Has anyone been suffering with post Covid severe insomnia?

Posted by cmd @cmd, Apr 25, 2022

Has anyone been suffering with post Covid severe insomnia?
Thank-you for any comments or ideas!

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Yes I have,
I got COVID 19 in 2022 and am also struggling with severe patches of insomnia for some time now. I did receive the Pfizer vaccine along with two boosters. Can I ask if you were vaccinated? Be well

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Same with me but it was late Jan. 22 when I got Covid. J use Melatonin and Benadryl but have to go to bed at midnight to sleep 5-6 hrs.


I am taking 3 mg of Lunesta which is a lot but is doing the trick.


I'm so frustrated with being told to get more sleep, it will help with my other symptoms. Oh ok! I'll get right on that! I've followed all the suggestions, like setting a regular bedtime etc. to no avail. I need better help than blackout curtains!


I'm so frustrated with being told to get more sleep, it will help with my other symptoms. Oh ok! I'll get right on that! I've followed all the suggestions, like setting a regular bedtime etc. to no avail. I need better help than blackout curtains!

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Yes; insomnia plus PEM, a winning combination. My sleep is worse on the days I'm most physically/mentally exhausted...during the intervening (few) better days, it's more or less fine. For me, the anxiety about sleeping is part of the problem... I'm trying to learn to just accept it, not fight it, use deep breathing exercises and (per John Kabat-Zinn's directions) do a body scan to relax. I also try to allow for it when I can by spending 10 hours in bed to get at least some restful sleep, and try for a nap during the day. I can't do anti-anxiety meds or antihistamines as they worsen my fogginess and balance issues, so I'm stuck with being drug-free. No caffeine after 6, no "exciting" TV in the evenings, restful reading. A novel, poetry, music, stuff like that helps a bit to relax me. This LC thing stinks; for me it's going on 11 months since the positive Covid test, and I'm still on the waiting list to get into a LC clinic; there are a lot of us experiencing this (cold comfort).


I'm so frustrated with being told to get more sleep, it will help with my other symptoms. Oh ok! I'll get right on that! I've followed all the suggestions, like setting a regular bedtime etc. to no avail. I need better help than blackout curtains!

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cpivyca, why not get an insomnia medication??? Sleep is so important....try an over the counter product like Unisom....it really works.


cpivyca, why not get an insomnia medication??? Sleep is so important....try an over the counter product like Unisom....it really works.

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If only it were that simple. I am glad Unisom works for you.
The OTC sleep aids are antihistamine, and many of us are sensitive to antihistamine, and it can actually give us an opposite effect. So it is agitating, instead of sedating.
I am one who is very sensitive to drugs, even OTC products. I have to be very careful, or I make my situation worse.
Again, glad it works for you, but we are all very different.


If only it were that simple. I am glad Unisom works for you.
The OTC sleep aids are antihistamine, and many of us are sensitive to antihistamine, and it can actually give us an opposite effect. So it is agitating, instead of sedating.
I am one who is very sensitive to drugs, even OTC products. I have to be very careful, or I make my situation worse.
Again, glad it works for you, but we are all very different.

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Thats too bad...


Still can’t sleep. Had sleep study done home study. No conclusive results. Here’s my symptoms.
1. Insomnia severe( before Covid slept 8-9 hours)
2. Extreme hair loss ( had lots of hair)
3. Extreme weight loss
4. No taste
5. No appetite
My doctors are all baffled and just try to give me drugs.
No sleep, causing depression. Have a great therapist with CBT no luck. Turning into Naomi Judd, I mean the part where nothing worked for her.
What’s a girl to do?

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I am in the same boat. I hate this. I want my old life back. I feel so foolish for complaining about little things. Health is absolutely everything.


I am in the same boat. I hate this. I want my old life back. I feel so foolish for complaining about little things. Health is absolutely everything.

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I am in the same boat also. My all-over body pain and insomnia started suddenly two years ago, five days after having Covid for the first time. It took a year to be diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I wonder if it could be a combination of the two. Both conditions have no cure, and people don't understand because there is no ultimate medical test to confirm either disease, so we get labeled "complainers" or "hypochondriacs". I find doctors not very understanding or helpful. I try to remind myself that some people have conditions much worse, yet everyday I miss my old life too..


If only it were that simple. I am glad Unisom works for you.
The OTC sleep aids are antihistamine, and many of us are sensitive to antihistamine, and it can actually give us an opposite effect. So it is agitating, instead of sedating.
I am one who is very sensitive to drugs, even OTC products. I have to be very careful, or I make my situation worse.
Again, glad it works for you, but we are all very different.

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I, too, am one who cannot take antihistamines for sleep. I get hyped up instead of sleepy. The only thing I have found that helps me now that I had to taper off Klonopin is a CBD/THC gummy and it does not always help. Yet my neighbor finds good relief with Unisom and says the gummy does nothing. We are all different, yes!

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