Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP): What helps?

Posted by naiviv @naiviv, Sep 2, 2022

Has anyone been diagnosed with ITP? Does anyone take supplements for ITP? Food to eat to increase platelets?

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Diagnosed with ITP 5 months ago, age 80, was physically active prior to finding platelet count was 10, hospitalized with injections of everything to bring my count up, dropped to 2 and has been as high as 90 , tried Doppelt with major hives, changed to Promactive with little results, bumped up to 750 and are seeing some improvement-read some talk of itching especially after shower or bath, found some relief with a lotion with oatmeal

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Our 24 year old son was also diagnosed with ITP 5 months ago. Symptoms first appeared as Immune Hepatitus showing liver enzymes were off the charts high and platelets were consistently below 5. This condition revealed itself to be Aplastic Anemia. He had a Bone Marrow Transplant on August 4th and is now on day +3. Eltrombopag has been a game-changer.
Recovery is slow ; migraines, nauseau and fevers persist but we are hopeful.


Our 24 year old son was also diagnosed with ITP 5 months ago. Symptoms first appeared as Immune Hepatitus showing liver enzymes were off the charts high and platelets were consistently below 5. This condition revealed itself to be Aplastic Anemia. He had a Bone Marrow Transplant on August 4th and is now on day +3. Eltrombopag has been a game-changer.
Recovery is slow ; migraines, nauseau and fevers persist but we are hopeful.

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Too young to having gone thru this experience, best of luck!


I was diagnosed with ITP in November 2011. My platelet level was 1, not 1,000, but 1. None of the staff had ever seen a living patient with low of a level before. I was in the hospital for 3 weeks being treated with mega-doses of steroids, chemo, and a trial drug N-plate before they could get my platelets at an acceptable level to go home. Once they went up, they stayed up. I had a recurrence May 2016 and was treated with steroids and IGG and again, when my platelets went up they stayed up. I decided to have spleen removed to prevent it from happening again. Well, it happened anyway with a recurrence January 2022. I was hospitalized and treated with IGG ans steroids and when I went home, Promacta, which I only was on about a week because platelets raised to an acceptable level and stayed up. (At this time the platelets are anywhere between 350,000 and 400,000). This time I was also diagnosed with hepatitis b (I'd always tested negative in the past). Since I don't use IV drugs and don't have multiple sexual partners, I'm assuming I got it from the blood treatments. Has anyone else experienced this pattern of intermittent remission ftom ITP? And does anyone know if platelets can fluctuate drastically from day to day?

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Just had 1st episode of ITP age 70. My platelets were also 1. Been on prednisolone for 4 1/2 weeks now and platelets now up to 115. Does anybody have any idea whether a bone marrow condition can be ruled out if platelets are rising. Does anybody know please if there any evidence that would suggest it was more likely to have been an infection, or auto-immune disease that sparked my episode?


Just had 1st episode of ITP age 70. My platelets were also 1. Been on prednisolone for 4 1/2 weeks now and platelets now up to 115. Does anybody have any idea whether a bone marrow condition can be ruled out if platelets are rising. Does anybody know please if there any evidence that would suggest it was more likely to have been an infection, or auto-immune disease that sparked my episode?

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Same thing happened to me. I was diagnosed with low risk MDS in 2017. My platelets ran 27 to 33. Meanwhile I had a serious ear infection lost hearing in that ear. Pneumonia another time and an abscess recently in my lower intestine. They tried platelet transfusions at least 4 times because I needed a hip
Replacement surgery and it did nothing to raise my platelets.
In March if this year they tried steroids. I was put on steroids 50mg for 5 days. My platelets rose to 68 right away. Then in July they were at 112 and then in August they were at 145.
My doctor said she doesn’t get it. Just 5 days on steroids and now they are at 145. I am wondering too. Do I have MDS or did I have a virus or bad infection. Who knows. I think blood diseases are more difficult to diagnose. I read where 40% of people are mistakenly diagnosed with MDS every year.


Same thing happened to me. I was diagnosed with low risk MDS in 2017. My platelets ran 27 to 33. Meanwhile I had a serious ear infection lost hearing in that ear. Pneumonia another time and an abscess recently in my lower intestine. They tried platelet transfusions at least 4 times because I needed a hip
Replacement surgery and it did nothing to raise my platelets.
In March if this year they tried steroids. I was put on steroids 50mg for 5 days. My platelets rose to 68 right away. Then in July they were at 112 and then in August they were at 145.
My doctor said she doesn’t get it. Just 5 days on steroids and now they are at 145. I am wondering too. Do I have MDS or did I have a virus or bad infection. Who knows. I think blood diseases are more difficult to diagnose. I read where 40% of people are mistakenly diagnosed with MDS every year.

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I started on 70mgs prednisolone coming down by 5mgs every 5 days. My platelets have gone up from 1,7,25, 75, 115. I am still in shock though about it occurring out of the blue. If platelets can come up with steroids, wouldn’t that indicate that the bone marrow can function normally and it was more likely to have occurred for another reason?


I started on 70mgs prednisolone coming down by 5mgs every 5 days. My platelets have gone up from 1,7,25, 75, 115. I am still in shock though about it occurring out of the blue. If platelets can come up with steroids, wouldn’t that indicate that the bone marrow can function normally and it was more likely to have occurred for another reason?

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Great question, cannot wait to see the answer. Have you had any side effects with prednisolone?


I feel odd on prednisolone, or is it the illness? I am eating a lot and putting on weight. I am sweating a lot, particularly on my head, sometimes my hair is wet all day. My upper legs feel weak. A couple of times my blood sugar has gone down, not up as is generally the case when people go on high doses of steroids.


I feel odd on prednisolone, or is it the illness? I am eating a lot and putting on weight. I am sweating a lot, particularly on my head, sometimes my hair is wet all day. My upper legs feel weak. A couple of times my blood sugar has gone down, not up as is generally the case when people go on high doses of steroids.

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I couldn’t handle the high dosage of prednisone they put me on the first time 85 mg. Then tried again 2 yrs later on 50mg for only 5 days and my platelets have rose from 33 to 145 over 6 months. I didn’t need to be on a high dosage. Maybe ask them yo reduce your dosage and see what happens.


I started on 70mgs prednisolone coming down by 5mgs every 5 days. My platelets have gone up from 1,7,25, 75, 115. I am still in shock though about it occurring out of the blue. If platelets can come up with steroids, wouldn’t that indicate that the bone marrow can function normally and it was more likely to have occurred for another reason?

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That is what I am thinking. Did they have the right diagnosis if MDS or was it a really bad infection if some kind or virus.


I feel odd on prednisolone, or is it the illness? I am eating a lot and putting on weight. I am sweating a lot, particularly on my head, sometimes my hair is wet all day. My upper legs feel weak. A couple of times my blood sugar has gone down, not up as is generally the case when people go on high doses of steroids.

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I think it’s the steroids. High dosages have nasty side effects.

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