How did you successfully taper off of 0.5 lorazepam (Ativan)?

Posted by ch2232 @ch2232, Jan 8, 2022

Has anyone tapered from 0.5mg of lorazepam per day? Can you share your experience? Thank you.

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I’ve been on lorazepam 0.5 mg for many years. Recently, a bout of diverticulitis prevented me from refilling my prescription (and if I’m being honest, I took 1 mg on some days, which caused my supply to deplete before the next refill). It has been 6 days since I’ve taken the medication. I’m reading that you’re supposed to taper off gradually, and am certain I’ve experienced withdrawal.

I’d like to get off this drug completely. Am I safe? I’m due to refill my prescription today. Should I pick it up, and take a partial pill?

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Welcome @geoffbean24, I moved your question to this existing discussion:
- How did you successfully taper off of 0.5 lorazepam (Ativan)?

I did this so you can read the previous posts by clicking the link and connect with other members who have successful tapered off 0.5 mg of lorazepam.

Since you are visiting your pharmacist today, I recommend talking to them about the side effects you're experiencing after stopping abruptly 6 days ago and what steps are best to follow for a safe withdrawal.


@colleenyoung thank you very much for the warm welcome, and directing me towards this thread. I will certainly take your advice, and speak with my pharmacist. My goal is to eventually get off of Lorazepam all together. I’m concerned about the amount of time I’ve been on it, and worry about my proclivity for addiction.


I’ve been on lorazepam 0.5 mg for many years. Recently, a bout of diverticulitis prevented me from refilling my prescription (and if I’m being honest, I took 1 mg on some days, which caused my supply to deplete before the next refill). It has been 6 days since I’ve taken the medication. I’m reading that you’re supposed to taper off gradually, and am certain I’ve experienced withdrawal.

I’d like to get off this drug completely. Am I safe? I’m due to refill my prescription today. Should I pick it up, and take a partial pill?

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I understand what you are doing but it’s not okay…please get medical assistance when trying to get off this drug…when you read the different stories here from people who are going through the same thing, they get help from the doctor as to how to stop the meds in a safe and controlled manner. We hear so many negative things about this medication and it causes us to feel more pressure to get off them…you have made a good decision to reach out here for help because you will get good information about what to do and where you can get the help you need to quit successfully, please don’t stop them abruptly because it’s not going to go well if you go too fast..good luck with your efforts to move forward.


@frouke thank you very much for the words of encouragement. I’ve read too much about the negative long-term consequences of being on this drug, and it adds considerable to my anxiety. My system is very sensitive, and do have a GAD diagnosis. I’m back to taking the 0.5 as prescribed, and after a day, am feeling more like myself. When I’ve spoken to my pcp in the past, he’s advised to go every other day for a week, but feel as if he lacks expertise as to how to best guide me. I’m going to continue to seek support. In hindsight, stopping this abruptly while going through another serious health condition was a perfect storm for more problems. I’m happy to have found this group, and it gives me some solace to know others have been down this path. Thank you very much again for responding.


@frouke thank you very much for the words of encouragement. I’ve read too much about the negative long-term consequences of being on this drug, and it adds considerable to my anxiety. My system is very sensitive, and do have a GAD diagnosis. I’m back to taking the 0.5 as prescribed, and after a day, am feeling more like myself. When I’ve spoken to my pcp in the past, he’s advised to go every other day for a week, but feel as if he lacks expertise as to how to best guide me. I’m going to continue to seek support. In hindsight, stopping this abruptly while going through another serious health condition was a perfect storm for more problems. I’m happy to have found this group, and it gives me some solace to know others have been down this path. Thank you very much again for responding.

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I know somebody who went to an inpatient rehab center to withdraw from years of Ativan, and other substance use. While withdrawing he started having seizures, and needed more medical care as a result. This was 25 years ago so I don't know if the withdrawal procedure has changed. I guess I'd research it thoroughly.


@2cents thank you for sharing the story about your acquaintance. I've read similar stories of people needing rehab, but I recall them being on much higher dosages. I feel lucky to have a primary care who knows me so well, and refused to go beyond 0.5mg despite asking him in the past. In addition to the lorazepam, I take 40mg of Prozac, which I've been on for almost 20 years. Was your acquaintance on 0.5mg for many years like me? I'm at a point in my life where I need to find a good psychiatrist who has experience with taking these medications long term. I won't make the mistake of overtaking the lorazepam, or changing course without proper guidance. It was hell for the 6 days I was off it.


@colleenyoung thank you very much for the warm welcome, and directing me towards this thread. I will certainly take your advice, and speak with my pharmacist. My goal is to eventually get off of Lorazepam all together. I’m concerned about the amount of time I’ve been on it, and worry about my proclivity for addiction.

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Hi! There is another discussion called “how did you successfully taper off of lorazepam (Ativan)”
I was on .5 and I came up with a very slow taper because my pcp was too fast and Ashton manual too complicated. I was successful after weaning for 6 months and have been free since June 1!
Please look for it! Good luck!!


@2cents thank you for sharing the story about your acquaintance. I've read similar stories of people needing rehab, but I recall them being on much higher dosages. I feel lucky to have a primary care who knows me so well, and refused to go beyond 0.5mg despite asking him in the past. In addition to the lorazepam, I take 40mg of Prozac, which I've been on for almost 20 years. Was your acquaintance on 0.5mg for many years like me? I'm at a point in my life where I need to find a good psychiatrist who has experience with taking these medications long term. I won't make the mistake of overtaking the lorazepam, or changing course without proper guidance. It was hell for the 6 days I was off it.

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I think he was on a higher dose, and had been for several years. It must have been hard to function as the director of a large nursing home facility. He was a different person, even looked very different, after withdrawing from he medications. I was told that the use of Ativan can bring on increasing anxiety and depression, and that it should only be used for anesthesia. People I knew took it were prescribed by a local mental health clinic. They were not told it was addictive, even at very small doses. The Rehab facility was aware that they were being referred more and more patients from this mental health clinic. I'm not sure if they were required to report it to the medical society. I'm sure your primary care doctor is aware of the most recent findings, and keeps up with your visits.

It's really sad so many people's lives were hurt by this drug. Maybe it was a money maker for some mental health clinics. People got addicted fairly early, and kept coming back because they'd notice withdrawal symptoms they couldn't tolerate.


Hi @kawanhee! Congratulations on successfully weaning yourself off this drug. Your story gives me some much needed hope. I will look up the other discussion thread now. Thanks so much for replying. Can I ask: did your doctor prescribe you anything else (like valium) to help with the weaning process? All the best with your continued abstinence, and taming the mental tiger of anxiety.


I think he was on a higher dose, and had been for several years. It must have been hard to function as the director of a large nursing home facility. He was a different person, even looked very different, after withdrawing from he medications. I was told that the use of Ativan can bring on increasing anxiety and depression, and that it should only be used for anesthesia. People I knew took it were prescribed by a local mental health clinic. They were not told it was addictive, even at very small doses. The Rehab facility was aware that they were being referred more and more patients from this mental health clinic. I'm not sure if they were required to report it to the medical society. I'm sure your primary care doctor is aware of the most recent findings, and keeps up with your visits.

It's really sad so many people's lives were hurt by this drug. Maybe it was a money maker for some mental health clinics. People got addicted fairly early, and kept coming back because they'd notice withdrawal symptoms they couldn't tolerate.

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I have been on 0.5 mg of lorazepam since 30 May 2023 ~ only dose I take now and at night to sleep ~ (took this med since 1992)
~ Got off the .25 at noon because it was not making feel good ~ and decided if it doesn't make me feel good then I am not going to take it ~ but I should qualify that with ~ 'it took months of noon time and night time dose to get to that point ~ Now ~ I am considering tapering off the night time dose but not yet ~ need to take it slow ~ very slow. So will live with only the 0.5 at night.
I am too sensitive to medication so am not taking anything else ~ Might try melatonin to help me sleep better ~ will see. ~ Day at a time ~ thanks,

I meditate, do yoga, some EFT ~ Emotional Freedom Technique (an energy therapy) and a balance exercise ~ walk daily weather permitting, of course. All of which helps me.

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