Anyone else dealing with shingles?

Posted by oldkarl @oldkarl, Apr 20, 2020

I now have shingles. My inoculation this year did not work. In fact, I am worried that I was given something else, as my shingles started up about two months after the shot.

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adltt123 I had the first shingles shot that came out about a few years ago, I never got
the two new shingles shot that came out. anyway, I am 82 I just finished up with the
shingles this week, and when it left me, all of a sudden my mouth started to burn and my
cheeks inside are swollen, right now I am using salt water to rinse in my mouth till I
go to the dentist Monday, I also wonder if this could be from radiation for my breast
cancer. but I finished that in Feb. Has anyone in this shingles group had this problem?
From your body to your mouth.

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I just got over shingles. Was put on an antiviral immediately because am on an immunosuppressant. Had a very mild case. Only had the first shingles vaccine. So far no problem with my mouth. I do have a dry mouth due to the radiation I received to my head.


adltt123 I had the first shingles shot that came out about a few years ago, I never got
the two new shingles shot that came out. anyway, I am 82 I just finished up with the
shingles this week, and when it left me, all of a sudden my mouth started to burn and my
cheeks inside are swollen, right now I am using salt water to rinse in my mouth till I
go to the dentist Monday, I also wonder if this could be from radiation for my breast
cancer. but I finished that in Feb. Has anyone in this shingles group had this problem?
From your body to your mouth.

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I had shingles many years ago, and I agree it is extremely painful, but I now have Trigeminal Neuralgia which is much more painful. The pain is in the left jaw bone and under my teeth on the left side. Before we found Pregabolin I could not open my mouth to eat or touch my face, or talk on the telephone. Pregabolin is one of the medications given for Shingles pain. Are these two problems related? Does your doctor recommend you receive the new Shingles Vaccine?


Hi Gina5009/ yes she wants me to get the two shingles shots, the first of July, I have a colonoscopy next
Monday and also a tooth that has to be taken out, I think it is infected now. I don't no if when I had radiation
this all might be from it--Plus ct scans and pet scans, I could go on and on.
I have never heard of what you have, can the dentist help you in some way? How do you eat? what if the dentist
goes in and does a root canal on the teeth that are giving you pain and takes the nerve out. no one should have
to live with all that pain. How do you think that started?


just FYI - there is the "usual" shingle with the rash, then there is an uncommon/rare shingles without a rash - Zoster Sine Herpete - aka internal shingles, usually missed as too many do not even know about it - was denied by urgent care (already googled so knew was real -HA- took to PC next week) same pain, but NO RASH. have been living with PHN over 10 years; pain was in same area as my 4 fractured ribs from a fall on ice January of 22. did X-ray, CT but not the cause of pain, so after another month, did blood test = VERY positive. was too late for initial anitviral. did treat 2nd eruption a month later, got some relief. Just went thru 3rd time since 10/22,, still no rash. was a bit late for meds, but did anyway, 4 days was all i could stomach. This shingles goes everywhere our nerves go - can be very dangerous, am on alert for myositis, encephalitis, transverse myelitis - and other not-fun things. so with age, Ssc, PHN and 40 years of trigeminal neuralgia, (and likely fibromuscular dysplasia on CT , vascular visit this week) will have refills for antiviral for future, now that is well established. told PC am about ready to pitch a tent and sell tickets!


Hi! I’ve had shingles two Orr three times a year for over 40 yrs until I was put on Valtrex 1 gram daily for life and an extra 500 as needed . This maintainer has been a Godsend . I think it’s imperative to be on an anti anxiety med also to help nerve endings gs and mine is twice daily Effexor XR. Because of those together I haven’t had an episode for 25 yrs! I was told that it has to e surprised early daily, that it is worse in spring and fall but for me it was every season, also to avoid all sugar caffeine and alcohol and chocolate and peanuts! And I do. Sleep 7-8 hrs a day is also necessary and I use Relaxium. I wish you well!


I have had shingles (only once), but I did suffer badly from facial cold sores, and now Trigeminal Neuralgia I am told these illnesses have a strange relationship to each other. When I was very young, and the sores on my mouth were very severe, I worked for a physician. He informed me that this particular virus is related to small pox and that MAYBE if we tried some small pox vaccinatons it might give me some relief. We did 5 vacinations and the problem was solved. I now take Pregabalin 50 mg a day, and I am ALMOST totally relieved of the Neuralgia.
I eat everything (probably too much) and everything is O.K.


@marcia115 oh, golly, my mouth just hurts to read you describing yours. I looked through the other discussions about shingles but didn’t see anything regarding spread to the mouth. The burning feeling shouldn’t be related to the radiation from breast cancer. That radiation is pinpoint to your breast.
Have you discussed this with your doctor?


becsbuddy: I went to the dentist on Monday and it was mostly gone, it lasted 4 days, I have a tooth
that will be taken out next Friday, and I thought I had an infection or from radiation. since the shingles
just left me last week he thinks my immune system was affected by the shingles. I am sure glad it is gone.
Thank you for writing me. I say when your mouth hurts use salt water it works.



@marcia115 I agree with the salt rinse. The oncologists I worked with had us using equal parts salt and baking soda. Worked great. May I ask about the tooth extraction? The dentist said that your immune system may have been affected by the shingles. You want to be positive that all infection has left your body because a tooth extraction leaves an open wound.
Can you ask the dentist if he would give you a prescription for an antibiotic?


My neighbor who was 69 just passed away from not getting the shingles vaccine. He got an infection that gave him swelling of the brain. His sister was after him to get the vaccine but he didn’t get around to it.

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