Restarting meds: Did your anti-depressant work the 2nd time around?

Posted by sheton66 @sheton66, Jun 4, 2022

Hi, after being off venlafaxine for about 3months, I have to restart them as my depression has got worse. Has anyone gone through the same and did the anti-depressant work second time around?

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It didn't help me when I increased after tapering so I'm now trying cymbalta with remeron. So far no side effects and feeling a little better

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I was on effexor. Doctor is recommending cymbalta due to neuropathy and depression. So it is working for you? What is your dosage?


I was on Zoloft for 22 years and it seemed to stop working so I went off it for 7 months trying other antidepressants and they didn't work so now I'm back on Zoloft again and now will see if it works again for me


Hello @aethos,

I'm sorry to hear that you are dealing with antidepressant problems. I can understand your concerns. These are very helpful meds when we are experiencing unpleasant mood swings and/or depression.

You mentioned that you stopped Wellbutrin because of higher blood pressure numbers. Was this change suggested by your doctor? If so, did the doctor give you any instructions about tapering off the Wellbutrin?

I hope you are able to find a good antidepressant med that works well without side effects. Will you post again and let me know how you are doing?

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Yes I am also curious how you are doing. I'm back on Zoloft and also Wellbutrin. I'm 69


I’m glad to find you all here. Trying to talk with others that haven’t experienced depression is extremely frustrating!
I have had short-cycling depression all my life (bipolar depression). Medications haven’t been properly diagnosed due to my alcohol use, denial, and half-hearted attempts at doctors. I’m 60 years old now, recently sober and the same pattern is there. I thought effexor helped years ago, but I couldn’t afford to stay on it without insurance. Lexapro might have helped, but was still drinking. I have to try meds again now because I can’t function. I’m having a hard time just making an appointment; stuck, no motivation.

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I know your feeling. Maybe your doctor can give you something while your trying different antidepressants


I went on lexapro 10 mg one year ago when tears were always near the surface ready to flow over many topics of thought and discussion, and romantic disappointments. I decided I wanted to go off and weaned off per MD’s step-down instructions in May. After several days of tears, despair, lack of perspective, inability to feel on track, productive and happy, I took a pill today and I’d swear I felt better, calmer, with an emotional floor, within 5 hours or so. No tears, no worry. Looking back I had a teary and sad June post-lexapro.
This is my third go-round. I took it for several years prior with a decades-long gap.
Forced to trade big decrease in sex response for emotional stability and serenity


I was on Paxil for 10 years many years ago. No other medication worked for me and I tried many. I was put back on Paxil and although I'm happy with the results compared to the other medications, it hasn't worked quite as well as it did the first time around. Good luck to you.


I went on lexapro 10 mg one year ago when tears were always near the surface ready to flow over many topics of thought and discussion, and romantic disappointments. I decided I wanted to go off and weaned off per MD’s step-down instructions in May. After several days of tears, despair, lack of perspective, inability to feel on track, productive and happy, I took a pill today and I’d swear I felt better, calmer, with an emotional floor, within 5 hours or so. No tears, no worry. Looking back I had a teary and sad June post-lexapro.
This is my third go-round. I took it for several years prior with a decades-long gap.
Forced to trade big decrease in sex response for emotional stability and serenity

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Hello @hudsonatty and welcome to the Depression/Anxiety support group on Mayo Connect! You made some excellent observations about the use of meds to deal with depression, disappointments and all of the stuff of life that tends to bring us down.

I especially like what you said, " I decided I wanted to go off and weaned off per MD’s step-down instructions..." This is so important, not to suddenly drop off of antidepressant meds. It really does require a doctor's help to wean-off successfully.

What you said in your last sentence is important as well. Often there is a trade off when we decide to take medications. Sometimes it is good to do a benefit/cost analysis. That is, to list the benefits of a particular medication against the costs and/or limitations it can bring and then to decide what is most important.

Obviously, the benefits you received, helped you with the decision to stay on the medication. Good for you!


Yes I am also curious how you are doing. I'm back on Zoloft and also Wellbutrin. I'm 69

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I was wondering about that combination. I have been on escitalopram 20 for years and did well on Wellbutrin for a week or so and then it stopped working. I am a similar age so I thought a Zoloft and wellbutrin might work for me.


@sheton66 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. It is great to see you here, and I hope you have gathered ideas that may ease your situation.

I am taking Celexa [citalopram] at a low dose of 10mg once a day. This is since July 2020, and it is my third time using this anti-depressant. First time was 20 years ago, for a short time, then again in 2007 for a few years. Fortunately for me, there has not been the common side effect of weight gain nor suicidal thoughts; it has worked well for me each time. By the way, I augment my journey to wellness to include talk therapy as needed, art therapy, exercise, healthy eating, and journaling. For me, it is not just a chemical approach to better mental health, but a complete system.

Has your doctor recommend the same medication, or another one for you, now?

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I have been diagnose 5 years ago with GAD and treated with citalopram for a long time, my doctor started the process of getting off it December last year and I got completely of it March this year. I have relapse and they have restarted me on it 6 days ago, but my anxiety is off the roof, even with prescribe alprazolam and zolpidem for sleep. I know there is no magic cure but I was wondering how was for you adapting to the medication when you restarted it?





I have been diagnose 5 years ago with GAD and treated with citalopram for a long time, my doctor started the process of getting off it December last year and I got completely of it March this year. I have relapse and they have restarted me on it 6 days ago, but my anxiety is off the roof, even with prescribe alprazolam and zolpidem for sleep. I know there is no magic cure but I was wondering how was for you adapting to the medication when you restarted it?



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@ftm87 When I restarted the citalopram, it took a while to "kick in" just like it did when initially put on it. Deep breathing, and knowing it will work again, helped me over those scary days. Getting moderate exercise, and lots of fresh air, might help. Distracting yourself with reading, or hobbies, could be of benefit, also.

How are you doing today?

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