Can I go on hormone replacement therapy for menopause?

Posted by kms1s @kms1s, Jun 14, 2023

I am heterozygous for Leiden Factor 5, although I haven't had any issues with blood clots so far -I'm 54 yrs old. I'd like to go on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) due to menopause. I've read using an estrogen patch decreases the risk of clots associated with HRT. I'd like to hear if others with Leiden Factor V have used HRT, and if so, if they also went on a blood thinner to further decrease the clotting risk. Thanks!

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Hello @kms1s according to an article from the National Institute of Health/ Pub Med, there is an increase risk in developing blood clots in patients with Leiden Factor 5.

Here’s an Expert from the report, “Results confirmed that all women have a higher risk for the development of venous thrombosis while on HRT. The presence of a genetic mutation, such as factor V Leiden, in combination with HRT dramatically increased an individual's chance for developing venous thrombi”,increased%20an%20individual%27s%20chance%20for%20developing%20venous%20thrombi.
There are several other members in the group who share the similar diagnosis of Leiden Factor 5 but I’ve not found any conversations regarding HRT.
The best source for finding out what would personally work for you would be checking in with your hematologist. They know your history and may have had this conversation with other patients. Have you talked this over with your hematologist?


Have you considered bio-identical HRT? None of the adverse side effects of standard HRT, although you should absolutely disclose your med Hx with your doc. BHRT is only available from a functional medicine doc, who can further advise if this might be helpful to you.


Have you considered bio-identical HRT? None of the adverse side effects of standard HRT, although you should absolutely disclose your med Hx with your doc. BHRT is only available from a functional medicine doc, who can further advise if this might be helpful to you.

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Yo empecé hace 2 meses. Por el momento sin complicaciones.


Hello, I don’t know if anyone is still on this thread but I too am wondering about the estradiol patch. I’m coming up with mixed reviews on if it’s safe or not. I’m hoping someone has experience with using it.


Hello, I don’t know if anyone is still on this thread but I too am wondering about the estradiol patch. I’m coming up with mixed reviews on if it’s safe or not. I’m hoping someone has experience with using it.

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Hi @ceri, using search you'll find a few discussions, mostly in the Osteoporosis group where members have talked about the estradiol patch. See search results here:
Ceri, are you concerned about HRT in relation to Leiden Factor V or other blood disorder?


Hi @ceri, using search you'll find a few discussions, mostly in the Osteoporosis group where members have talked about the estradiol patch. See search results here:
Ceri, are you concerned about HRT in relation to Leiden Factor V or other blood disorder?

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Hi @colleenyoung

Yes, I am concerned about HRT in relation to Factor V Leiden. I have heard that the estradiol patch is possibly safe, but I'm not sure how accurate that is. I have Factor V and my doctor prescribed the estradiol patch, but I’m concerned about using it.


Ive been using the estradiol patch since Ive been on HU 4 yrs and have not had any issues with my platelets

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