What's recovery after distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy like?

Posted by blw77 @blw77, Jun 6, 2022

Can anyone give me information on how their recovery was after distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy? After 2 years of MRIs every 6 months and watching an MNC slowly but steadily grow, my doctor said that I should have this procedure. I'm 45 and typically a fairly healthy and active female. I'm trying to figure out how much time I'll need to be off of work or if I can manage to squeeze in in during the summer yet while I'm off.

Thank you for any information you have!

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You are amazing. I have surgery scheduled for tomorrow and I hope I will have the courage you had in dealing with the complications

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I hope your surgery goes well.


I had a DP w/splenectomy in Jan, 2023. I recovered for 5 days post op in the hospital. Had a drainage tube which was removed within 3 days. No infections. I recovered fine with zero complications however I now have to take Omaprezole twice per day due to burning in my stomach. I cut out all fatty foods other than avocados & healthy fats. I’m vegan so that has not bothered me. I also cut out all alcohol which does bother me a bit. Trying to not eat any sugar. Sometimes that is difficult to avoid since it’s in everything. For the most part I am back to normal except now I’m on chemo.


I hope your surgery goes well.

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Thank you!

Wendy Reagan


Guaranteed quick recovery from everything when you travel for fun. Especially if it includes walking and sunshine!

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gamaryanne. Thank you. Agree sunshine, fresh air and walking are all good for keeping your spirits up. I mentioned that I was embarking on 8 cycles of chemo (oxaliplatin, irinotecan and 5Fu) followed by 28 rounds of radiation. Was wondering if you had any tips and advice that would help me get through. If I recall you had a similar regimen. Any advice from your experience would be appreciated. Regard Steve


gamaryanne. Thank you. Agree sunshine, fresh air and walking are all good for keeping your spirits up. I mentioned that I was embarking on 8 cycles of chemo (oxaliplatin, irinotecan and 5Fu) followed by 28 rounds of radiation. Was wondering if you had any tips and advice that would help me get through. If I recall you had a similar regimen. Any advice from your experience would be appreciated. Regard Steve

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My regimen was different. 12 rounds fulfurinox, Y90, 2 more rounds of folfuri(without the ox) than the pancreadectomy/spleenectomy. I have not taken large doses of radiation treatment, other than all of these scans. My last surgery was liver resection at end of February. Do everything you can to get through the big F-it’s tough but it works


I had a distal pancreatectomy and spleenectomy at Mayo in November. Surgery went well, just a little abdominal pain afterwards and some gas pains. The best thing to do is get up and move no matter how painful. It alleviates some of the gas pain. I have not needed any enzymes or insulin but I just watch my fat intake. I am back to doing everything I did prior to chemo and surgery (hiking, bike riding, canoeing). I feel wonderful. Hoping the best for you and anyone that has to go through this for this awful disease.

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yes great advice. The nurse made get up and start walking. I had to use a walker for a little while.


Welcome @faithjlv. I moved your message asking for suggestions and advice prior to your husband's distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy to remove a neuroendocrine tumor to this existing discussion:

- What's recovery after distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy like? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/recovery-after-distal-pancreatectomy-and-splenectomy/

I did this so you can review the previous helpful suggestions made and to connect easily with fellow members who have been there like @ken240 @blw77 @skkirby @leighs2011 @jqleck @stageivsurvivor and more.

You're asking great questions like pain management, length of hospital stay and things you can do and be prepared for to make his recovery as smooth as possible. It is terrifying. I get that. I know members will have tips to help. Your husband is lucky to have you.

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Hello @faithjlv
I am going through what you have gone through. It's terrifying, stressful and lots of tears and fears. My partner is having an operation on the 6/9/23 same thing accidental findings through CT for his hernia. He's had donate, ERCP, MRI , Gastroscopy pNET and PET Scan showing it's encapsulated. How is your husband now ? and his journey ? Hope he recovered well.


Hello, I had the surgery on December 7 laperoscopic. Totally the best way if one can find a surgeon in your area that is skilled to do it. I am now 6 weeks out and feel totally normal. I am still taking the enzymes and learning what foods affect me but as one could expect, it’s usually things with high fat( which we don’t need anyway)!
Happy to go into detail on recovery and post op pain if anyone is interested. Strongly recommend having a nutritionist available for consulting during this time.
Hugs to all!

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lucky you to have laparoscopy !!
I have the keyhole scars but it was open surgery due to 1 cyst looking like 1/2 a cauliflower and entangled hence spleen removal which wasnt planned.
Out of hospital Nov 4 --back in for over-nighter due to internal infection mid-jan, mid march & 1st week of April
Blood pressure went from 133/76 to 205/111
Now its August and feeling more like myself
Diet still a challenge and now have Diabetes as part of stapled pancreas died & remainder cannot produce enough insulin
Still better than pancreatic cancer though
Keep dancing in your lounge & smelling flowers & admiring birds every chance you get--happy vibes are what we need
Love & Hugs to all on this challenging path


lucky you to have laparoscopy !!
I have the keyhole scars but it was open surgery due to 1 cyst looking like 1/2 a cauliflower and entangled hence spleen removal which wasnt planned.
Out of hospital Nov 4 --back in for over-nighter due to internal infection mid-jan, mid march & 1st week of April
Blood pressure went from 133/76 to 205/111
Now its August and feeling more like myself
Diet still a challenge and now have Diabetes as part of stapled pancreas died & remainder cannot produce enough insulin
Still better than pancreatic cancer though
Keep dancing in your lounge & smelling flowers & admiring birds every chance you get--happy vibes are what we need
Love & Hugs to all on this challenging path

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Wow, you have been through it! My spleen also removed and my gallbladder. I expected to be more prone to colds, viruses, etc but that hasn’t happened thankfully. Did you see a change in your immune system? Do you also see a nutritionist?
Best to you and adjusting to the new you!!


lucky you to have laparoscopy !!
I have the keyhole scars but it was open surgery due to 1 cyst looking like 1/2 a cauliflower and entangled hence spleen removal which wasnt planned.
Out of hospital Nov 4 --back in for over-nighter due to internal infection mid-jan, mid march & 1st week of April
Blood pressure went from 133/76 to 205/111
Now its August and feeling more like myself
Diet still a challenge and now have Diabetes as part of stapled pancreas died & remainder cannot produce enough insulin
Still better than pancreatic cancer though
Keep dancing in your lounge & smelling flowers & admiring birds every chance you get--happy vibes are what we need
Love & Hugs to all on this challenging path

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Thank you for sharing your difficult story. Your courage is impressive!

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