Has anyone else been diagnosed with COPD after COVID?

Posted by bentleyoakguy @bentleyoakguy, Jun 13, 2022


I'm a 52 year old guy that was diagnosed with COVID on May 6th. I also tested positive for antibodies in Fall 2020. I'm not / nor have I ever been a smoker. I have no history of Asthma, but my mom has COPD (stage 2). After 2 weeks of rather mild covid (no breathing issues / fever) I developed what the urgent care dr told me was acute bronchitis. We started me on prednisone, Mucinex, and promethazine DM for cough. After a week, I had to go back and got another round of prednisone and Albuterol. I followed up with primary care and she prescribed Trelegy and said that this is likely Post Covid / COPD.

I'm having shortness of breath, wheezing, and cough with a little mucus. I'm being told to stay on meds and wait 3 months. I'm extremely down after fighting this for 6 weeks and now getting COPD on the table. I have asked for a pulmonary function test but beyond that, I'm lost on how to proceed. My pulse O2 is always above 95% and in the last 2 days, I forced myself to the gym (indoor track) for a brisk 2 miles, which I can do without exhaustion.

Does this scenario resonate with anyone? Is anyone else diagnosed with COPD after COVID? I'm staying on the primary Dr for a pulmonary function test to see what is going on with my lungs and get a baseline (sorry I'm an engineer and must have data).

Thanks for reading.


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Hi Jay,
I just came across your post and would like to provide the following. I was recently “diagnosed” with COPD after dealing with Post-COVID shortness of breath/chest wheezing. I came down with COVID-19 on New Year’s Day in 2022. Following my recovery and just after returning to work January 11, I was removing heavy water-laden snow from our roof on February 12. Not 2 minutes in, I experienced shortness of breath/gasping and audible wheezing. I remember thinking to myself how in the world could I be so short of breath just from shoveling. Although the snow was heavier than normal, it did not otherwise exceed my normal physical capacity that I had prior to coming down with COVID. Before COVID, I was a very good physical shape and regularly performed a good cardio workout at planet fitness 3-4 times per week for 5 straight years. I’m 6’2” tall and maintained a body weight of 205-207 during this time. Not one for racing to the doctors office, I obtained information with respect to my breathing/wheezing difficulties via many reputable medical institution websites which has labeled my symptoms as a Post-Covid conditions. My personal physician retired sometime ago and at the encouragement of my wife, I was recently seen and evaluated by a FNP as our city lacks the availability of MD’s that are accepting new patients. After a full blood work up and second office visit, I was advised to obtain a chest x-ray evaluation that was read by a radiologist as COPD. Although I am also a past smoker who quit back in 2007, I believed that my diagnosis for COPD was simply determined by a radiologist based upon what my x-rays may have looked like and my smoking history. I feel that it completely dismissed the factors relating to what I conveyed and believe were and remain as Post-COVID lung. I completed a pulmonary spirometry exam last week… I “failed” it. When I arrived, I provided the nurse with a 3 page summary personally detailing my experiences with COVID and shortness of breath issues that have remained with me and my reasons for my disagreement with COPD as a diagnosis. The nurse who performed my spirometry exam asked me, “How much research have you done on COPD and how much do you know about COPD ?” My reply was “Not much to be honest but how much research have you conducted on Post-COVID lung issues and what do you know about Post-Covid shortness of breath/chest wheezing ?” She said, “Not much…” Therein lies the problem… The CDC website recently confirmed that there is no specific medical test for those who suffer from Post-COVID shortness of breath and that it can take weeks, months and even years to recover from. So with no other medical test, the default diagnosis— at least in my case is- COPD. I’ve just been accepted as a patient with a very well known and respected physician in my area who is currently treating patients with the very symptoms from which I currently suffer. I will be seeing him next month and he has been provided with the results from my pulmonary exam. I will (reluctantly) accept and will deal with COPD if it can be more medically substantiated that it is indeed what I do have. However, there is presently a very real medical disconnect going on here. You can read all the medical dissemination involving the research that is currently underway regarding Post-Covid shortness of breath and the vast similarities as it relates to COPD. But, as of now, it is just medical research from which no real conclusive medical information is yet known. In the meantime, I have returned to the gym and am easing myself back into cardio exercise regimen and honestly feel great. This is a real problem that, in one way or another, will eventually be resolved.


I was Diagnosed with OPD three weeks ago. My Pulmonary Dr. has not yet put the C in front. I had covid in August of 2022. Was not hospitalized but had severe lung congestion. I am having more pulmonary tests done at the end of August. I am on Albutoral now. I am 70 and had no health issues and was very active before Covid.


Hi Jay,
I just came across your post and would like to provide the following. I was recently “diagnosed” with COPD after dealing with Post-COVID shortness of breath/chest wheezing. I came down with COVID-19 on New Year’s Day in 2022. Following my recovery and just after returning to work January 11, I was removing heavy water-laden snow from our roof on February 12. Not 2 minutes in, I experienced shortness of breath/gasping and audible wheezing. I remember thinking to myself how in the world could I be so short of breath just from shoveling. Although the snow was heavier than normal, it did not otherwise exceed my normal physical capacity that I had prior to coming down with COVID. Before COVID, I was a very good physical shape and regularly performed a good cardio workout at planet fitness 3-4 times per week for 5 straight years. I’m 6’2” tall and maintained a body weight of 205-207 during this time. Not one for racing to the doctors office, I obtained information with respect to my breathing/wheezing difficulties via many reputable medical institution websites which has labeled my symptoms as a Post-Covid conditions. My personal physician retired sometime ago and at the encouragement of my wife, I was recently seen and evaluated by a FNP as our city lacks the availability of MD’s that are accepting new patients. After a full blood work up and second office visit, I was advised to obtain a chest x-ray evaluation that was read by a radiologist as COPD. Although I am also a past smoker who quit back in 2007, I believed that my diagnosis for COPD was simply determined by a radiologist based upon what my x-rays may have looked like and my smoking history. I feel that it completely dismissed the factors relating to what I conveyed and believe were and remain as Post-COVID lung. I completed a pulmonary spirometry exam last week… I “failed” it. When I arrived, I provided the nurse with a 3 page summary personally detailing my experiences with COVID and shortness of breath issues that have remained with me and my reasons for my disagreement with COPD as a diagnosis. The nurse who performed my spirometry exam asked me, “How much research have you done on COPD and how much do you know about COPD ?” My reply was “Not much to be honest but how much research have you conducted on Post-COVID lung issues and what do you know about Post-Covid shortness of breath/chest wheezing ?” She said, “Not much…” Therein lies the problem… The CDC website recently confirmed that there is no specific medical test for those who suffer from Post-COVID shortness of breath and that it can take weeks, months and even years to recover from. So with no other medical test, the default diagnosis— at least in my case is- COPD. I’ve just been accepted as a patient with a very well known and respected physician in my area who is currently treating patients with the very symptoms from which I currently suffer. I will be seeing him next month and he has been provided with the results from my pulmonary exam. I will (reluctantly) accept and will deal with COPD if it can be more medically substantiated that it is indeed what I do have. However, there is presently a very real medical disconnect going on here. You can read all the medical dissemination involving the research that is currently underway regarding Post-Covid shortness of breath and the vast similarities as it relates to COPD. But, as of now, it is just medical research from which no real conclusive medical information is yet known. In the meantime, I have returned to the gym and am easing myself back into cardio exercise regimen and honestly feel great. This is a real problem that, in one way or another, will eventually be resolved.

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Hi Rockman. Thanks for that info. I like your optimism and will carry it with me. I was diagnosed with OPD three weeks ago by my Pulmonologist. He hasn't put the C in front yet. I had Covid August of 2022. He ran a boatload of blood tests and I am going in for more lung tests at the end of August. I've never smoked or had lung issues before Covid and have always been active. I feel it may take time but I am hopeful it is going to get better!


I had Covid in March 2021, just about 2-½ years ago, and I've had shortness of breath ever since. No other breathing issues, no bronchitis, no coughing nor wheezing—just shortness of breath when I walk. I had a stress test and echo; my heart is fine. It's obvious to me that Covid did damage to my lungs and I fear that after all this time, it's permanent.


I had Covid in March 2021, just about 2-½ years ago, and I've had shortness of breath ever since. No other breathing issues, no bronchitis, no coughing nor wheezing—just shortness of breath when I walk. I had a stress test and echo; my heart is fine. It's obvious to me that Covid did damage to my lungs and I fear that after all this time, it's permanent.

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I had COVID Jan 2021..shortness of breath and two months of low energy. Then two vacs and COVID again may 2022. Really bad COVID this time.felt worse than I have ever felt in my life! Still have loss of breath when walking. I am going to physical therapy now and also on LDN and methylene blue. Feel as long as I don’t overdo…I am getting better. I found a Dr finally that understands,is keeping u with LC research and thinks outside the box! It may be in vascular system??


I’ve been dx with asthma since Covid. Quit smoking in 1983. My friend, COPD. Never smoked. We both cough a lot and sound hoarse.


I had COVID Jan 2021..shortness of breath and two months of low energy. Then two vacs and COVID again may 2022. Really bad COVID this time.felt worse than I have ever felt in my life! Still have loss of breath when walking. I am going to physical therapy now and also on LDN and methylene blue. Feel as long as I don’t overdo…I am getting better. I found a Dr finally that understands,is keeping u with LC research and thinks outside the box! It may be in vascular system??

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I'm very interested to know why you cite the vascular system. Why do you say that and what are the symptoms?


It seems that research is showing tiny blood clots in lungs??? UTube ..search Birmingham AL long COVID clinic. Loss of breath …My oxygen level fluctuates and can go down into the low 80’s but comes back up within 10 to 30 seconds while at physical therapy exercise. Walking seems the worst for me. Seems not enough oxygen getting to my lower legs and feet sometimes ?? Nobody seems to have all the answers and seems everybody is differently and have different systems???I just hope and pray for all of us🌝


I have been reading up on this and agree. While they have me on meds for COPD (Trelegy and Albuterol) that doesnt mean (in my mind) I have it. I am continuing to push for either a pulmonary function test and/or a pulmonary consult. Patience is not my strong suite but I get the "general" idea. 🙂

Thank you.

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Hi, Jay. I have had well-controlled asthma since age 18 (I'm 54 now). I too got a COPD diagnosis after seeing my new pulmonologist in person for the FIRST TIME with little to no testing. I had to have Prednisone about 5 times since I contracted COVID (immediately after vaccination...hmm...). I didn't get COVID for 2 and a half years, and then got it right after getting the vaccine. I would not panic. I have had long COVID for a year and a half since vaccination. I really doubt you have COPD, especially if you've never smoked. I don't even believe my own doctor....LOL. Lung recovery is a long process after COVID. I would not worry yourself unnecessarily. After reading everyone else's stories, I have calmed down a lot. I wish you the best, and I'm right there with you.


Hi Jay, I have. I got Covid back in February, not too bad a case but got Pneumonia right after. Was on massive meds like you and then a cat scan for a gut problem found I still had fluid on the lungs 2 months after. A month after fluid it was still there and I was diagnoned with Long Covid. I went to a Pulmonologist two months ago and found I had not enough Carbon Dioxide in my blood- it was down very significantly after a breathing test. He put me in the hospital for a day of tests and an EKG. A week later I got a call from the nurse (after hearing nothing for a week) and she said I was fine but I had COPD. I am flummoxed. I don't know what level I have of this or what it exactly means and if I still have fluid on the lungs. This week a friend that had been batteling Long Covid for a year had a massive heart attack and died out of the blue. The valves in her heart were so damaged they couldn't save her. She was in her early 50's. I have heard of two others I know since then ( relatives of friends) that had fluid on the lungs and died of heart attacks. WTH! I'm starting to feel that I have PTSD with this. I feel like there is not enough information and lately I feel like I'm a walking time bomb. I have lost 30 lbs. and eat truly healthy don't smoke or drink and walk most days but I have also been treated for horrible attacks of gut problems with total exhaustion where I have a hard time walking across the room lately too, I have to wonder if this is just Long Covid also and they are just not connecting the dots. On top of that I am suppose to be put under for day surgery this week and wondering if this is a bad idea right now?....So many questions and no answers. I know anything can happen to anyone at anytime but this just makes you paranoid. Have never dealt with anything so incepid.

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