Post covid itch and hives

Posted by tania7 @tania7, Apr 4, 2023

I’m 11 months post covid and have been experiencing red, itchy skin for a couple weeks now. When I itch my skin I get hives. Antihistamines seem to work but then it comes back after a few days. Hot water and heat seems to aggravate the situation. Anyone else experience this and find something that works?

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Google the use of Pepcid and Zyrtec for long haul Covid. Each one calms different cytokines which is very interesting. I’m taking both just to see what symptoms lessen or hopefully disappear! I’m functioning! I’m exercising past the pains! I’m taking 30+ supplements that have been touted for long haul symptoms. I take no prescriptions because they are not indicated. Blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol normal. Monumental pain is down to minimal.
One can’t help but wonder why this is not getting more attention with all the long haul suffering.
Too simple and Big Pharma sure is not going to let this be promoted.

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I did try the Pepcid + Zyrtec but the full dose of Zyrtec put me to sleep so I'm still experimenting with the dosing.
When you mention the "monumental pain," are you referring to the leg muscle/joint pain? I can barely get up & down the steps but I'm just starting the H1, H2 protocol and assume that it takes time to work.
I have to be careful with any supplements as I'm on blood thinners & an Afib med, but I am taking full-spectrum vitamins and "eating clean."
Thank you for replying to my post 🙂


I did try the Pepcid + Zyrtec but the full dose of Zyrtec put me to sleep so I'm still experimenting with the dosing.
When you mention the "monumental pain," are you referring to the leg muscle/joint pain? I can barely get up & down the steps but I'm just starting the H1, H2 protocol and assume that it takes time to work.
I have to be careful with any supplements as I'm on blood thinners & an Afib med, but I am taking full-spectrum vitamins and "eating clean."
Thank you for replying to my post 🙂

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Yes the Zyrtec does make me tired so I take it before bedtime. And I take the Pepcid three times a day. Very frankly, I’m not sure of the dosing. I’m just trying to soothe and save myself since 8 doctors later not one has helped. BUT you must clear things with your doctor since you are on those meds you mentioned. Can’t take any chances. But proud of you for being proactive! The pain was originally unbearable in legs, joints, and muscles. I have very little pain in legs now. Then diagnosed with bursitis in arms. The more I read the more I couldn’t accept that. So I YouTubed and tried exercises that addressed tendinitis that made more sense as a diagnosis. Arm has improved tremendously. I fight through the pain because I believe exercise is one of the biggest cures for long haul Covid plus the taming of the cytokines. And I am admitting that getting past the Covid fatigue is perhaps the worst of all the challenges. I start the day with a V8 diet Energy drink. Has just enough caffeine to kickstart movement. PS: I’m 75 and I’m not stopping. And I’m not even sure how long to take the Zyrtec and Pepcid…Maybe when I’m cured…lol


Yes the Zyrtec does make me tired so I take it before bedtime. And I take the Pepcid three times a day. Very frankly, I’m not sure of the dosing. I’m just trying to soothe and save myself since 8 doctors later not one has helped. BUT you must clear things with your doctor since you are on those meds you mentioned. Can’t take any chances. But proud of you for being proactive! The pain was originally unbearable in legs, joints, and muscles. I have very little pain in legs now. Then diagnosed with bursitis in arms. The more I read the more I couldn’t accept that. So I YouTubed and tried exercises that addressed tendinitis that made more sense as a diagnosis. Arm has improved tremendously. I fight through the pain because I believe exercise is one of the biggest cures for long haul Covid plus the taming of the cytokines. And I am admitting that getting past the Covid fatigue is perhaps the worst of all the challenges. I start the day with a V8 diet Energy drink. Has just enough caffeine to kickstart movement. PS: I’m 75 and I’m not stopping. And I’m not even sure how long to take the Zyrtec and Pepcid…Maybe when I’m cured…lol

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You're an inspiration! I just turned 81 so it's easy for the docs to blame the aches & pains on age but I'm not giving up either! The only thing that remains constant & pre-dates covid is the hip bursitis, otherwise I concur that the other joint pain is more like tendonitis. I know from a pre-covid MRI that I do have spinal stenosis & some disc issues but everything that's come on post-covid I don't even discuss with my Primary as her eyes glaze over & she can't wait to refer me out. Seeing the cardiologist was definitely worth it & he says that I have a good handle on long covid, but now I also have an adrenal gland tumor and he has persuaded me that it's worth the PET scan. If it turns out to be non-functional, then I could benefit from treatment (stay tuned).


Not sure what they are treating you for.. All my tests came back normal. No one appears to test the cytokine activity which according to studies needs to be done. So I just opt to take the Zyrtec and Pepcid that have been used in the studies successfully to lessen Covid problems resulting from over expressive cytokine activity. The drugs are antihistamines that address the overabundance of histamines in the system related to the cytokine abundance. Hope that clarifies. Are they treating a specific symptom you are having?

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Prednisone apparently for the relief and Allegra for the prevention. The issue is they haven’t determined what the cause is.


You're an inspiration! I just turned 81 so it's easy for the docs to blame the aches & pains on age but I'm not giving up either! The only thing that remains constant & pre-dates covid is the hip bursitis, otherwise I concur that the other joint pain is more like tendonitis. I know from a pre-covid MRI that I do have spinal stenosis & some disc issues but everything that's come on post-covid I don't even discuss with my Primary as her eyes glaze over & she can't wait to refer me out. Seeing the cardiologist was definitely worth it & he says that I have a good handle on long covid, but now I also have an adrenal gland tumor and he has persuaded me that it's worth the PET scan. If it turns out to be non-functional, then I could benefit from treatment (stay tuned).

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Hey partner…Yep our parts get older but the power of our mind is immeasurable! Sad but true that doctors judge us by our age and too often form an opinion. That’s why we take it day by day and do what we have to to improve our situation. Much of the research has already proven Covid symptoms have been instigated by the virus! The tendinitis is a prime one. And believe it or not osteoporosis is another. Just 2 examples. I would take the PET. We have to take any test they offer just to eliminate concerns and get it off off list. All the best! And keep us posted…


Prednisone apparently for the relief and Allegra for the prevention. The issue is they haven’t determined what the cause is.

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Just thinking that you might want to talk with them about the Covid research on over expressive cytokines in the body. The Zyrtec and Pepcid took away my itching. each one addresses a specific cytokine of which we have many. They are necessary for immunity but in us long haulers they didn't know when to stop and are consequently over acting and creating histamine overabundance which makes you itch!!!
Maybe that's all too simplistic for doctors to grasp but if you Google cetirizine (Zyrtec) and famotidine (Pepcid) for Covid you can find much research and you can hand it to your doctor. If they don't pay attention you might want to find another doctor. I would...and have.


Just thinking that you might want to talk with them about the Covid research on over expressive cytokines in the body. The Zyrtec and Pepcid took away my itching. each one addresses a specific cytokine of which we have many. They are necessary for immunity but in us long haulers they didn't know when to stop and are consequently over acting and creating histamine overabundance which makes you itch!!!
Maybe that's all too simplistic for doctors to grasp but if you Google cetirizine (Zyrtec) and famotidine (Pepcid) for Covid you can find much research and you can hand it to your doctor. If they don't pay attention you might want to find another doctor. I would...and have.

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Well I meet with him today . I see an allergist on Tuesday they did blood work today on thyroid and glucose just to make sure . I’m already on Allegra and was on Zyrtec a few days ago. I also take protonix 40 mg once a day as a daily regimen. I will inquire about the Pepcid. I have discussed this long term COVID with a few of them and there 50/50 on it but not ruling it out


I had Covid in February 23, it’s September. I’ve had itching and hives. Just had bloodwork done and my monocytes, eosinophils, basophils are elevated. My absolutes are in normal. Anyone else?


I had Covid in February 23, it’s September. I’ve had itching and hives. Just had bloodwork done and my monocytes, eosinophils, basophils are elevated. My absolutes are in normal. Anyone else?

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Hi @brenda80. Know how frustrating all this can be and as you read through think you will find many who have elevated lab values. Since it appears every part of our bodies can be affected and can present differently for each as well, seems helpful to rule out any underlying issue first related to lab work etc without mention of covid. And manage the post covid symptoms with daily care of pacing, food intake evaluation/change for possible inflammation triggers, PT, ST, and wonderful support from family, friends, here . . . You’ve got this and time will show you are healing🌈


Hi @brenda80. Know how frustrating all this can be and as you read through think you will find many who have elevated lab values. Since it appears every part of our bodies can be affected and can present differently for each as well, seems helpful to rule out any underlying issue first related to lab work etc without mention of covid. And manage the post covid symptoms with daily care of pacing, food intake evaluation/change for possible inflammation triggers, PT, ST, and wonderful support from family, friends, here . . . You’ve got this and time will show you are healing🌈

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Thank you so much 😊

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