Gastroparesis Diet – Questions, Suggestions, Tips

Posted by bellbelinda3 @bellbelinda3, Jan 30, 2012

I was recently diagnosed with Gastroparesis. Can anyone enlighten me about diet?

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I had thought about the Gastric Stimulation implant. Can you eat more foods with the implant and have you been able to gain weight?

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I am scheduled for a PH impedance test Esophageal Motility Test(Manometry Test), to try an help with acid reflux. This is one of the worse symptom's I have with GP. I have heard about Gastric Stimulation implant surgery. I follow Crystal Saltrelli and she has one of those implants.



My name is Adam Lowry, 56 Yr/old male, 210 +/- / 6'2", good health, active.

Comprehensive recommended diet link please. I have bi-weekly episodes where I feel bloated, stomach-ache, nauseous, weak, out of balance when standing, and my vision is skewed.

My gastroenterologist, Dr. Mohammed Shafi, keeps me on a tight rein, but something in my diet may be causing episodes. Have done multiple endoscopies, colonsoscopies, camera-pill therapy, medication changes. Currently using dicyclomine (1-20mg / 2X daily), mesalamine (2-daily) for colitis, and pantoprazole (1-40mg) for GERD and Barrets. Input please.

Episodes are causing me anxiety / stress / concern in regard to my good work history, and employment.

History: Childhood abuse survivor. Alcoholism / Addiction recovery 24.5 years, i.e., psychotherapy, group / family group attendance, AA, Al-Anon, ACA. Many childhood antagonists arrested, i.e. GAD, Hypervigilance, triggered-behaviors.

Thanks to all for your time, and consideration.

A. Lowry
Henderson, Nv.


Am in Stage IV CKD, having gone from Stage V and dialysis to Stage IV and no dialysis with good medical management and by my designing and following a vegetarian renal diet. I also have Type II diabetes, COPD, CHF, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, major clinical depression and recently diagnosed with gastroparesis. Gastric emptying study revealed it takes 3 hours for my stomach to empty instead of two. I started a GP diet as well as I could and still try to follow my vegetarian renal diet and diabetic diet with slight success since there is some conflict among dietary recommendations for these diseases.

Earlier this year I was admitted to the hospital for about 5 days with weakness, nausea, constipation, loss of appetite, malnutrition. Since I had not been able to take appropriate medications for my depression, I was frequently tearful. I also experienced extreme anxiety.

After nothing but water the first 24 hours I was put on a clear liquid diet until time for the colonoscopy (results ok) and was told I had slight esophageal narrowing for which the doctor inflated the esophagus.

After that procedure I was on clear liquids and soft foods but was discharged home still so weak I had to have home health assistance for a month.

I did fairly well after that until late spring when symptoms worsened again so I went back on liquids and soft foods for several days and symptoms improved.

In early summer, symptoms worsened again so again went on liquid and soft food meals with slight improvement.

Recently symptoms flared up again and have been on mostly liquids and low fiber purees several days with little symptom improvement. I have almost constant nausea without vomiting except for dry heaves every morning, low appetite, occasional gagging when trying to eat.

It's been a challenge to balance insulin with carbs and follow a vegetarian renal diet and a GP diet all at the same time and have managed to improve insulin-blood-sugars & carbs ratios.

Despite all my best efforts, I still feel awful. Please help!


Hi. I have a great doctor at Yale medical center. My stomach empty test took 5 hours and I only rated a 3 out of 100. She added slow Dumping syndrome to my gastropareisis. I'm very thin but my stomach looks like I am expecting. I can't drink and eat at the same time. After I eat anything I have to wait 20 minutes before I can drink. I may need a pace maker to get my stomach to digest food.

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:(:( I have too gastroparesis with dumping syndrome how do you feeling now?


I just got diagnosed with this as well. Actually just returned home from the Mayo Clinic today. Before I left for my flight today I had an appointment with the Dietician at the Mayo Clinic. I felt it was very informative. She gave me a lot of references and a few web pages. One even has a lot of daily food examples and recipes. I am not sure exactly what you would want but I would be happy to share. Thanks

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Can you share them with me? I'm 42 from Pennsylvania just recently diagnosed and not a diabetic


Did Mayo have you do a SIBO breath test? Critical & common to see if you’ve got heightened levels of methane in stomach or upper duodenum. If so, it suggests presence of bacteria, which itself slows stomach motility & then in turn keeps ANY food in stomach longer, which breeds more bacteria, creating gas, etc. did they recommend the FODMap diet at all, or at least a good
Nutritionist to work with? Any herbal remedies? Ever heard of Iberogast? Made by Bayer in Germany but available online. Proven to work on motility for some. Good luck. Diet, when & how much you eat will be crucial.


I've been eating nothing but soup and tea. Now I'm constipated. What's next?



My name is Adam Lowry, 56 Yr/old male, 210 +/- / 6'2", good health, active.

Comprehensive recommended diet link please. I have bi-weekly episodes where I feel bloated, stomach-ache, nauseous, weak, out of balance when standing, and my vision is skewed.

My gastroenterologist, Dr. Mohammed Shafi, keeps me on a tight rein, but something in my diet may be causing episodes. Have done multiple endoscopies, colonsoscopies, camera-pill therapy, medication changes. Currently using dicyclomine (1-20mg / 2X daily), mesalamine (2-daily) for colitis, and pantoprazole (1-40mg) for GERD and Barrets. Input please.

Episodes are causing me anxiety / stress / concern in regard to my good work history, and employment.

History: Childhood abuse survivor. Alcoholism / Addiction recovery 24.5 years, i.e., psychotherapy, group / family group attendance, AA, Al-Anon, ACA. Many childhood antagonists arrested, i.e. GAD, Hypervigilance, triggered-behaviors.

Thanks to all for your time, and consideration.

A. Lowry
Henderson, Nv.

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Hello @adamlowry and welcome to Mayo Connect. I can understand your frustration at not being able to find a treatment for your health issues. It appears that you and your doctor have been diligent in trying to find an answer.

As I look at the last paragraph in your post, I see that your history shows a real effort to deal with issues. I applaud you for that.

It might be helpful to get a second opinion from a multidisciplinary health care center such as Mayo Clinic or a university medical school. These types of health care systems can be very good with hard to diagnose issues.

Would you be able to get a second opinion at one of these facilities?


I've been eating nothing but soup and tea. Now I'm constipated. What's next?

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I think if you add more of the BRAT diet foods to your list , it might help. Bananas rice, applesauce and toast. I know that helped me and slowly I began to have a routine for the bathroom and I could branch out with adding more foods to my diet. I am so sorry that you are struggling. I was too and it is begins to affect your mental health. I got very depressed and isolated myself because of fear of having an upset. Now, I have learned what I can eat . A little exercise is good for stimulating bowels too. Good luck . You can get better ! Hang in there!


OK Had the applesauce last night and I'm going to add rice to my tomato soup. I'm still learning and I have a 4-day get together coming up.

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