Is any one else getting teaser days?

Posted by jimmiep @jimmiep, Jul 26, 2023

I've had this Covid Crud for the past 7 months now. Most day's are brain fog, no energy, fevers, constipation, All the same crap we all suffer with.
Once in a while I will wake up and for no reason feel fantastic like" It's finally gone" then BOOM. Back to crap. I've had it happen 4 different times. The first time lasted 3 day's, then it was gone. The next time was 6 straight day's of it's gone, then it's back, Then one day once and two day's once. I call these day's teasers. Satin is picking on me with candy.
JUst would like to know if this happens to any one else. OH, before I go back to bad, that evening I become extremely irritable, so I know it's coming back.

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I got a severe case of Covid in 3/20. I had MONTHS where I felt ok-ish, then hit. The hits grew longer and looooooonger…. And now I’m sick all the time; but I will have a day or two of hope………..

Come on, Someody!! A cure! A cure!!


The first time this happened to me I thought it was over, then wham. Next time I had hopes, but no dice. After that, I just enjoyed the reprieve. This last time it lasted for over a week. I was scared to hope, but still kind of did. I did too much, and have had the worst couple of weeks yet. Teaser days is the perfect way to describe it. It feels nice & cruel at the same time.

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After the 4th time I decided they were teasers. I take and do as much as I can when I get them. When they leave you will always feel like it's a bad hangover for a few days. It doesn't matter if you take it easy when it hits. It's still gonna suck the first few days it's gone. But I really look forward to the Wonderful feeling days I do get. Helps me appreciate feeling good.


YES!!!! When this first began in February 2023, I would get moments in the day where I would feel okay. And then I would have a couple hours in some days which I felt normal and then bam back again.. and then it started to be maybe a half a day that I felt better in some days and then bam back again..
And then I got to be where I had a whole day, feeling normal and thinking I’m getting better, but then bam back again.
Recently, I had almost a couple weeks where I thought it was actually gone away and the thought of feeling the way I used to was very unimaginable to happen again in my mind. But I woke up one day and BAM it was back again and I have been in bed for the last three days.
I’m just glad on the last long period where I felt normal I got to spend quality time with my grandchildren, and I actually had one of them spend the night.
I am tired of going to the doctors and getting tests and going to different specialists. It feels like a full-time job just doing that! I cannot make any sort of plans because I don’t know how I will feel that day. Waking up is a mystery each day and I never know what it will bring.
I am really getting tired of living like this because I’m really starting to believe that this is going to be me for the rest of my life…. 😫


Yes, I too have experienced the “teaser” days. I even have moments when I may feel like my healthy self and forget for just a moment the beast within me… but not very long and reality hits me. The next moment I am suffering with fever, chest tightness/pain , shortness of breath , stabbing neuropathy pain in my head, hips, legs… the list goes on and on as you all know too well , I’m sure.
PASC … is such a dreadful beast!
I find that I get VERY agitated (especially when going into a new “crash”) I cannot seem to deal mentally with things that never phased me before Covid . Sometimes panic will present, trembling and overwhelming feeling .
Will we ever get some answers?? Will this eventually go away ? I work hard on staying hopeful/faithful, but it gets very hard some days .


YES!!!! When this first began in February 2023, I would get moments in the day where I would feel okay. And then I would have a couple hours in some days which I felt normal and then bam back again.. and then it started to be maybe a half a day that I felt better in some days and then bam back again..
And then I got to be where I had a whole day, feeling normal and thinking I’m getting better, but then bam back again.
Recently, I had almost a couple weeks where I thought it was actually gone away and the thought of feeling the way I used to was very unimaginable to happen again in my mind. But I woke up one day and BAM it was back again and I have been in bed for the last three days.
I’m just glad on the last long period where I felt normal I got to spend quality time with my grandchildren, and I actually had one of them spend the night.
I am tired of going to the doctors and getting tests and going to different specialists. It feels like a full-time job just doing that! I cannot make any sort of plans because I don’t know how I will feel that day. Waking up is a mystery each day and I never know what it will bring.
I am really getting tired of living like this because I’m really starting to believe that this is going to be me for the rest of my life…. 😫

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I’ve been dealing with this June 16 of 2022. I’ve been told to stay away from Large group of people. So I have stayed away from family functions. The I have not been working since then I have lost my job due to this Long Covid I was feeling a little bit better ,my daughter decided to get us dodger tickets so I decided to go .I figured I would go shooting if I can handle the dodger game with no issues. Oh I was wrong. It was very hard for me to walk to my seat and enjoy the game.. My family members are saying how could you go to the dodger game .I thought you were supposed to be away from large groups of people. I try to explain to them if I can handle this I can handle going back to work. . I am still struggling with brain, fog and nerve damage in my feet and Fatigue can’t sleep and depression.
Ucla sent me to respiratory therapy and I couldn’t even handle doing any kind of exercises for longer than 10 minutes. And they realize that I need to see a psychiatrist to try to deal.
I really believe that if you don’t have long Covid people don’t even understand what you’re going through. I still can’t believe that it’s been this long . I know everybody that’s dealing with this problem. Just wants to get their life back.


I’ve been dealing with this June 16 of 2022. I’ve been told to stay away from Large group of people. So I have stayed away from family functions. The I have not been working since then I have lost my job due to this Long Covid I was feeling a little bit better ,my daughter decided to get us dodger tickets so I decided to go .I figured I would go shooting if I can handle the dodger game with no issues. Oh I was wrong. It was very hard for me to walk to my seat and enjoy the game.. My family members are saying how could you go to the dodger game .I thought you were supposed to be away from large groups of people. I try to explain to them if I can handle this I can handle going back to work. . I am still struggling with brain, fog and nerve damage in my feet and Fatigue can’t sleep and depression.
Ucla sent me to respiratory therapy and I couldn’t even handle doing any kind of exercises for longer than 10 minutes. And they realize that I need to see a psychiatrist to try to deal.
I really believe that if you don’t have long Covid people don’t even understand what you’re going through. I still can’t believe that it’s been this long . I know everybody that’s dealing with this problem. Just wants to get their life back.

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You know how I handle it. I have to find things to do. Things that take some time.. Today I picked, washed, cored, and cooked apples. It took me all day. I stay on a task till I get it done and don't spend all day thinking of how crappy I feel. I intend to finish canning my apple sauce tonight and then tomorrow canning apple juice. I don't feel good for a moment, but it gets me thru the day. It's my new normal so I guess we need to get used to it. Still doesn't make me feel any better, but I can get thru the day and get things done. Don't be too depressed. I'm getting there and don't want it to happen. Your daughter is still there for you and your important to her. Just ask her. So put on some cheech and chong and laugh at something. It helps.


It is really rough weeks for me as well, lindy1965.
I have found that since I can't drive anymore, I see my grandchild less. She is the one person that always lights up my life.
I have good days, but far more bad ones.
I was the fixer in most of my family for so long and now I need people to tell me if what I say even makes sense. I feel isolated and alone most days, but find some comfort to find that I am not alone.
Thank you to everyone who shares on here. You never know when you can make a difference by just being supportive and understanding.

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I am in the same situation. Long hauler for 1 1/2 yr. I had to quit work…we all know the reasons🥹
One of which is that I don’t drive. We used take our grandkids every week for a sleepover, we miss them terribly. I can’t tolerate the post exertional malaise that comes due to the me/CFS.
I am blessed to have a great husband that completely understands and supports me so being alone has to be so difficult, my heart and prayers are with you.


I got a severe case of Covid in 3/20. I had MONTHS where I felt ok-ish, then hit. The hits grew longer and looooooonger…. And now I’m sick all the time; but I will have a day or two of hope………..

Come on, Someody!! A cure! A cure!!

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Yes, same timeline as you and sick all the time with episodes of feeling ok for a day and then the PEM for days, weeks. Exhausted but my brain is wired. Currently in a “crash”.
I pray for us all 🙏


I am sorry you are going through this. It's not fun, I have been to the ER 6x twice hospitalized. That is what I went through for a while. Now my LHC symptoms are further apart with most days being good days. I started out just like you, within 6-8 months I am now feeling almost back to myself, 3 weeks later a couple of " off days" I won't call them bad days because so many people have it way worse. So I'm going to count my blessings. Hopefully for you it starts reversing. I'm now back on the tennis court I can now hold the conversation without holding out on having one because I didn't want people that I had never had a conversation with to think I was crazy. I couldn't remember my own name half the time. Now my memory is 90% back. I still get more tired than I normally would, once again I'm going to count my blessings. I pray for you that this happens for you and many others also. I never thought I would be back to so-called normal or even close to it. I tried not to focus on it and kept going. I always remember that there were people out there that were much worse than I was. Although I was bad some like yourself, had to quit work I'm very blessed to be retired. Hang in there, try not to focus on it, that's just my opinion. I truly believe thoughts become things and the more I thought about it it seemed like the worst it got I was at a panic state. You will get through this keep looking at the light at the end of the tunnel. God bless you and keep strong.


Do a google search for "long covid sticky blood symptoms".

This is from
New evidence shows that patients with Long COVID syndrome continue to have higher measures of blood clotting, which may help explain their persistent symptoms, such as reduced physical fitness and fatigue.

This is from
When you have more blood and it is thicker than normal, problems can occur. Each person’s symptoms may vary. Symptoms may include:
Lack of energy (fatigue) or weakness
Shortness of breath and trouble breathing while lying down
Vision problems, such as double vision, blurred vision, and blind spots
Inability to concentrate

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