Benzodiazepine class action law suit

Posted by shake @shake, Nov 4, 2022

Has anyone looked into a class action law suit regarding Benzodiazepines?

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If you do find an attorney willing to do so, please let me know! I've broken basically every bone in my body due to Xanax withdrawal! Shattered most of them! I was having Gandmal seizures on a weekly basis! My dr just said, don't run out & wrote more!


If benzodiazepines are made illegal, I will likely not be able to survive. Then you folks who win your class action suit can have a party and be all happy.


If benzodiazepines are made illegal, I will likely not be able to survive. Then you folks who win your class action suit can have a party and be all happy.

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Someone has to be held accountable for the suffering this medication has caused so so many people. Many of us will never get our lives back due to benzodiazepines. I would like to see some justice served before I die.


I was on Valium for over 40 years and eventually it stop working. I did achieve getting off of the Valium it has been 7 months. Tough journey, but I feel that I’m enjoying my life now instead of missing out.


Following… I’m being forced to stop


My doctor prescribed them to me. I had no idea about addiction. I’m a Vietnam Veteran and suffered from panic attacks and anxiety attacks; after years of usage I went into rehab, but it don’t work so back to the Valium. I lost some much out of life; weight gain, slow speech, slow reflexes and my attention to life was limited. Now I lost the weight; just a bit shackie.



Not one provider in Albuquerque had any idea how to help me discontinue a benzo my therapist (psychologist in private practice with prescriptive privileges) started me on for insomnia. A year later, after I had a major surgery, and was on other medication‘s for pain, I thought that taking a benzo with the pain medicine would be too much for me, so I stopped the Klonipin 1 mg at night.
The withdrawals are enormous, suprizing in the intensity and duration.l
I resorted to looking on line for help since none in the medical establishment here had a clue.
In he UK, a doctor that has since passed away, has written the only method that works…
Her name is Heather Aston,MD. She published the ASTON MANUAL in 1999 folks!!
Why haven’t any of the medical establishment used this? Instead we are told to reduce the dose and in two weeks quit it. It takes months and even years to withdraw from these medication’s depending on how long you use them and your dose.
I am a board-certified, psychiatric nurse practitioner, who had not heard of this method in all of my 2 Master’s degrees from 2 top flight nursing schools in NM.
It makes me wonder if the pharmaceutical companies have such a tight grip on practitioners, that they would want to keep this information from providers.

These drugs are extremely harmful. I would never prescribed them again for more than 3 days.


@sears, @cookiegirl1944 , @shake, and all...
I've spoken to and called multiple lawyers to find help against a doctor who withdrew my son suddenly, with no refills/no tapering/no instructions/no suggestions, from Klonopin. I've hit dozens of brick walls. The last lawyer stated he considered my son's situation a tragic life, a tragic case, but too expensive and difficult to go further due to the complexity of his illness and the 20 years of poor treatment.

Does anyone know of a Klonopin Class action lawsuit? or can this be included in the Benzo suit?
Any help is appreciated and needed!
Be blessed on your journey...Elizabeth

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I an so sorry!!! Every good doctor knows you have to taper off these meds! I am on klonepin at this time for sleep. I am a certified health and life coach and I help clients with depression and anxiety. If you or anyone is in crisis, there is a crisis text line you can use! They have counselors 24/7. Text 741741.


Not one provider in Albuquerque had any idea how to help me discontinue a benzo my therapist (psychologist in private practice with prescriptive privileges) started me on for insomnia. A year later, after I had a major surgery, and was on other medication‘s for pain, I thought that taking a benzo with the pain medicine would be too much for me, so I stopped the Klonipin 1 mg at night.
The withdrawals are enormous, suprizing in the intensity and duration.l
I resorted to looking on line for help since none in the medical establishment here had a clue.
In he UK, a doctor that has since passed away, has written the only method that works…
Her name is Heather Aston,MD. She published the ASTON MANUAL in 1999 folks!!
Why haven’t any of the medical establishment used this? Instead we are told to reduce the dose and in two weeks quit it. It takes months and even years to withdraw from these medication’s depending on how long you use them and your dose.
I am a board-certified, psychiatric nurse practitioner, who had not heard of this method in all of my 2 Master’s degrees from 2 top flight nursing schools in NM.
It makes me wonder if the pharmaceutical companies have such a tight grip on practitioners, that they would want to keep this information from providers.

These drugs are extremely harmful. I would never prescribed them again for more than 3 days.

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I was only on .5mg of klonopin for 7 months and now more than 3 months after stopping cold turkey I still have ongoing body vibrations. The vibrations started about 6 weeks into taking drug but doctor said he didn't think it had anything to do with klonopin. This drug is not good for ones central nervous system so I have to believe it's the cause. I have been quite healthy until this drug was introduced.

I'd be interested in what withdrawal symptoms you've experienced? Best of luck to you!


If benzodiazepines are made illegal, I will likely not be able to survive. Then you folks who win your class action suit can have a party and be all happy.

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Hi frank. I just read what you said about what would happen to you if they discontinued benzodiazepine…I felt like you were reading my thoughts.. I have used benzodiazepines for over 20 years and I’ve tried many times to replace them but with little to no success.. it’s frustrating that they don’t individualize each case to see how they are doing instead of painting us all with the same brush. I have managed for years to stay on the same dose and I also made several attempts to stop using them and trying something else, this too didn’t work out for me.. I was 48 years old when I got on them and I’m 72 now.. I am living out the last chapter of my life and I want to be left alone with my meds, they help me better than other ones I tried.. I wish that they would leave me in peace and live out what is left..also, remember if they did decide to remove benzodiazepines, they would most assuredly have to provide us with something else that’s similar otherwise they will create another major crisis considering how many of us there are.

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