Any folks receive Rx during Covid?

Posted by summerof42 @summerof42, Jul 1, 2023

I am suffering so severely and besides all unbearable symptoms, yesterday another terrible new symptom appeared. . . burning throat and burning mouth syndrome. It's agonizing. I can't take this. I've already lost so much weight and down to 90 lbs and now because of all the burning it's hard to even eat or swallow.

Just curious, if any folks who are suffering from Long Term were given medication? Whether it be, monoclonal antibodies, or other medications?

I was not given anything, and Doc said, 'I'll be fine," and I'm so angry that I could have prevented all this 3 yrs of suffering if only he treated me properly.

It helps us to know if there's a way to address it properly and we can help others as well.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.


My research with long Covid and the vaccine leads me to think there is much even the physicians do not understand at this time. The spike protein in the vaccine has been found up to months in a person's body. It was "assumed" (and I use that phrase as ideas seem to be changing every month or so) that the tiny amount of viral material would be limited to the respiratory system and then expelled naturally within a few weeks.
They have now found this protein in the GUT and remaining there for months. Obviously this means it can travel throughout the system and create symptoms wherever there is a vulnerable receptor site. My studies include a wealth of information from the UK which seems to be more forthcoming than the US.

There is too much information to place in a comments section, but perhaps someone will want to respond to my comments and could possibly a group could be formed to discuss this further.
I have had Covid 3 times and had the first two vaccines. I refused to have further since the variants appeared as stats showed that the vaccine lasts less and less time than the original. Also the body's own immune system seems to provide extended protection.
I would appreciate any comments, as this is the first time I am printing this. I am a RN with an advanced degree and extremely concerned about this country's response to Covid.
Thank you if you read this. Faith L.

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This recent article in Science summarizes the research community's emerging evidence about Covid vaccine injuries. The article is great, except it is quite certain that these serious reactions are not rare. There is also a court injunction this week against the government to stop the censorship of vaccine-injured people on social media. Finally, we are being acknowledged! Better late than never. The Neuro V Long-Haulers group on Facebook is a great source of information and support.


No meds prescribed for me. I was told that I missed the timeframe to receive meds and meds were prescribed only to those that were immune comprised. I was also told that sometimes the meds made COVID symptoms worse. However, I have a family member that lives in a different state than me and he and his wife received meds. Both said the meds helped tremendously. They are not immune compromised.


I was vaccinated, mix and match extra boosted with the immunocompromised doses, and received Paxlovid because I’m immunocompromised (and got a rebound case). I still got long COVID…


This recent article in Science summarizes the research community's emerging evidence about Covid vaccine injuries. The article is great, except it is quite certain that these serious reactions are not rare. There is also a court injunction this week against the government to stop the censorship of vaccine-injured people on social media. Finally, we are being acknowledged! Better late than never. The Neuro V Long-Haulers group on Facebook is a great source of information and support.

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Thanks for sharing the article. I had Covid in January 2022 and got no meds. I was fully vaccinated. I had symptoms for about 4 days. Fours months later, I experienced dizziness and light headedness. My primary referred me to a cardiologist. They diagnosed me with mild aortic regurgitation and rare PVCs. I would experience my heart racing without exertion. Since I have a low resting heart rate and symptoms were mild the cardiologist did not put me on meds. I continued to get Covid boosters as available. I came down with Covid again in December 2022. This time I was give Paxlovid. Symptoms cleared quickly. In late March 2023 I developed uveitis in my right eye. Eye Dr. Said if it didn’t improve with steroid drops, she would refer me for autoimmune evaluation. The inflammation cleared and I was weaned off the drops. I also got a Covid booster after going off the drops. About 5 days after the booster, I had a recurrence of uveitis - same eye. Saw my eye doctor who restarted the drops and referred me to a rheumatologist. She also recommended that I not get anymore Covid boosters. I also have a history of psoriasis.. I saw the rheumatologist yesterday who ordered blood work. I am waiting for those results and will see the rheumatologist again in 2 weeks. She also recommended not getting any more Covid boosters and she said it is possible that the vaccine is causing my immune system to overreact.

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