Anyone had a successful experience w/ Mayo Pain Rehabilitation Center?

Posted by swimbikerun @swimbikerun, Mar 17, 2022

Just wondering if anyone has had success with the Mayo Pain Rehabilitation Center program? That seems to be the direction my dr's are moving in but there are aspects of it that give me pause. For instance, the idea of discontinuation of pain meds. The strongest meds I'm on is Tylenol so a focus on this would not be very beneficial for me.

If anyone can share their experiences positive or negative with the 3 week rehab program I would greatly appreciate it. Also, is Mayo the only/best option? It requires travel for me with 3 weeks of hotel/etc expenses so would nice if there were other options closer to home.

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Hi there, @connie2023 - I'm shifting our conversation to this thread in order to stay on topic. How did your second Mayo PRC appointment with their psychologist go?


As a recent PRC grad, I'm hoping hard that you can make this happen! You can read about my life-
changing, life-giving experience in Jacksonville in other posts and comments. As I said there, I wish everyone could go through it!! I don't dwell on diagnoses past or present, but do want to tell you we share some. I'm a 2 time cancer survivor, the last being colon and fibromyalgia is among the many issues I was dealing with prior to PRC. I have my life back with tools to make it healthier and happier than ever before. Getting there took doing my own Go Fund Me to pay for lodging and transportation while Medicare and my supplement took care of the rest. I have suggestions for affordable accomodations and transportation options in the Jacksonville area if you are considering the program here. I'm so grateful to be able to offer any information I found that might help you and others do this program!! 💜

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Hi, @tallyteresa, checking in to see how things are going in your C-life these days? Have you met any current goals or set new ones?


Hi there, @connie2023 - I'm shifting our conversation to this thread in order to stay on topic. How did your second Mayo PRC appointment with their psychologist go?

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@rwinney and @tallyteresa it went well and I am scheduled to attend the PRC toward the end of October. I have been in a whirlwind of activity since I got home so I have not had time to look over the materials they gave me, but I am looking forward to attending the 3 week session. Luckily, it is covered by Medicare and my Supplemental, so my only expenses will be for lodging and meals. My husband and dog will be joining me as I cannot drive a rental car. I can only drive mine because it has the left foot accelerator pedal enabling me to drive with my left foot. Next step will be to start looking for an AirBNB.


@rwinney and @tallyteresa it went well and I am scheduled to attend the PRC toward the end of October. I have been in a whirlwind of activity since I got home so I have not had time to look over the materials they gave me, but I am looking forward to attending the 3 week session. Luckily, it is covered by Medicare and my Supplemental, so my only expenses will be for lodging and meals. My husband and dog will be joining me as I cannot drive a rental car. I can only drive mine because it has the left foot accelerator pedal enabling me to drive with my left foot. Next step will be to start looking for an AirBNB.

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Fantastic news, @connie2023! Congratulations on being scheduled for October and that much closer to your PRC experience. You are giving me a dejavu moment as I also attended during October, and was covered through Medicare and my out of network supplemental plan. Many people don't think Mayo PRC accepts Medicare but they do and it's wonderful . You are fortunate to be able to save on airfare by driving with your companions. Aw, how nice your husband and dog will both be there through the 3 weeks to support you.

If you've had a chance to go through your paperwork and have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to reach out. I'm happy to help. I recall having multiple concerns leading up to my attendance. Is there any one area of the program that you feel apprehensive or concerned about?

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