Concentration Problems

Posted by adrian888 @adrian888, Jun 24, 2023


I'm 31 years old and with no other health problems. I don't take any medications at this moment. I suffer from a mild depression and this has an impact on my concentration. Would it be safe to take a low dose Adderall for one month and after stop it? Is a low dose Bupropion a better alternative?

My main problem at this moment is lack of concentration. The goal is to take it just for one month. Would that have an impact on my cardiovascular health on long term?

My Blood pressure is normal at this moment.

I appreciate your time and help! Thanks a lot

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I love to write and read poetry for stress.

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Of course!
Writing down After I've deliberated and stressed over some social encounter that I think I did not in any way contributed to the kind of utterly unwarranted reaction from the other party displayed in front of others in an official setting has bothered now and then over a few years, has come to me as a good possible reason: The physical appearance of a person can be a reflection of a person's state or level of self-acceptance one's self-worth. If one has a low level of one's worth, it CAN translate into an uncaring, even abusive, behavior towards one's body. Since this realization that occurred to me only in the last few months -- even though I'd developed a whole larger theory (e.g. bad self-worth can lead to (or spring from, yes humans are complex beings!) angry or unkempt or anxious disposition, unhealthy levels of sex drive, a serious lack of appreciation of beauty and wonder etc) I think I was too quickly caught up with anger toward the person that my mind did not even drifted into cool headed understanding of his behavior. Well that's more reflection-to-writing.

But I do enjoy reading poetry by accomplished ones: Yes there is one -- warning: not for the faint of heart, by NYU prof and author of, 'The Solution.'

Of course there is then Leonard Cohen's pensive poems to penetrate one's imagination. Or, some light ones from D.H. Lawrence: When Satan fell/it only fell/because the god Almighty/Rose a bit too high/A bit beyond Himself


For me something I WANT to understand Because it matters to me for some specific reason, whether to fix a vacuum cleaner or fentanyl overdose death problem, the interest and purpose behind the thing that needs attention is crucial. Otherwise it's like listening to background music, which often is Intentionally not requiring of attention. I understand ADHD is often found in school kids but once an adult, LIFE teaches us to choose where we NEED attention, for work, higher education, looking after children, etc

I also play for fun Sudoku Puzzles; it needs really good attention and the reward after solving a Hard New York Times Sudoku is worth feeling Goood about oneself.

So I guess whatever your life direction happens to be is important; if there is not much that in itself is not good to live an enjoyable And worthwhile life. We all need to feel that we are needed, are not superfluous. Such purpose then translates into seeking good health and alert mind to accomplish your goals. This is how it works for me, in an 8th decade old body, fit enough thank goodness, to seek my direction in life. Hope it helps you!

Have you tried

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I have to try Sudoku Puzzles. The cause of my concentration problem is self-blame. I blame myself for my wrong decisions.

I don't know why I can't understand that everyone can make a wrong decision and that is not the end of the world. In general I am more a hypersensitive and philosophical person. When something negative happens , it takes me a long time to get over it.


I have to try Sudoku Puzzles. The cause of my concentration problem is self-blame. I blame myself for my wrong decisions.

I don't know why I can't understand that everyone can make a wrong decision and that is not the end of the world. In general I am more a hypersensitive and philosophical person. When something negative happens , it takes me a long time to get over it.

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Whenever I catch myself brooding excessively over something, I ask: Is this time spent this way is how you must? Would you not judge yourself that you spent on it More time than it deserved?

If the answer is you won't regret because you wanted to get to know WHY certain thing happened certain way. Note: it's not the same if later you might come to regret having spent this much time then better ask this question to to yourself, and be clear and honest.

Regarding why OTHER people can't understand....end of the world" is something beyond your control. I'd think everyone makes mistakes and KNOWS it that it's not the end of the world. I lost my apt keys some months ago and cost me over two hundred dollars. It wasn't end of the world. I'm sure others will agree too. So I'd not worry if YOU find some are weird. At younger age we can be less cautious with time, including myself; today I KNOW my time is limited, having entered into my 8th decade.

You say, "The cause of my concentration problem is self-blame. I blame myself for my wrong decisions." Do we not if honest would blame Ourselves for OUR wrong decisions? Blaming Others would be ludicrous!
But it does not mean Fretting and ruminating without any conscious purpose. That is waste of our time. Since you said you have "philosophical" disposition, won't your deep thinking lead you into this more mature way to look at it once for all and Move On?


Whenever I catch myself brooding excessively over something, I ask: Is this time spent this way is how you must? Would you not judge yourself that you spent on it More time than it deserved?

If the answer is you won't regret because you wanted to get to know WHY certain thing happened certain way. Note: it's not the same if later you might come to regret having spent this much time then better ask this question to to yourself, and be clear and honest.

Regarding why OTHER people can't understand....end of the world" is something beyond your control. I'd think everyone makes mistakes and KNOWS it that it's not the end of the world. I lost my apt keys some months ago and cost me over two hundred dollars. It wasn't end of the world. I'm sure others will agree too. So I'd not worry if YOU find some are weird. At younger age we can be less cautious with time, including myself; today I KNOW my time is limited, having entered into my 8th decade.

You say, "The cause of my concentration problem is self-blame. I blame myself for my wrong decisions." Do we not if honest would blame Ourselves for OUR wrong decisions? Blaming Others would be ludicrous!
But it does not mean Fretting and ruminating without any conscious purpose. That is waste of our time. Since you said you have "philosophical" disposition, won't your deep thinking lead you into this more mature way to look at it once for all and Move On?

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Actually thinking about the fact that our time is limited , makes you appreciate the time that you have and stop spending it on things that don't matter that much. I guess reminding myself that my time is limited will help me to stop thinking about the past and make good use of the time that I have.

Thank you for the good reminder 🙂

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