I am having a VERY difficult time with Klonipin withdrawal

Posted by lisalynn @lisalynn, Jun 29, 2023

I have been on Klonipin for a BIG Panic disorder for over 15 years. I recently had to wean down off of 3 to none fast. The withdrawal was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I have my normal prescription now. However, at a lower level. But, I am still having a withdrawal symptom that is plaguing me. I am still taking it, but half of what I had been. I hear my Heart thumping in my ears, very loud and fast, 120 beats per minute. Did anyone else have that symptom? Or describe their withdrawal? Oh, and I NEVER want to speak to that new and cold Psychiatrist I have.
Struggling. Thanks.

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Getting off Klonopin for as high a dose as you were on for so long is going to be really tough unfortunately and will probably take quite some time. I feel for you as I went through this only on a much smaller scale and it’s sheer hell but I am now drug free and feel so much better and am sleeping so much better. I would go to an addiction center for help if I were you because I think you will need support to be successful. Exercise, meditation, and healthy eating are a plus during this difficult time. You tube has some great videos and help from people who quit as well. Shame on whatever doctor let you stay on Klonopin for so long!
Good luck to you. Stay strong and just try your hardest to power through day by day. It is worth it in the long run.❤️

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All your advice is excellent except for the addiction center. Useless and quite dangerous for Benzodiazepine withdrawal. They will whip people off and shove more meds on them, which are just as bad.


Hi @lisalynn, Sorry to hear you are struggling to get off of Klonopin. There are a couple of discussions you might find helpful for suggestions.
--- Getting off Klonapin (klonazapam): https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/getting-off-klonapin-klonazapam/
--- Klonopin taper: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/klonopin-taper/.

The American Addiction Center also has some information that might help here:
--- Clonazepam Withdrawal Symptoms, Timeline & Detox Treatment

Hope this helps!

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Please don’t advise addiction centers for those who became physically dependent and have been taking “as prescribed”. There is NO CRAVING or PLEASURE SEEKING involved. This is horrible advice. I’m shocked. Please educate yourself.
Apologies if this seems harsh. It is. Benzodiazepines are a brutal drug to discontinue. Please don’t make things worse for someone who is afraid and struggling. There are a lot of other places to turn for support. That’s basically all one is going to get right now. Rapid withdrawal IS DANGEROUS! And yes, 3 months is rapid.


Please don’t advise addiction centers for those who became physically dependent and have been taking “as prescribed”. There is NO CRAVING or PLEASURE SEEKING involved. This is horrible advice. I’m shocked. Please educate yourself.
Apologies if this seems harsh. It is. Benzodiazepines are a brutal drug to discontinue. Please don’t make things worse for someone who is afraid and struggling. There are a lot of other places to turn for support. That’s basically all one is going to get right now. Rapid withdrawal IS DANGEROUS! And yes, 3 months is rapid.

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@cking56, Harsh is OK. I can handle it. I do appreciate not using ALL CAPS TO EMPHASIZE though. Educating yourself is a two way street. Of course rapid withdrawal is dangerous, which is why I replied in the first place and no one said there was craving or pleasure seeking involved, you implied that and we all know that people can become addicted to prescribed medications. There are two sides to every coin so to speak.


@cking56, Harsh is OK. I can handle it. I do appreciate not using ALL CAPS TO EMPHASIZE though. Educating yourself is a two way street. Of course rapid withdrawal is dangerous, which is why I replied in the first place and no one said there was craving or pleasure seeking involved, you implied that and we all know that people can become addicted to prescribed medications. There are two sides to every coin so to speak.

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Addiction doesn’t mean there was pleasure seeking necessarily. It is just so darn hard to stop this drug I thought a little help might be helpful. I wasn’t pleasure seeking myself. I was taking a prescribed amount for anxiety and it actually ending up making it worse. Any route that works for someone is worth it and many people beat drugs at those centers. I agree it is not the best way but it is a way.


@cking56, Harsh is OK. I can handle it. I do appreciate not using ALL CAPS TO EMPHASIZE though. Educating yourself is a two way street. Of course rapid withdrawal is dangerous, which is why I replied in the first place and no one said there was craving or pleasure seeking involved, you implied that and we all know that people can become addicted to prescribed medications. There are two sides to every coin so to speak.

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Apologies for all caps, but I am sick of hearing bad advice. I disagree that people become addicted to benzodiazepines if they are taking as prescribed. If someone is abusing other drugs, such as opioids, yes, they can add benzodiazepines, and that is a horrible combination. Those people probably need a combination of recovery and therapy.

If someone is posting here that they are having a difficult time coming off benzodiazepines because of very disturbing and distressing symptoms, it’s unlikely they are looking for the type of help offers at addiction centers. The Benzodiazepine Information Coalition is tirelessly working to dispel this “addiction” link not because addiction isn’t real, but the methods of withdrawal/discontinuation are so incredibly different. What works for drug addiction does not work for drug dependence with no abuse.


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Apologies for all caps, but I am sick of hearing bad advice. I disagree that people become addicted to benzodiazepines if they are taking as prescribed. If someone is abusing other drugs, such as opioids, yes, they can add benzodiazepines, and that is a horrible combination. Those people probably need a combination of recovery and therapy.

If someone is posting here that they are having a difficult time coming off benzodiazepines because of very disturbing and distressing symptoms, it’s unlikely they are looking for the type of help offers at addiction centers. The Benzodiazepine Information Coalition is tirelessly working to dispel this “addiction” link not because addiction isn’t real, but the methods of withdrawal/discontinuation are so incredibly different. What works for drug addiction does not work for drug dependence with no abuse.

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Well .. I know everyone will be angry with my email worth of advice . I do agree with you all re. Addiction centers. I have been on 1.5 mgs of clonazepam since 2014 when my dad passed away ..I was addicted within 3 months ? Had to get more Omg ! So they tried to taper , that was too fast …I know now if I tried to get off of them I’d have to do a micro taper .. however .. 3 weeks ago after recovering from shingles .. my sister passed away of brain cancer in 5 weeks ..we weren’t ready for that one . But I came down with shingles and so did my mom 95 .. she’s fine..and so am I .. but no . After the rash was gone I am left with nerve pain ? Feels like a sunburn with someone poking pins in it all the time . They put me on pregabalin.. seemed to work ok .. but 2 weeks later I noticed that I didn’t need my clonazepam? So I didn’t bother taking any ? That horrible , dreadful feeling when I would wake up in the morning once my central nervous system woke up too and realized I was in wds .. horrible feeling until I took my cpam . That doesn’t happen anymore . Now I take 2 (75) mg pills per day ..that’s it ? I talked to dr and pharmacist? They both were surprised as pregabalin is sometimes used in accordance with the tapering process .. but they’ve never heard of someone taking it and it actually took the place of cpam ? So I asked ? Am I going to have a hard time coming off of this dosage ? And she said “ no , probably still taper down to make sure “ but then I asked her “ will I start to have delayed wds from the cpam ?” She couldn’t see how ? Since cpam has been out of my system for almost 3 weeks now ..but I did keep my refill on the shelf .. bc this drug cpam is a tricky , dangerous little pill … and I don’t trust it to not come back . But I am shocked by this ?


Google Ashton Manual and read it. Benzodiazepines should NEVER be rapidly withdrawn. Your dose was NOT a low dose. 1 mg Klonopin equals 20 mg Valium.

You are not an addict. Stay away from recovery and addiction centers. Useless for benzo withdrawal. The golden rule, from what research there is, is tapering 5-10% per month from latest dose, NOT the 25% per week US doctors recommend. They are clueless because they honestly don’t know or care to know. Also Benzodiazepine Information Coalition has a ton of info. They were key in getting a black box warning on benzodiazepines in 2020.

Just read the Ashton Manual. You are not out of the woods yet. I hope you are a lucky one, but they are few and far between.

I’ve posted other, longer recommendations here, but I’m too exhausted to find them. I’m 7 months into a taper from 1mg Klon, after 30 years. NEVER WAS TOLD ANYTHING BEYOND IT’S AN ANTI-ANXIETY MED. This was pre-Google. I had no idea. It’s a horrendous drug. CBT works best.

Good luck with it. You could reinstate and start a slow taper, but doing a full CT can make subsequent attempts much, much harder on the CNS.

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cking56 - I do appreciate your info on this topic, you obviously have done a lot of research and understand this drug, tapering, withdrawal etc. Your advice has been welcome for me. I'm 4 months off only .5mg, stopping cold turkey due to the issues I developed, and still having minor tremors/vibrations, although I developed these while on the drug as well. Only .5 mg per day and this drug was kicking my backside. I have no idea how people can take 2 or 3 times or more than I was. These physicians should be held accountable but thats a different topic. How can a physician prescribe something that is only recommended for 2 to 4 weeks tops by the manufacturer of the drug. That's alarming.


Well .. I know everyone will be angry with my email worth of advice . I do agree with you all re. Addiction centers. I have been on 1.5 mgs of clonazepam since 2014 when my dad passed away ..I was addicted within 3 months ? Had to get more Omg ! So they tried to taper , that was too fast …I know now if I tried to get off of them I’d have to do a micro taper .. however .. 3 weeks ago after recovering from shingles .. my sister passed away of brain cancer in 5 weeks ..we weren’t ready for that one . But I came down with shingles and so did my mom 95 .. she’s fine..and so am I .. but no . After the rash was gone I am left with nerve pain ? Feels like a sunburn with someone poking pins in it all the time . They put me on pregabalin.. seemed to work ok .. but 2 weeks later I noticed that I didn’t need my clonazepam? So I didn’t bother taking any ? That horrible , dreadful feeling when I would wake up in the morning once my central nervous system woke up too and realized I was in wds .. horrible feeling until I took my cpam . That doesn’t happen anymore . Now I take 2 (75) mg pills per day ..that’s it ? I talked to dr and pharmacist? They both were surprised as pregabalin is sometimes used in accordance with the tapering process .. but they’ve never heard of someone taking it and it actually took the place of cpam ? So I asked ? Am I going to have a hard time coming off of this dosage ? And she said “ no , probably still taper down to make sure “ but then I asked her “ will I start to have delayed wds from the cpam ?” She couldn’t see how ? Since cpam has been out of my system for almost 3 weeks now ..but I did keep my refill on the shelf .. bc this drug cpam is a tricky , dangerous little pill … and I don’t trust it to not come back . But I am shocked by this ?

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I’m very, very sorry for all the suffering you’ve been through. I wish you the best in your healing. I’m exhausted from trying to help educate others in the safe discontinuation of benzos. So many get CT’d and continue to add more meds, which can be just as bad as the benzos to ease symptoms of withdrawal or CT. If they help, good for you. If not, there is medically sound help out there if one looks beyond addiction centers. You’ll find that, of course, benzos help in the short run or maybe even years for others, but eventually tolerance hits.

Best to you.


cking56 - I do appreciate your info on this topic, you obviously have done a lot of research and understand this drug, tapering, withdrawal etc. Your advice has been welcome for me. I'm 4 months off only .5mg, stopping cold turkey due to the issues I developed, and still having minor tremors/vibrations, although I developed these while on the drug as well. Only .5 mg per day and this drug was kicking my backside. I have no idea how people can take 2 or 3 times or more than I was. These physicians should be held accountable but thats a different topic. How can a physician prescribe something that is only recommended for 2 to 4 weeks tops by the manufacturer of the drug. That's alarming.

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I’m glad you’re off, but be aware that full healing of the CNS can take many months, but with bizarre symptoms popping up all over the place. Luckily, they subside. The first couple of months off are called “acute”. I think it’s a horrible term after what most go though with long tapers or CT. CT is a tough one. Most now suggest not re-instating, but learning to cope with the CT symptoms though CBT and other relaxation methods. The CNS will take its time to come back to homeostasis. It’s a fallacy that 0.5 mg Clon is a low dose. It equals 10 mg of Valium. Not a low dose, but thank god you weren’t on more. Doctors need to be told the truth about these drugs and sadly, the patients are the experts.

Check out Dr. Josef Witt-Doerring (psychiatrist, previously of the FDA), Mark Horowitz (psychologist in the UK), and David Powers (Psychologist in training). They are the most respected and Horowitz and Powers lived through it. Horowitz is more antidepressant based, but he’s very informed. I’d suggest the FB boards, but they can be pretty alarming. No need for the horror stories, but there are too many.

Best of luck to you. Buckle up, but have faith that you’ll be just fine.

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