Has anyone gotten back to normal after one complication after another?

Posted by britelite @britelite, Apr 25, 2023

I’m 78 yr old female in good health. Able to swim 2 K and walk 1 mile 3 X week.
I tested positive for COVID on Feb. 10, 2023. I just had a cough - no other symptoms. Took a course of Paxlovid. After about a week, tested negative and was able to go back to short spurts of exercise - swimming and walking. After another week, noticed severe exercise intolerance. I’d get short of breath and my pulse would slow to 48 and become irregular. Saw cardiologist and EKG was essentially normal. Wore a 24 hr. Holter monitor which showed some irregularities but doc did not feel they were significant. In the meantime, chest congestion was getting worse so my internist put me on a course of prednisone. Then my blood pressure shot up to 210/110 and I landed in the ER. I was trending toward hypertension so I was put on Amlodipine. I’ve gotten my BP under control and have days when the shortness of breath is not too bad. (I use an Albuterol inhaler which helps). Then today (3/25) I woke up really lightheaded and had what I think was an anxiety attack. I was afraid I was going to die. I’m feeling better as the day goes on but still lightheaded. It’s just one thing after another. I wonder if I’m ever going to get back to normal.
I’m retired and don’t have to worry about work but my heart goes out to the younger ones who are experiencing similar post COVID symptoms and are unable to get back to work or a semblance of a normal life. I’m grateful to be able participate in this forum and read about other’s experiences and know that I’m not alone in all this. Thank you.

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I sure hope this helps and I'm making a very long story short. I have written on this blog previously if you would like to look back, a few times. It is been a year this month that I have been dealing with long covid. I have been in the hospital six times due to heart palpitations, chest pain, lightheadedness, confusion, my face tingling and going numb, and many other issues. I'm 63 years old and have always been very healthy active competitive tennis player. After a year of being frightened, worrying that that was going to be my life feeling like I was never going to be back to myself. I am now feeling much better. Back on the court, less palpitations if any, less lightheadedness. I have a few things here and there that from me back but I count my blessings everyday. I refuse to accept this as my life . I don't want to get anybody's hopes up and this may not be for everybody. I had read something about mango tea leaves. It was an ingredient in a form of a capsule but the main ingredient for autoimmune was the mango tea leaves. Instead of taking the capsule with otherherbs etc in it, I decided to go right to the mango tea leaves. This may sound crazy but I am drinking three glasses of mango tea leaves, as well as probiotics twice a day. Over a four month period, I am feeling so much better. I don't think it's a coincidence, because I stopped the mango tea leaves for 2 weeks thinking that I was better I started going right back to where I was, heart palpitations, stomach issues, tired, lightheadedness. My husband is the one that brought up the mango tea leaves. He asked me if I stopped drinking the tea. Oddly, yes I did. Since then I am back to drinking my tea leaves 3x a day and I I'm feeling so much better. My thoughts are, long covid messes with your autoimmune system. Probiotics helps your gut, the mango tea leaves also help with your autoimmune. I am not a doctor or a nurse but it may not help to try this . Please do some research on the mango tea leaves to see if it may work for you. I hope this helps somebody. Amazon has the mango tea leaves in a powder form, or tea bags which is what I use. I also get the Florastor (probiotics) on Amazon.

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Just my 2cents worth, so leave it or take it or etc.
I wish I had an answer. I got Covid in 3/20 and was severely ill and quarantined until 6/20. I’ve seen numerous specialists, been told “there’s nothing wrong”, “I’m so sorry but can’t do anything”, “it’s in your head”, and “etc”! . I’ve gone thru a long Covid clinic: all labs all normal. I hesitated writing, because this may not help ANYONE at all… but I just found an immunologist who tested me and my labs came back w/ a zillion red arrows. I have been thrilled— bad news, but answers and validation. It’s so hard: everyone has different pre-existing, length and degree of illness w/ Covid, symptoms, etc. My point is that I think— heavy on the think— I will finally improve. You may want to see an immunologist; however, doctors are like dentists. Some are great and do great work, an few are sadistic money grubbers, and then there are the.vast majority who do a B average job and are invested a bit— but do not feel responsible to provide “the care” in medical care.
I so so hope you improve. All of us!!!


Law59, I’ve been doing the box breathing exercise and it does help. I find stress plays a major role in acting up my physical symptoms of pain. Or pain acts up the stress. —what come first chicken or egg? However looking back on myself when younger I do see the pain came first . I don’t know if it’s possible to have pain w/o stress or anxiety. Then comes the worries. Will it go away or at least get under control for awhile, what will I do if I can’t go to that wedding or a friend’s birthday party? I even missed my grandmothers funeral and some of my family has never forgiven me …still. Pain changed my life. The saying “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Yes, in some cases but not all. Anyway, just wanted to thank you for explaining the simple method of breathing. It does help!

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So sad you weren’t supported! To punish you for not attending her funeral?!? Yikes.


Have you started taking the med? I was given NAC and Guanfacine at Mayo. I haven't taken neither because it's all so "experimental." I didn't have much confidence in the Doc I saw either. He refused to return my calls when I got home when I had a question about the med and causing low blood pressure (mine is already low) and his assistant said 'he's to busy." I lost so much weight and down to 91 lbs. I was 127 lbs.

I'm going down hill fast, alone and so scared. Yesterday my throat started burning, along with my tongue (like burning tongue syndrome) and the pain in unbearable. I can't live like this. A chalazion developed in Oct, won't go away, had two surgeries due to abscess, all to no avail and it came back. Covid is wreaking havoc on our entire immune system and taking over destroying our once very healthy bodies. I'm 68 and prior to Covid was soooooo active and very healthy.

If only I had been in good hands when I had Covid (like Trump and many others) with the best care. My Doc wouldn't even given me any medication or monoclonal antibodies - said 'you'll be fine.' I'm livid and believe had I been given meds this nasty virus wouldn't have taken over my body


Oh @poppy67. Im literally trying to get medical records for confusion of Social Security Disability and so hear and relate to what you’re saying as my body crashing and have no idea what to expect physically, mentally, financially. Hope you know you have my utmost regard and empathy and wish you only the best maneuvering these challenges🌈

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Good luck law59 with the SS disability . Collecting and searching through medical records is no small feat. I wish you all the best! I often think if only another could sit with our pain for even a short while there would be no need for us to have to prove what we deal with. I’m thinking of you and wishing you the best!


Just my 2cents worth, so leave it or take it or etc.
I wish I had an answer. I got Covid in 3/20 and was severely ill and quarantined until 6/20. I’ve seen numerous specialists, been told “there’s nothing wrong”, “I’m so sorry but can’t do anything”, “it’s in your head”, and “etc”! . I’ve gone thru a long Covid clinic: all labs all normal. I hesitated writing, because this may not help ANYONE at all… but I just found an immunologist who tested me and my labs came back w/ a zillion red arrows. I have been thrilled— bad news, but answers and validation. It’s so hard: everyone has different pre-existing, length and degree of illness w/ Covid, symptoms, etc. My point is that I think— heavy on the think— I will finally improve. You may want to see an immunologist; however, doctors are like dentists. Some are great and do great work, an few are sadistic money grubbers, and then there are the.vast majority who do a B average job and are invested a bit— but do not feel responsible to provide “the care” in medical care.
I so so hope you improve. All of us!!!

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Thank you so much! Its funny that you just wrote this. I just had an episode yesterday. I again went to the emergency room. I just bruised a rib playing tennis, I thought maybe it had something to do with my injury. My doctor told me to go to the ER. The rib may have punctured an organ. My once again crazy symptoms, rapid hearbeat, feeling like I was falling sideways, breaking out in a sweat etc. Many testd not a thing to do with my rib. Unfortunately it was my long covid again, I know the drill by now. The doctors in the ER looked at me like I was crazy once again. They also told me once again if it gets worse just come back. I think my neighbors which are also my friends are even starting to think I'm crazy they keep telling me I have anxiety. Unless you know someone with long covid or you were dealing with it you have no idea what we go through. I will take your advice as much as I want to hear the results it may help in the long run. Thank you so much for writing back I hope other people reading take the advice also. Take care of yourself.


So sad you weren’t supported! To punish you for not attending her funeral?!? Yikes.

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I appreciate your response. Someone that understands means a lot. Thank you, poppy67


Just my 2cents worth, so leave it or take it or etc.
I wish I had an answer. I got Covid in 3/20 and was severely ill and quarantined until 6/20. I’ve seen numerous specialists, been told “there’s nothing wrong”, “I’m so sorry but can’t do anything”, “it’s in your head”, and “etc”! . I’ve gone thru a long Covid clinic: all labs all normal. I hesitated writing, because this may not help ANYONE at all… but I just found an immunologist who tested me and my labs came back w/ a zillion red arrows. I have been thrilled— bad news, but answers and validation. It’s so hard: everyone has different pre-existing, length and degree of illness w/ Covid, symptoms, etc. My point is that I think— heavy on the think— I will finally improve. You may want to see an immunologist; however, doctors are like dentists. Some are great and do great work, an few are sadistic money grubbers, and then there are the.vast majority who do a B average job and are invested a bit— but do not feel responsible to provide “the care” in medical care.
I so so hope you improve. All of us!!!

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Touched by your response. Expressing thoughts on what we are dealing with truly helps me and I’m sure it does others as well. A long term illness becomes an emotional battle at some point .At least it did for me. Kindness goes a long way in supporting people. Also, not feeling alone, thanks for sharing!


Thank you so much! Its funny that you just wrote this. I just had an episode yesterday. I again went to the emergency room. I just bruised a rib playing tennis, I thought maybe it had something to do with my injury. My doctor told me to go to the ER. The rib may have punctured an organ. My once again crazy symptoms, rapid hearbeat, feeling like I was falling sideways, breaking out in a sweat etc. Many testd not a thing to do with my rib. Unfortunately it was my long covid again, I know the drill by now. The doctors in the ER looked at me like I was crazy once again. They also told me once again if it gets worse just come back. I think my neighbors which are also my friends are even starting to think I'm crazy they keep telling me I have anxiety. Unless you know someone with long covid or you were dealing with it you have no idea what we go through. I will take your advice as much as I want to hear the results it may help in the long run. Thank you so much for writing back I hope other people reading take the advice also. Take care of yourself.

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Sorry that you are going through this. My symptoms improved significantly after low dose naltrexone LDN 4.5 mg and NAC were dispensed by the Mayo Clinic pharmacy. I live in NYC, but my Doctor called in the Rx. My issues were short term memory and cognitive problems, balance, insomnia, extreme fatigue, joint swelling and pain. All but the arthritis (which was aggravated by Covid) improved greatly. Talk to your PC doctor and show them research from Mayo and Stanford and ask for LDN. It is very safe. Virtually no side effects and helps as anti-inflammatory. Microclots might be another possible mechanism of chronic Covid which may respond to baby aspirin. I take it anyway post mini-stroke. I feel really well after starting LDN.


Two steps forward one step back unless I really do too much and crash!! I have given up on going anywhere soon . Trying to go to an overnight in the Adirondacks is almost overwhelming and I don’t have to drive and will just sit on the porch and watch the lake‼️how easy that should be! We are truly the forgotten, and it isn’t okay ! And judgmental people who think we’re nuts don’t help! Thanks for listening and all the support !


The back & forth has been going on for several months. The first time I thought it was over, then I felt terrible again. I had hope again the next time I started to feel better. Now I know better, and just enjoy the reprieve. After all this time, it feels so good to have a few sort of normal days.

Just like you, I pretty much don’t go anywhere. I don’t know when I’m going to crash, and feel safest being at home. When I do go out, my husband drives me because I’ve gotten stuck, and can’t drive myself home.

One thing y’all are really helping me with is hearing you say how people are responding to you. It’s hard enough to be feeling so bad all the time. It’s terribly upsetting when friends don’t quite believe me, and keep pushing me to do things I’m unable to do. I get so tired of having to explain why I can’t go.

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