Bupropion sr taper

Posted by sargil @sargil, Jun 8, 2023

I was on bupropion 150xl and was switched to 150sr once a day in December with the intention of tapering off in the future. I need to go very slow because it worked when I went off lexapro years ago. I am now ready to begin and I’m not sure how to to this. Can I cut the sr in pieces since I just take this once a day to work my way to a lower dosage of sr or what. I have been on Wellbutrin/bupropion around 20 years. Recently found out it was causing my rage issues that I have been plagued with for so long.

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Have you talked with your prescribing physician about the side effects or your plan to taper off of this?


Have you talked with your prescribing physician about the side effects or your plan to taper off of this?

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The original prescriber I haven’t seen in many years. My family doc has been doing refills for the last few years. My previous doc retired. He said when I wanted to drop down dosage to 100 sr to let him know. That seemed like a big first drop. But that’s the next lowest dosage. When I when off lexapro I did about a 10% drop for a month at a time because of the withdrawal effects I was experiencing. I did that by cutting the pill. My last doc told me to drop a pill a week but that did not work so I continued taking it for another 5+ years. And here I am. Just didn’t know if I can cut an SR or do I need to ask for an IR .


Ah, I see what you're saying. I found a discussion here:
where one person seems to feel that splitting a sr just turns it into an ir, since the coating is what makes it sustained release. In my opinion, maybe it wouldn't hurt to ask for an ir instead, since the coating on there isn't doing anything anymore?


Ah, I see what you're saying. I found a discussion here:
where one person seems to feel that splitting a sr just turns it into an ir, since the coating is what makes it sustained release. In my opinion, maybe it wouldn't hurt to ask for an ir instead, since the coating on there isn't doing anything anymore?

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Thank you. I read through those posts and agree with you. I am going to write my doc for 75 IR twice a day and then knock a quarter of a pill off each month. That should be slow enough. Thanks for your input.


The original prescriber I haven’t seen in many years. My family doc has been doing refills for the last few years. My previous doc retired. He said when I wanted to drop down dosage to 100 sr to let him know. That seemed like a big first drop. But that’s the next lowest dosage. When I when off lexapro I did about a 10% drop for a month at a time because of the withdrawal effects I was experiencing. I did that by cutting the pill. My last doc told me to drop a pill a week but that did not work so I continued taking it for another 5+ years. And here I am. Just didn’t know if I can cut an SR or do I need to ask for an IR .

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Do not cut pills in half. Get your psychiatrist to help you instead. You’re self medicating and that could cause problems. I’m on 150 mg of Wellbutrin every morning and I don’t know if they are working. I’m also on 25 mg of seroquel in the morning and 150 mg at bedtime. In the morning I also get 0.5 mg of klonopin and 1 mg at 4:00 pm and I still feel like crap


Do not cut pills in half. Get your psychiatrist to help you instead. You’re self medicating and that could cause problems. I’m on 150 mg of Wellbutrin every morning and I don’t know if they are working. I’m also on 25 mg of seroquel in the morning and 150 mg at bedtime. In the morning I also get 0.5 mg of klonopin and 1 mg at 4:00 pm and I still feel like crap

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I’m sorry you are still feeling bad. You will get it all figured out, sometimes it takes a while. Don’t give up and feel like crap all the time though. It takes docs awhile to figure out the right combo of meds. I have found if I can make myself go outside and take a little walk in the sunshine it helps. Good luck to you. Also I want to make sure you knew I am working with my doc.


A friend suggested I look into grounding. It sounded a bit crazy but hey it was free and didn't require a pill. I don't really know if it does anything but I do feel better. I go outside and standard bare foot with my eyes closed and just breathe for 30 min. Any one else trying this? Probably just a placebo reaction but after stopping lexapro.( Dr approved) I am down to one Welbutrin in A.M. and feeling really good. My energy finally is back to normal also getting out of a situation where I felt trapped made a difference. My Dr said hope is a powerful medication.


I’m sorry you are still feeling bad. You will get it all figured out, sometimes it takes a while. Don’t give up and feel like crap all the time though. It takes docs awhile to figure out the right combo of meds. I have found if I can make myself go outside and take a little walk in the sunshine it helps. Good luck to you. Also I want to make sure you knew I am working with my doc.

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I have stepped up my 1 mile walk every day although with a cane I need to be a little bit more diligent .

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