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I do not know if this is allowed here, and I am not a medical doctor nor a healthcare provider but there is good alternative help out there to recover. Always check with your doctor about adding anything so it does not interfere with other conditions or medications.

Monolaurin is an excellent help to recover from EBV. I can not stress this enough. I have a favorite brand that comes in little pellets (check ingredients are right for right) Do NOT follow dosage advice, start with one pellet and build ever so slowly as you feel comfortable (back down if you feel any discomfort). You should see progress very slowly.

Elderberry and lemon balm are good tinctures for EBV.

Other general suplemebts and vitamins will help you rebuild (vit D might be very helpful; if testing fir vit D ask for level in cells not circulating but you can add some on grey days or what’s not)
The usual recommendations apply about food, supporting your body to move things around etc… there are plenty of unharmful info around to help you (I say unharmful because it is just about lifestyle and not adding anything. Often it’s about taking something out or changing your habits or learning to take care of yourself). The trend over the year has been to take care of the gut and even though it seems unrelated, taking good care of your GIT will help (actually I just learnt EBV is involved in that area). There is a lot of very good info out there (I do not subscribe to anything restrictive and weirdly diet can be quite personal in what makes you feel better).

Do not get scared of chronic fatigue. If your mono is uncomplicated, you will recover if you invest in your health. Which is difficult with life in the way. But I didn’t and I regret it.

Mostly, you must avoid stress. And when I say avoid: I know you can’t. So by avoid i mean you need to learn how not to let it take a hold of you; you must take care of your central nervous system. There is s lot out there for this; between vagal nerve exercises to breathing exercises to yoga nidra to taking time to enjoy nature. Do not run on empty or adrenaline or it will come back.

You can recover from this. Mostly Monolaurin is super helpful.

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