Post Covid sweating: Is this common for others too?

Posted by dr4bama @dr4bama, Jul 14, 2022

I am experiencing profuse sweating off during the day and nightly. Is this common post Covid?

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I just wanted to add that many people who had covid infection also were low in vitamin D… I read about this earlier on when things were still new…I tested low in vitamin D so I increased my dosage and it started reducing my sweating and some improvement in my head space… I just wanted to pass this along and hope others might get some positive results, after all it’s only a vitamin and you’ve got nothing to lose except lousy symptoms.


Hello, I am new to this group but have had long COVID since my first bout with COVID in March 2020, during which time I also was diagnosed with newly onset diabetes. I was improving until my second bout with COVID in December 2021, which almost killed me. My long COVID symptoms have not gone away since then and I’m now a type 1 diabetic.
Before long COVID, I barely sweated. Now I sweat all the time and my skin gets hot. It’s not just at night, and I can’t tell what is triggering it. I don’t have neuropathy from the diabetes, and I know what hypoglycemic night sweats are like, but this sweating is different. I feel like long COVID completely destroyed my balance of parasympathetic and sympathetic homeostasis. I also have daily fevers that have not resolved, fatigue, and muscle pain.


Hi. I just saw your message as I was searching for post covid sweating. I've had a severe night sweating disorder for 8 years (fortunately only at night). It started when I was 55, and hormone imbalance ruled out. One evening I ate a marijuana cookie that a friend made, and I woke up dry after 6 months of being drenched at least 6 times every night. I've been using the marijuana to keep the sweating under control while looking for answers, but after 8 years, several doctors, acupuncturists, psychiatrists, psychologists from all over the country, have no idea how to help me. Post covid, something weird happened and made my sweating worse. I'm also here in NM. I have been getting Ketamine treatments, and it has mitigated the sweating.


My sweats lasted 4 months. My maim symptoms now are shortness of breath and extreme fatigue. I am 6 months out now


Same! I just posted this on the Long Haul FB pages I'm on. I did treat for h-pylori gut infection recently and Strep. Now it seems tolerable. For me I think it's vascular or respiratory as I've been dx with Factor V clotting disorder and have micro clots in my lungs and EDS. I will have my D levels checked but in April they were good after supplementing all winter. I agree it could also be the autonomic nervous system. I had the SGB (Stellate Ganglion Block) done last September and it helped with many symptoms, but got Covid #2 this past March and some symptoms are back, so may need it again. I wouldn't discount a low lying infection, either. I also had this with lyme disease, so goes to say it could be parasitic or bacterial causes, too. Ketamine. Been reading a lot about that. Where do you get that done? Referal or prescription needed? -Kris


Hi. I just saw your message as I was searching for post covid sweating. I've had a severe night sweating disorder for 8 years (fortunately only at night). It started when I was 55, and hormone imbalance ruled out. One evening I ate a marijuana cookie that a friend made, and I woke up dry after 6 months of being drenched at least 6 times every night. I've been using the marijuana to keep the sweating under control while looking for answers, but after 8 years, several doctors, acupuncturists, psychiatrists, psychologists from all over the country, have no idea how to help me. Post covid, something weird happened and made my sweating worse. I'm also here in NM. I have been getting Ketamine treatments, and it has mitigated the sweating.

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What’s involved in the process/ medication/ type of professional administering, and where do you get ketamine treatments?


I also suffer that but combine with feeling of intense inner chill. When appoachingbwhat feels tolerable I sweat profusely, cold sweats.


Same! I just posted this on the Long Haul FB pages I'm on. I did treat for h-pylori gut infection recently and Strep. Now it seems tolerable. For me I think it's vascular or respiratory as I've been dx with Factor V clotting disorder and have micro clots in my lungs and EDS. I will have my D levels checked but in April they were good after supplementing all winter. I agree it could also be the autonomic nervous system. I had the SGB (Stellate Ganglion Block) done last September and it helped with many symptoms, but got Covid #2 this past March and some symptoms are back, so may need it again. I wouldn't discount a low lying infection, either. I also had this with lyme disease, so goes to say it could be parasitic or bacterial causes, too. Ketamine. Been reading a lot about that. Where do you get that done? Referal or prescription needed? -Kris

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believe you need a script


I just wanted to add that many people who had covid infection also were low in vitamin D… I read about this earlier on when things were still new…I tested low in vitamin D so I increased my dosage and it started reducing my sweating and some improvement in my head space… I just wanted to pass this along and hope others might get some positive results, after all it’s only a vitamin and you’ve got nothing to lose except lousy symptoms.

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Thank you for this observation. My D levels are low right now (in mid summer) at 37, so this could be my reason too! -Kris


I’m happy for you and I hope it will stay that way.. I still take 2,000 units daily and I really believe in this, good luck

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