of tests done showing absolutely nothing. He had a MRI of the Brain, EEG, MRI of the Spine and EMG on the arm and leg. All of his blood work came back normal except the TSH said slight elevation of 5.69. But he retested and it came back normal. The following are some of the tests that he did:
A & A, CBC blood count, CMP, Full Rate Count, Heavy Metal Screen, Lyme disease, Magnesium RA Factor, SED Rate, T3 total, T4 Free, T4 Total, TSH and Vitamin B12.
The only thing that I can see that these two children have in common that my other five do not have, is that they both often got motion sickness but we have pretty much stopped that with Peppermint oil. They also both get light headed and have small headaches etc. when the exert themselves in sports. (They are very competitive and always give more than 100%...saying that so you understand that they are really pushing themselves when they get light headed) If anybody knows of some things we can look into as to what this could be I would greatly appreciate it. I think the thing that seems to be different, is that the shocks again, always go from the front of their body straight out their backside.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
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This is an old posting I responded to on another site but the problem may still exist. It does for my daughter. I reached out to Dr Sander who had the program Diagnosis but she is unable to assist at this time. So I turn to general folks who may have similar issues. My daughter has suffered and I do mean suffered with generalized electric shocks in specific and then general parts of her body. she had gone to neuro docs but of course when tests and evaluations come up negative it must be all in her head. Typical answer when a doc doesn't know. She had recently been experiencing a feeling of fire in her face even to the extent she feels her hair is frizzing. She feels like someone has put a hand on her face and is pushing. She can feel or hear the buzz given off by electric lights, she can outline on her face the way the electrical feeling is going. It starts at her ear goes down on the skin alongside her nose then to her jaw {all on the same side} She thought it might be her teeth and perhaps allergy to the new fillings in there, but NO the dentist just looked at her and shook his and her heads. She had tried Gabapentin and Tegretol but the Tegretol just makes her lethargic, forgetful and many of the side effects listed, she has them. She cries frequently because she gets to a point she can't stand the feelings or rather she can't ignore them and gets very upset. I find these symptoms confusing to me and why after MRIs and different medications being tried for what is an obvious neurological issue, she can't get sustained relief. It was suggested Trigeminal neuralgia but not actually confirmed. Of course the symptoms I have related are just the top of the cake and more definitive symptoms and life situations exist. If some of what I have related triggers [pun not intended] similar issues with anyone else please comment and tell if you have been given reasons for this phenomenon so I can pursue more avenues. I must also relate I am a registered profession nurse with a BSN so I have some familiarity with medical situations, but this one is a mystery.
Hello @sparkmom2, It has to be so terrible to watch your daughter suffering and not being able to find something that provides her relief. You mentioned Trigeminal neuralgia and the symptoms do sound similar. Here's some information on the condition:
"Trigeminal neuralgia is a condition that causes painful sensations similar to an electric shock on one side of the face. This chronic pain condition affects the trigeminal nerve, which carries sensation from your face to your brain."
-- Trigeminal neuralgia - Symptoms and causes: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/trigeminal-neuralgia/symptoms-causes/syc-20353344
There are a couple of discussions you might find helpful:
-- Trigeminal neuralgia: What helps stop the pain?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/trigeminal-neuralgia-5/
-- Trigeminal Neuralgia*: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/trigeminal-neuralgia-2273cc/
I'm sure your daughter has probably seen many doctors. Have you thought about seeking help at a teaching hospital or major health facility like Mayo Clinic?
I know you posted long back in 2019 but wanted to check with you. My son born in may 2016 when he turned 5, one day got very bad pain on back of neck. Crying and we didn't get snd it lasted luke 15 20 mins but that's it nothing afterwards. Showed Dr they said maybe a spasm.
After 1 yr after that, he was 6 and started tics and even now gets them. What's most hurtful is to see him get some electric current passed thru him face he makes for 2 seconds.. And it repeats periodically for many times. Don't know if it's Tourette syndrome or what, but yes my husband has tics also. Please reply how you doing as I'm tensed for my little one whose now 7 years.
Hi, did you ever figure out anymore about your children's illness? My 9 year old is experiencing similar symptoms.