Longcovid Lymphatic Dysfunction

Posted by longcovidcelsi @longcovidcelsi, Mar 26, 2023

Anyone had significant lymphatic dysfunction with longcovid? I've had 5 covid infections since August 2020. My longcovid symptoms began shortly after the first infection and swelling has been a pretty constant one. I often have trouble with lymph nodes swelling in my face and head. The acute swelling will last for a few days and then disappear. Seems to happen the most when I overdo it and don't rest enough. I've been seeing a manual lymphatic drainage specialist, but she doesn't have a diagnosis for me. I'm afraid to see a doctor about it because I have seen so many doctors who run expensive tests, can't find anything, and then ask me if I suffer from anxiety. Luckily I got the longcovid index test with inflammatory indicators that proves I am not actually crazy, but I'd love to hear from someone on here who has had similar lymphatic trouble and has heard anything from docs about it. Maybe then I can take a specific idea to the doc to check.

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I'm thinking I'm doomed by a rural healthcare 'desert' I retired to, because, 'Long Covid'.

After at least one but likely two cases of COVID beginning December 2021, I have 'a list of symptoms' - the most bothersome and disconcerting to me being, 'LYMPHATIC SYSTEM INFLAMMATION' that cycles on 'a continuous sinewave' of 'expand and contract' for a minimum of the past 10 months (today is June 23, 2023). I'll use a scale of 1-10 to describe a range of severity of inflammation in my 'under jaw lymph nodes' with '1' being 'no inflammation' to '10' being 'maximum expansion possible' (meaning to me, they all seem to be distinguishable by touch, very firm/hard, and maximum inflammation experienced 'during my lifetime' from any cause including strep throat, etc.). So, every daily 24-hour cycle my neck nodes expand and contract from a '2 to 8' with '10' maybe every 36-48 hour cycle-period. They are never, a '1', anymore Early on, I thought it was 'only' my neck nodes that were swelling (accompanied by my 'other symptoms' which included and continue, still: chronic fatigue, vertigo, brainfog, runny nose, heart palpitations/arrythmia, general malaise and severe insomnia (since improved after experimentation with various methods ending in mega-dosing with OTC melatonin)). After a few months and efforts at trying to be attuned to everything going on with me regarding the variety of 'issues' I seemed to be experiencing, I noticed that a few other 'bodily discomforts' just happened to be 'adjacent' other lymph nodes of my complete lymphatic system. For example, I found myself having to 'adjust my testicles' when 'sitting' because they seemed to be 'getting in the way' and 'I could not kneel on my knees without using special kneepads' due to 'excruciating pain' that felt like needles being jammed into my knees if I tried to kneel - and so I began monitoring how 'those' synchronized with my neck nodes expansion and contraction and found 'synchronicity'. Research on 'inflammation' led me to try using 'NSAIDS' (mega-dosing) for a few days in an attempt to reduce 'inflammation' - and see if that helped 'anything'. It seemed to, but luckily I also read that if continued, 'it'll kill you' if you overdo ingesting NSAIDS/Aspirin, so cannot continue that regimen. After being pretty much 'housebound' by it all, I finally got to a 2nd appt with a primary care doc, who (to be understated), seems incapable of helping me, whatsoever, to-date. I did have 'lab tests/bloodwork' which came back normal, including the addition of a 'cancer screen', due the 'chronic inflammation' of lymph nodes. I intend to continue persuing, which is requiring me being 'assertive' and also finding another 'primary' I will visit in a couple of weeks. I would love to know if anyone else has experienced a similar issue with their 'holistic lymphatic system'. ALSO, from my own research of medical research, investigations and literature including from 'numerous respected sources', it all has me wondering if my 'BRAINFOG' might be attributed perhaps to 'lymph nodes' within in my skull, possibly 'inflamed and pressing on brain' during this 'continuous ongoing sine wave of expansion/contraction'. Anyone? Also, at this point, I am considering selling my home and relocating back to 'some metropolitan region' where I previously had access to 'good healthcare infrastructures', because I do not have that 'luxury', where I currently reside.

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I live in top Sulicon Valley medical community and my docs have no ideas what’s wrong with me! I have arthritis and thus a challenge d immune system- but I’m the only one so far who thinks that’s relevant! The Orthopedic docs treat sore knee joints it have little interest in my all over aching joints and total exhaustion. I’m 80+ and they imply I’m lucky to be alive! Stanford Med Center has just opened a “Post Acute Covid clinic and I’m trying to get accepted there… so far NA!
God bless us all!😇


I live in top Sulicon Valley medical community and my docs have no ideas what’s wrong with me! I have arthritis and thus a challenge d immune system- but I’m the only one so far who thinks that’s relevant! The Orthopedic docs treat sore knee joints it have little interest in my all over aching joints and total exhaustion. I’m 80+ and they imply I’m lucky to be alive! Stanford Med Center has just opened a “Post Acute Covid clinic and I’m trying to get accepted there… so far NA!
God bless us all!😇

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Get your lactic acid levels checked. They’re finding with some people that resting lactic acid levels are through the roof contributing to extreme fatigue and joint pain. We just found this out a few days ago.


I see also in the study published by 'FRED HUTCHINSON', Seattle, Re: Long Covid and 'INFLAMMATION' that Blood Test 'IL-6' (Interleukin-6) shows 'Markers' related to this one. "IL-6 is a protein produced by various cells. It helps regulate immune responses, which makes the IL-6 test potentially useful as a marker of immune system activation. IL-6 can be elevated with inflammation, infection, autoimmune disorders, (including Arthritis), cardiovascular diseases, and some cancers. The test measures the amount of IL-6 in the blood. Interleukin-6 is one of a large group of molecules called cytokines."

I see in my research a lot of mentions of 'CYTOKINE STORMS' - so - I intend to ask my 'new Primary Care Physician' if he'll order one up - and if he won't - perhaps whomever he refers me to when I go in a couple weeks but THIS TIME instead of mentioning my 'Lymphatic System Inflammation' I intend to use my 'BRAIN RELATED SYMPTOMS" as my reason for coming in - hoping to actually get a referral to a 'Neuro' instead of simply having my 'PRIMARY' waste time looking for cancer then not following up on anything further - 'because no cancer detetected'.


IL-6 Test
Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a protein produced by various cells. It helps regulate immune responses, which makes the IL-6 test potentially useful as a marker of immune system activation. IL-6 can be elevated with inflammation, infection, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and some cancers. The test measures the amount of IL-6 in the blood.

Interleukin-6 is one of a large group of molecules called cytokines. Cytokines have multiple roles to play within the body and act especially within the immune system to help direct the body’s immune response. They are a part of the “inflammatory cascade” that involves the coordinated, sequential activation of immune response pathways.

IL-6 acts on a variety of cells and tissues. It promotes differentiation of B-cells (white blood cells that produce antibodies), promotes cell growth in some cells, and inhibits growth in others. It stimulates the production of acute phase proteins. IL-6 also plays a role in body temperature regulation, bone maintenance, and brain function. It is primarily pro-inflammatory but can also have anti-inflammatory effects.


-I have had Long Covid since 2020--lots of symptoms--just suck it up-and pray that you have been Blessed with another day---


Get your lactic acid levels checked. They’re finding with some people that resting lactic acid levels are through the roof contributing to extreme fatigue and joint pain. We just found this out a few days ago.

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Good to know. I have the same trouble, but more like sleepiness during the day. I’ve had to use ibuprofen in the morning when I was up to relieve achy joints so I can function throughout the day. I’ll ask about getting my lactic acid checked, assuming it’s a blood test.


So. An Update...

Today, my NEW REPLACEMENT Doctor showed me and gave me a copy of 'THE ALGORITHM' we are now on ( and for those unaware, 'your medical problems are now managed by algorithms' directing your doctors actions in response to YOUR SYMPTOMS - so - you really need to find the right doctor for you and on top of that must ensure he will be following the algorithm most-likely to have a positive impact on YOUR CONDITION. Disclaimer: I am not a medically-trained person nor am I selling anything. So SEARCH TERM, NO QUOTES ----> ' algorithm for the evaluation of clonal cell disorder ' Now, I repeatedly noticed 'EPSTEIN-BARR VIRUS (EBV)' ~ aka ~ 'MONONUCLEOSIS' scattered throughout medical literature found in my search results related to ' THIS THING '. I did have 'mono' back in, like, 1970. I decided to mention it in the notes I gave my new doc first visit ( 'Executive Brief' ) about what I hoped to accomplish - my primary 2 'conditions' hoping to find root casue, of ; 1) Fatigue 2) Chronic Inflammation of Lymph Nodes, 'Throughout' Now, some of the specifically-related terms and phrases related to this, include; MGUS, SMOULDERING MYELOMA and MULTIPLE MYELOMA and 'EPSTEIN–BARR VIRUS–ASSOCIATED LYMPHOPROLIFERATIVE DISEASES' Because, like, I don't even understand how I couldn't find this on my own using search terms I'd been using but I'ma guess 'algorithms' determined what I was able to find via internet, as well. For those of you who KNOW you've had 'MONO / Epstein-Barr' and 'on this board and have swollen lymph nodes persisting - maybe waxing and waning - #1 - you might not even notice the ones in your groin and behind your knees are also 'swollen' (because I didn't, for months, until I figured out why my kneecaps were tender and 'nuts' were being 'extended' and interfering with my sitting). Who knew?? Too painful to kneel - happened when my lymph nodes were 'pumped' - 'nuts' get in my way sitting down, oddly and unusually - and... when my lymph nodes are swollen - which FINALLY caused me to consider maybe nodes I never really even considered for 60+ years. It was always about Strep Throat, for me, vice 'LYMPHADENOPATHY' ( one of the applicable terms used to describe this condition ). So back to the top - if any of this rings true with you, I recommend 'Googling' the pages with THAT PHRASE to get 'Medical Algorithm' then 'Wikipedia' for 'Smouldering Myeloma' and 'Epstein-Barr Virus-Associated Lymphoproliferative Diseases' POINT BEING for ME ---> Mutual Goal is 'Stopping The Inflammation' and per 'Smouldering Myeloma' they do that by stopping the dividing of 'cloned defects' running amok (my translation) which are pumping up the holistic lymph system. And by the way, my brainfog seems to ebb and flow with the most profound stages on the 'perpetual expansion/contraction cycle' of 'The Nodes'. Past 3 days I've been 'Walking Dead' (and driving dead to and fro the doc today). My own private lobotomy comes and goes - with lizard brain and abstract reasoning functions seemingly fine. It's those periods where I'm, like, responsibilities ?! Family ?! Demands of others ?! Shower ?! Who cares ! I'm just gonna die anyway ! So anyway I'm kind of stoked about this new direction, for multiple reasons most of which have to do with working hard at identifying as many little things 'going on within' as I can - researching by words/terms/links - finding patterns emerge - not finding anything I felt I could personally 'align with' (yet) in a way I might use to benefit me - then having these presented to me, today. Shocked I missed them prior to today - excited by what I find in them all. THAT'S THE NEWS FROM LAKE WOBEGON.....


So. An Update...

Today, my NEW REPLACEMENT Doctor showed me and gave me a copy of 'THE ALGORITHM' we are now on ( and for those unaware, 'your medical problems are now managed by algorithms' directing your doctors actions in response to YOUR SYMPTOMS - so - you really need to find the right doctor for you and on top of that must ensure he will be following the algorithm most-likely to have a positive impact on YOUR CONDITION. Disclaimer: I am not a medically-trained person nor am I selling anything. So SEARCH TERM, NO QUOTES ----> ' algorithm for the evaluation of clonal cell disorder ' Now, I repeatedly noticed 'EPSTEIN-BARR VIRUS (EBV)' ~ aka ~ 'MONONUCLEOSIS' scattered throughout medical literature found in my search results related to ' THIS THING '. I did have 'mono' back in, like, 1970. I decided to mention it in the notes I gave my new doc first visit ( 'Executive Brief' ) about what I hoped to accomplish - my primary 2 'conditions' hoping to find root casue, of ; 1) Fatigue 2) Chronic Inflammation of Lymph Nodes, 'Throughout' Now, some of the specifically-related terms and phrases related to this, include; MGUS, SMOULDERING MYELOMA and MULTIPLE MYELOMA and 'EPSTEIN–BARR VIRUS–ASSOCIATED LYMPHOPROLIFERATIVE DISEASES' Because, like, I don't even understand how I couldn't find this on my own using search terms I'd been using but I'ma guess 'algorithms' determined what I was able to find via internet, as well. For those of you who KNOW you've had 'MONO / Epstein-Barr' and 'on this board and have swollen lymph nodes persisting - maybe waxing and waning - #1 - you might not even notice the ones in your groin and behind your knees are also 'swollen' (because I didn't, for months, until I figured out why my kneecaps were tender and 'nuts' were being 'extended' and interfering with my sitting). Who knew?? Too painful to kneel - happened when my lymph nodes were 'pumped' - 'nuts' get in my way sitting down, oddly and unusually - and... when my lymph nodes are swollen - which FINALLY caused me to consider maybe nodes I never really even considered for 60+ years. It was always about Strep Throat, for me, vice 'LYMPHADENOPATHY' ( one of the applicable terms used to describe this condition ). So back to the top - if any of this rings true with you, I recommend 'Googling' the pages with THAT PHRASE to get 'Medical Algorithm' then 'Wikipedia' for 'Smouldering Myeloma' and 'Epstein-Barr Virus-Associated Lymphoproliferative Diseases' POINT BEING for ME ---> Mutual Goal is 'Stopping The Inflammation' and per 'Smouldering Myeloma' they do that by stopping the dividing of 'cloned defects' running amok (my translation) which are pumping up the holistic lymph system. And by the way, my brainfog seems to ebb and flow with the most profound stages on the 'perpetual expansion/contraction cycle' of 'The Nodes'. Past 3 days I've been 'Walking Dead' (and driving dead to and fro the doc today). My own private lobotomy comes and goes - with lizard brain and abstract reasoning functions seemingly fine. It's those periods where I'm, like, responsibilities ?! Family ?! Demands of others ?! Shower ?! Who cares ! I'm just gonna die anyway ! So anyway I'm kind of stoked about this new direction, for multiple reasons most of which have to do with working hard at identifying as many little things 'going on within' as I can - researching by words/terms/links - finding patterns emerge - not finding anything I felt I could personally 'align with' (yet) in a way I might use to benefit me - then having these presented to me, today. Shocked I missed them prior to today - excited by what I find in them all. THAT'S THE NEWS FROM LAKE WOBEGON.....

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I repeat:

' algorithm for the evaluation of clonal cell disorder '

COPY / PASTE into your browser if you have chronic inflamed lymph nodes possibly related to long COVID

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