Leoprolide (Lupron) shot monthly or removal of ovaries?

Posted by Rom828 @jgallagher04921, May 29, 2023

Anyone here have BC pre- m? I am 43, had double mastectomy. Am being told I have to have a shot in my ovaries every month for 5 years yet I have never heard of this before. I think I would rather have my ovaries removed vs having to endure this apt every month for 5 years...and I could still get preg.
Anyone have similar situation?

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I am 44 ( in a few weeks) and pre menopausal. I need to suppress hormones in my body. Considering having my ovaries out vs having the Lupron shot (monthly for 5 years).

Anyone have any knowledge on this?

Pros in my mind:
*Having ovaries out would ensure I followed through with this hormone suppression.

If I get bad symptoms from the shot I'm afraid I would stop going to get the shot and/or I'm afraid going to the drs once a month for 5 years will become a hassle and I will stop going.

*If I do the shot for 5 years, drs says I likely would resume my pre menopausal state for several years before my body naturally goes into menopause. So I would essentially experience menopause twice. I could be at a symptom- managable stage during the shot administration ( but could take me a while to get there?), then after 5 years go back to pre menopausal state ( start feeling good) for only a few years, then BAM back to dealing w menopause symptoms ( which could take a while to manage again).

*My insurance will be changing to a high deductible plan next year so was advised by health insurance agent to get anything I am going to need done this year.

If I start w Lupron shot and then decide to get ovaries out down the road it will cost me alot more. ( surgeries are booking out a few months so I need to have a decision on this soon to get done this year).

* Ovaries out is permanent, can't undue it. If shot becomes untolerable ONC says I could stop it...but then I will feel like I'm not doing all I can do to help prevent the BC from returning.

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Thank you!!
Yes, I also have to make a decision between Tamoxifen ( 10 years) or Anastrozole ( 5 years). I also posted a question to the group about this decision.

I agree, would have been easier if ONC didn't give me a choice. She wanted me to start these treatments 3 weeks ago, but I am struggling to make a decision. I am also very uncomfortable in the breaat expanders so dread having to have symptoms of meds on top of this discomfort. I wanted to have the expanders out prior to starting any treatments, but my surgery to replace the expanders with implants isn't until July 31st and feel that is too long to wait until starting treatment. As it is, I'm getting anxiety about not doing something now, but we are waiting for a second opinion from mayo clinic.

I will check out that group!

Question for you...how long did it take for you to manage the symptoms from having your ovaries out? And did you get symptoms from Tamoxifen or Anastrozole?

Thank you again!!


Pre- M. Just got first Lupron shot last week. I have extreme heaviness in one of my arms. Not the arm the shot was administered in, but where lympth nodes were removed. ( not sure if that is relevant?)

Is this joint pain I'm feeling?


Thank you!!
Yes, I also have to make a decision between Tamoxifen ( 10 years) or Anastrozole ( 5 years). I also posted a question to the group about this decision.

I agree, would have been easier if ONC didn't give me a choice. She wanted me to start these treatments 3 weeks ago, but I am struggling to make a decision. I am also very uncomfortable in the breaat expanders so dread having to have symptoms of meds on top of this discomfort. I wanted to have the expanders out prior to starting any treatments, but my surgery to replace the expanders with implants isn't until July 31st and feel that is too long to wait until starting treatment. As it is, I'm getting anxiety about not doing something now, but we are waiting for a second opinion from mayo clinic.

I will check out that group!

Question for you...how long did it take for you to manage the symptoms from having your ovaries out? And did you get symptoms from Tamoxifen or Anastrozole?

Thank you again!!

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I am going to assume the last questions here are for me. Either way, I will answer 😂.
It would be pretty hard to distinguish the side effects from the oopherectomy and the tamoxifen. I instantly started with the hot flashes and the night sweats. That are definitely less but still there today. I do believe I have aged considerably faster than my peers. I did get a little joint stiffness and pain with Anastrazole but walking really helped.
I do not regret this decision, even for a minute. I know this is a tough decision, there are future considerations, but they will be the same with endocrine therapy only.
Do you have family or a life partner to talk about this?


I am going to assume the last questions here are for me. Either way, I will answer 😂.
It would be pretty hard to distinguish the side effects from the oopherectomy and the tamoxifen. I instantly started with the hot flashes and the night sweats. That are definitely less but still there today. I do believe I have aged considerably faster than my peers. I did get a little joint stiffness and pain with Anastrazole but walking really helped.
I do not regret this decision, even for a minute. I know this is a tough decision, there are future considerations, but they will be the same with endocrine therapy only.
Do you have family or a life partner to talk about this?

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Thank you for responding! I made a decision and feel good about it. ..
I will be having my ovaries out in Aug, but had Lupron shot last week and will next month prior to the surgery. I will be starting Tamoxifen next week.

Many factors why I decided to have ovaries out ( wont have to worry about ovarian cancer, surgery is more 1 and done, cost wont continue for years,etc) but have to say really looking forward to the " benefit" of birth control since I can't take anything else. My husband and I just had our 20th wedding anniversary, but we will need a "real" celebration in a few months.

I read about all you strong women out there who overcome all these symptoms so you are all giving me hope that I can do it too!


Thank you for responding! I made a decision and feel good about it. ..
I will be having my ovaries out in Aug, but had Lupron shot last week and will next month prior to the surgery. I will be starting Tamoxifen next week.

Many factors why I decided to have ovaries out ( wont have to worry about ovarian cancer, surgery is more 1 and done, cost wont continue for years,etc) but have to say really looking forward to the " benefit" of birth control since I can't take anything else. My husband and I just had our 20th wedding anniversary, but we will need a "real" celebration in a few months.

I read about all you strong women out there who overcome all these symptoms so you are all giving me hope that I can do it too!

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You got this❣️


Leoprolide ( also known as Lupron) is the name of the shot given for the ovaries to stop working. Shot only lasts for 1 month which is why I have to go back every month for the 5 years.
The shot would be in conjunction w Tamoxifen for 10 years or Anastrozole for 5 years.
We are seeking a second opinion here through Mayo clinic. This is what has brought me to this great site! We are waiting for a date for a virtual consult.
My Onc doesn't seemed concerned about pregnancy just says we need to find another method. I think she is just focusing on the BC.

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Hi. I would love to connect on this. I am in the same situation. My doctor didn’t mention removing the ovaries but that seems like a better option to me. I would love to connect and hear your thoughts.


Hi. I would love to connect on this. I am in the same situation. My doctor didn’t mention removing the ovaries but that seems like a better option to me. I would love to connect and hear your thoughts.

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Hi, Stacey! I would be happy to share anything I can w you!


I'm pre menopausal. Had my first Lupron shot on June 24th ( while I wait for surgery to remove my ovaries in Aug). This is supose to stop my hormones but I started my period a few days ago! My Dr is on vacation and NP said she has no idea why I started my period. Anyone have any experience w this?


I'm pre menopausal. Had my first Lupron shot on June 24th ( while I wait for surgery to remove my ovaries in Aug). This is supose to stop my hormones but I started my period a few days ago! My Dr is on vacation and NP said she has no idea why I started my period. Anyone have any experience w this?

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Hi @jgallagher04921, I moved your question about Lupron to the existing discussion you started where you can connect with members who have experience with Lupron and breast cancer like @stayc329 @cjs123172 @eku @sarahmh and @auntieoakley.

Lupron lowers the estrogen made by your ovaries. This medicine stops ovulation and eventually your monthly periods. At first, you may have some bleeding. Your periods may become lighter or heavier before they stop. This is the same as in menopause.


I'm pre menopausal. Had my first Lupron shot on June 24th ( while I wait for surgery to remove my ovaries in Aug). This is supose to stop my hormones but I started my period a few days ago! My Dr is on vacation and NP said she has no idea why I started my period. Anyone have any experience w this?

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Yes. Same thing happened to me. But after that initial time, I never had another period again. This is normal. Your doctor should know this.

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