Is there anyone that had estrogen positive cancer, without use of AI?

Posted by tygerrag2 @tygerrag2, Jul 14, 2022

Is there anyone with stage 1 breast cancer, estrogen positive that had a lumpectomy followed by radiation without any other treatment and has remained cancer free?

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No Als but recent PET/ct scan said no tumors or medistatic disease. Praise God!

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@cctoo how far out are you? And how did you manage to get a PET/ct scan?


my stahe 2 er positive from 2016 recurred in 2022. stage 3. Three oncologists said PET /CT scan so I reluctantly did it. Needed to see if I wss candidate for radiation. and if it spread. Thankfully didn't. but I don't want radiation so have to take Femara. never did anything after 2016 lumpectomy. That's why it recurred in armpit nodes. Had several removed surgically.. in October 2022. so npt far out I guess.


Was diagnosed with Stage 1 B/C in 2017, had lumpectomy, followed by 10 bouts of radiation, then put on a med (Don’t remember name) many side effects and was switched to Anastrozole for 5 years (tolerable side effects). I’ve been off it for 7 months now and last mammo and ultrasound came back negative. I am 80. First cancer in my family followed by my son’s prostate cancer (in remission now). I feel blessed. Don’t let cancer take over your life!


Was diagnosed with Stage 1 B/C in 2017, had lumpectomy, followed by 10 bouts of radiation, then put on a med (Don’t remember name) many side effects and was switched to Anastrozole for 5 years (tolerable side effects). I’ve been off it for 7 months now and last mammo and ultrasound came back negative. I am 80. First cancer in my family followed by my son’s prostate cancer (in remission now). I feel blessed. Don’t let cancer take over your life!

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Thank you for sharing. I have been on the fence for taking an AI post lumpectomy and 20 rounds of radiation. I'm afraid of the side effects. My oncologist has told me that if I do it will decrease my chance of reoccurring DCIS. I'm going to try it and see how my body reacts.


Thank you for sharing. I have been on the fence for taking an AI post lumpectomy and 20 rounds of radiation. I'm afraid of the side effects. My oncologist has told me that if I do it will decrease my chance of reoccurring DCIS. I'm going to try it and see how my body reacts.

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@joanmdk most of the women I know did pretty well on an AI. Just wanted to say that the side effects change over time. For instance, I had hot flashes the first month or two and then they stopped.

I switched med and then manufacturers and that made my AI more tolerable. I really wanted to take them but with DCIS it may be harder to commit!


No AI since my osteoporosis situation. I’ve been on Tamoxifen for three months now and feel good.


No AI since my osteoporosis situation. I’ve been on Tamoxifen for three months now and feel good.

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I had severe osteoporosis and did an AI anyway. Most people do Reclast with it but my endo didn't want to prescribe due to another health issue. I would have done fine over 5 years except for an unwise movement that caused a fracture two years after my AI was finished. COVID interfered with my going on Tymlos before the fractures. I have now finished two years of Tymlos and my bones are better than before cancer!


Thank you for sharing. I have been on the fence for taking an AI post lumpectomy and 20 rounds of radiation. I'm afraid of the side effects. My oncologist has told me that if I do it will decrease my chance of reoccurring DCIS. I'm going to try it and see how my body reacts.

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There is nothing more valuable than your own experience and opinion!!!
You can always check in here for thoughts and suggestions along with understanding.
Asking questions should be a valued side effect of all prescriptions offered.


I took Aromasin (Exemestane) for about 5 months after a lumpectomy for DCIS and 5 radiation treatments. I really felt unwell on the medication. Poor sleep, mood issues, (I deal with anxiety and depression) and worried about my lack of energy, potential bone loss and lipid/cardiac issues. As my DCIS was very small and no cancerous cells found in my lumpectomy, I elected to go off it. My risk of recurrence is small in general. It was a hard decision, but I found that dealing with life in general can be hard enough some days! I try to eat better, exercise most days and work on lifestyle changes. Mammogram one year out from diagnosis was negative. We all have to decide what is best for us and our circumstances.


I took Aromasin (Exemestane) for about 5 months after a lumpectomy for DCIS and 5 radiation treatments. I really felt unwell on the medication. Poor sleep, mood issues, (I deal with anxiety and depression) and worried about my lack of energy, potential bone loss and lipid/cardiac issues. As my DCIS was very small and no cancerous cells found in my lumpectomy, I elected to go off it. My risk of recurrence is small in general. It was a hard decision, but I found that dealing with life in general can be hard enough some days! I try to eat better, exercise most days and work on lifestyle changes. Mammogram one year out from diagnosis was negative. We all have to decide what is best for us and our circumstances.

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I’ve just started on exemestane. I had been on Anastrozole for nearly 2 years and that wrecked my back. I’m going to give this a go and if I get bad side effects I’m going to stop it completely. I’m 71 and I have gone from a fit woman to an unfit woman. My oldest son bought me a treadmill and I’ve started doing this in small dies. I exercise a little too. I used to walk 20 -30 kilometres a week - now I’m lucky to do 10 in a good week. X

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