Melanoma update

Posted by birdman518 @birdman518, Jun 12, 2023

I had a melanoma removed from my scalp two years ago (with a sentinel lymph node removal), and this forum was a great help.
I was told that nothing was found, and that I was all set, except to do quarterly skin checks with my dermatologist.
Well, last week I discovered a lump on my neck, just below where the SLN were removed. Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa got me in the next day (I feel lucky to live only 40 minutes away), and based on an ultrasound, told me I needed to get it biopsied, which happened this morning.
The PA did not really indicate that this might be "nothing", so I am a little concerned.
I will check in when I find out the results, which will probably take at least 5 business days.


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I saw the oncologist yesterday. As I expected, he offered me a place in a clinical trial he is running. We also talked about using Opduolag either before or after resection. After going home and talking it over with my wife, we both agree that I will first do the resection and then decide what course of action we will take.
As must be pretty clear by now, at least at this point, I am not willing to take any of the standard-of-care treatments. I have read at least 3 recent books on immuno-therapy, as well as reviewed many technical papers and read about the trials, etc., and have decided it is not for me. I realize I am very much in the minority in this, but so far I am comfortable with it. Remember that I had *no* other evidence anywhere else except this one lymph node in my neck.
I will obviously stay on top of my situation, and take advantage of whatever follow-up scans that they recommend.
P.S. You should have seen the look I got from the oncologist when I turned him down!

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Don't know if you are already aware of this, but you seem receptive to this kind of information. If you want to try it there is dosage information in other mayo posts.

Don't know if you are already aware of this, but you seem receptive to this kind of information. If you want to try it there is dosage information in other mayo posts.

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yes, I have been doing little else except reading up on this, including books, articles and watching videos. There are quite a few videos, including Dr Thomas Seyfried, who is one of the pioneers in this type of metabolic therapy for cancer. Admittedly some of it is still so early it has not reached clinical trials, but as you noted, there are still lots of places to find out about doing some on one's own.


yes, I have been doing little else except reading up on this, including books, articles and watching videos. There are quite a few videos, including Dr Thomas Seyfried, who is one of the pioneers in this type of metabolic therapy for cancer. Admittedly some of it is still so early it has not reached clinical trials, but as you noted, there are still lots of places to find out about doing some on one's own.

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For me it was quite personal. I had stage 2 bladder cancer, which has a low survival rate and high recurence.
I started taking high doses of absorbable curcumin along with high doses of vitamin C and after 4 month of chemotherapy both my doctors still wanted to remove both my bladder and prostate. I asked for biopsy. It came back cancer free and still am.


For me it was quite personal. I had stage 2 bladder cancer, which has a low survival rate and high recurence.
I started taking high doses of absorbable curcumin along with high doses of vitamin C and after 4 month of chemotherapy both my doctors still wanted to remove both my bladder and prostate. I asked for biopsy. It came back cancer free and still am.

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How did you come up with your regimen?
Did you look at the Care Oncology protocol, or Jane McLelland's, or Joe Tippins?

BTW, thanks for sharing with me!


How did you come up with your regimen?
Did you look at the Care Oncology protocol, or Jane McLelland's, or Joe Tippins?

BTW, thanks for sharing with me!

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No, all my direction was from worldwide studies as well as helping put late stage people into remission with Megavitamin therapy. Interesting that the Chinese suggest a very close formula for treating Covid-19.

I was an IT specialist my whole career. I believe I can find accurate facts before most people. I started supplements like vitamin C before the FDA said it was not dangerous. While it may not directly kill cancer cell, it boosts your immune system which does.

Since the inception of the internet and browsers like Google, many thing are possible today that were never before. Medicine has advance faster. In particular research on curcumin has radically accelerated in the last 5 years. It is also powerful anti-inflammatory used for arthritis. For me it eliminated all negative side effects of chemotherapy.

Hospital have changed from prohibiting it's use for cancer to suggesting investigating it.


No, all my direction was from worldwide studies as well as helping put late stage people into remission with Megavitamin therapy. Interesting that the Chinese suggest a very close formula for treating Covid-19.

I was an IT specialist my whole career. I believe I can find accurate facts before most people. I started supplements like vitamin C before the FDA said it was not dangerous. While it may not directly kill cancer cell, it boosts your immune system which does.

Since the inception of the internet and browsers like Google, many thing are possible today that were never before. Medicine has advance faster. In particular research on curcumin has radically accelerated in the last 5 years. It is also powerful anti-inflammatory used for arthritis. For me it eliminated all negative side effects of chemotherapy.

Hospital have changed from prohibiting it's use for cancer to suggesting investigating it.

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Not only am I on the same page, I am a retired software engineer. I am also on 1500 mg of curcumin (plus vitamin C) per day. I am also on a keto diet and really only eat real food that I have prepared.

I don't know how old you are (I am 67) but I first used the Internet around 1983, at Wang Laboratories. They had a deal with BBN and hosed packet-switching nodes. I also worked at Digital Equipment Corp., and in our lab was decvax, one of the original Internet nodes. I wrote Unix boot code for both 68020 and 80386 single-board computers at Wang... Finally, my name is also in the Ultrix (DEC) source code for writing the SCSI driver for the Dec RMAX workstation...
Sorry to reminisce, but I feel better now!


How did you come up with your regimen?
Did you look at the Care Oncology protocol, or Jane McLelland's, or Joe Tippins?

BTW, thanks for sharing with me!

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I am 11 months into GBM diagnosis. Stopped standard of care 4 weeks in, and following Seyfried / D'Agostino press-pulse protocol since last March. Intending to start Menbendazole next, hopeful in conjunction with HBO, bur limited access here in Western Australia. Also taking bioavailable Curcumin, Frankincense and various vitamins. Not yet in position to claim positive results but early results promising. 63 yo male, be owing very fit ans healthy on keto diet with regular water fasting and restrictive time eating.


No, all my direction was from worldwide studies as well as helping put late stage people into remission with Megavitamin therapy. Interesting that the Chinese suggest a very close formula for treating Covid-19.

I was an IT specialist my whole career. I believe I can find accurate facts before most people. I started supplements like vitamin C before the FDA said it was not dangerous. While it may not directly kill cancer cell, it boosts your immune system which does.

Since the inception of the internet and browsers like Google, many thing are possible today that were never before. Medicine has advance faster. In particular research on curcumin has radically accelerated in the last 5 years. It is also powerful anti-inflammatory used for arthritis. For me it eliminated all negative side effects of chemotherapy.

Hospital have changed from prohibiting it's use for cancer to suggesting investigating it.

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very interested in your progress.
please keep it coming


very interested in your progress.
please keep it coming

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Latest MRI on 25 Nov 2023 showing recurrence and two new nodules. Very rapid growth - felt it developing over the last 10 weeks, but hit constant road blocks in accessing treatments. Did not managed to access HBOT. This coming week, with now nothing left to lose I will commence Fenbendazole and CBD Oil and ramp up my keto and fasting. Enquiring about Vitamin C Liposomal this also - considered IV Vit C but too much impact on family life. I had introduced new meds over last month but suspect they may have been detrimental.

Despite recurrence I have strong conviction on benefits of Metabolic Ketogenic Therapy and maintain positive outlook and expectations.

In for a penny, in for a pound! 😉


Latest MRI on 25 Nov 2023 showing recurrence and two new nodules. Very rapid growth - felt it developing over the last 10 weeks, but hit constant road blocks in accessing treatments. Did not managed to access HBOT. This coming week, with now nothing left to lose I will commence Fenbendazole and CBD Oil and ramp up my keto and fasting. Enquiring about Vitamin C Liposomal this also - considered IV Vit C but too much impact on family life. I had introduced new meds over last month but suspect they may have been detrimental.

Despite recurrence I have strong conviction on benefits of Metabolic Ketogenic Therapy and maintain positive outlook and expectations.

In for a penny, in for a pound! 😉

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Have you looked into ozone& ultraviolet light therapy.
Or hyperbaric oxigen?
I am so sorry this has happened to you….happened to anyone.
My fear is that I will go through treatments but because I would still have the hpv virus the it would just reoccur.
Let me know how your alternative approach is going
Positive thoughts that it will work.

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