My wife has autoimmune disease. She has inflammation in legs and arms.

Posted by twinsgyros @twinsgyros, Apr 25, 2023

Does autoimmune disease (Sjogrens, Lupus, Hashimotos) cause pain and inflammation in groin, legs, arms and shoulders ? She has had every image (1 xray, 5 MRIs and a bone scan) taken and has seen her primary, an orthopedic surgeon, ER doctors, rheumatologist. My wife has seen her rheumatologist and she ruled out PMR after one steroid regimen. Blood tests did show very high sed rate and creatine levels. She was finally referred to a pain management doctor along with his neurologist. They have ruled out any musculoskeletal and referred her back to her rheumatologist.

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I have 3 autoimmune diseases and back and neck problems. I am in daily total body pain daily. I have Crohn’s, Fybromyalgia and Hashimoto’s. I gave just learn to live with it. I am now 66 yrs old and it’s been 50 years I have been living like this, although the last 10 years have been the worst.
As for muscle pains they say Keto diet can lessen inflammation, but I haven’t tried it yet.


Special thanks to all the people who took the time to respond to my post. So you all know my wife has a follow up with her rheumatologist in June. In the meantime she had an appointment with her primary doctor and explained all that she has been through (7 images, orhtho, pain mgmt. doctor, neurologist) once again. Her primary prescribed her 10mg prednisone twice a day. Knock on wood, but she is feeling better !!! Hope this regimen continues to help her. More to follow. God Bless you all.

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Keep an eye on the side effects of the prednisone they can really take a toll on you..good luck


I have 3 autoimmune diseases and back and neck problems. I am in daily total body pain daily. I have Crohn’s, Fybromyalgia and Hashimoto’s. I gave just learn to live with it. I am now 66 yrs old and it’s been 50 years I have been living like this, although the last 10 years have been the worst.
As for muscle pains they say Keto diet can lessen inflammation, but I haven’t tried it yet.

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Thank you for the post and you have my thoughts and prayers. My wife has researched diets and the, Mediterranean diet, comes out better than Keto. God Bless


Keep an eye on the side effects of the prednisone they can really take a toll on you..good luck

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Thanks and we definitely will. Her primary told her about this and she will be monitoring. God Bless.


I have 3 autoimmune diseases and back and neck problems. I am in daily total body pain daily. I have Crohn’s, Fybromyalgia and Hashimoto’s. I gave just learn to live with it. I am now 66 yrs old and it’s been 50 years I have been living like this, although the last 10 years have been the worst.
As for muscle pains they say Keto diet can lessen inflammation, but I haven’t tried it yet.

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You sound a lot like me. I am 65 have neck and back problems and while some of my autoimmune diseases are different than yours, I have a page of them


I also have inflammatory arthritis. It gets worse and then better. When I eat spicy or sugary foods it really hits me at night and I cannot sleep. I wish her the best. You sound like a great husband. Take care.

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You have made the discovery that food makes the difference. Now eat a strict paleo or AIP diet and watch how food is your medicine and wrong foods are your poison. Aip eating took me from bed with severe fatigue and puffed up inflammation riddled muscle less frog to an active human - I felt a slight change in 3 days snd 2 weeks later I was saying wow I feel so much better and wasn’t in bed at all today! Google it and do it.


OMG! My situation exactly! Whole body aches- even more than my 3 year arthritis - started right after my 2nd Moderna COVID vaccine - Palo Alto Med docs seem confused, not sure what is wrong?? I’m sure I’ve got Long Covid- “Oh maybe??” They say! “Just take your ApCodein pills I guess?” Which only help a little and make me dizzy- and much brain fog”! HELP! Any meds ideas? RSVP 🙏😇 Over 2 years now!


I have 3 autoimmune diseases and back and neck problems. I am in daily total body pain daily. I have Crohn’s, Fybromyalgia and Hashimoto’s. I gave just learn to live with it. I am now 66 yrs old and it’s been 50 years I have been living like this, although the last 10 years have been the worst.
As for muscle pains they say Keto diet can lessen inflammation, but I haven’t tried it yet.

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Me too. I have "Severe Fibro" I've been told by one rheumy, Ankylosing Spondylitis, and Degenerative Disc Disease. I have tried SO many things and 6-7 Tramadol a day with occasional add-on of Tylenol is what keeps me going. I also have a hot tub we soak in every morning. I am writing this at 4am because my pain meds have worn off. I get up, take my meds and begin the process of putting on compression sleeves, gloves, etc. and all my heat pads and/or ice packs. I sit here at my computer until everything starts to work. I drink a coffee concoction of caffeine and collagen protein with chocolate. 🙂 I didn't realize how much the caffeine did until I had to get off for a couple days. I don't have high sed rates. I'm 64 and my last MRI's at last showed herniated or bulging discs pinching nerves. I ALWAYS have pain and never in just one place. Sometimes I can get it down to almost a normal day, but most days I have about 4 hours a day I can do some normal activities. It's eghausting! I'm a colon cancer survivor with a messed up digestive tract, so I look at the anti-inflammatory diet and can't do it. It's not appealling at all and some I cannot eat. I don't know what's next, but I don't stop fighting.


Me too. I have "Severe Fibro" I've been told by one rheumy, Ankylosing Spondylitis, and Degenerative Disc Disease. I have tried SO many things and 6-7 Tramadol a day with occasional add-on of Tylenol is what keeps me going. I also have a hot tub we soak in every morning. I am writing this at 4am because my pain meds have worn off. I get up, take my meds and begin the process of putting on compression sleeves, gloves, etc. and all my heat pads and/or ice packs. I sit here at my computer until everything starts to work. I drink a coffee concoction of caffeine and collagen protein with chocolate. 🙂 I didn't realize how much the caffeine did until I had to get off for a couple days. I don't have high sed rates. I'm 64 and my last MRI's at last showed herniated or bulging discs pinching nerves. I ALWAYS have pain and never in just one place. Sometimes I can get it down to almost a normal day, but most days I have about 4 hours a day I can do some normal activities. It's eghausting! I'm a colon cancer survivor with a messed up digestive tract, so I look at the anti-inflammatory diet and can't do it. It's not appealling at all and some I cannot eat. I don't know what's next, but I don't stop fighting.

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Feel for ya and glad you're still fighting. Obviously a little different from my wife's problems, but let me ask. Have you tried prednisone ? In regards to the back problems (more than likely more severe than mine) I have severe spinal stenosis and a bulging disc (L4-5) and my ortho has me doing 900mg of gabapentin every day. It helps. Ever try gabapentin ? If it gets to the point I can't handle it gonna get a minimally invasive lumbar discectomy. I am a cancer survivor and a current cancer fighter (small cell carcinoma), so I really feel for ya. God Bless


OMG! My situation exactly! Whole body aches- even more than my 3 year arthritis - started right after my 2nd Moderna COVID vaccine - Palo Alto Med docs seem confused, not sure what is wrong?? I’m sure I’ve got Long Covid- “Oh maybe??” They say! “Just take your ApCodein pills I guess?” Which only help a little and make me dizzy- and much brain fog”! HELP! Any meds ideas? RSVP 🙏😇 Over 2 years now!

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As I stated previously, my wife has gone through the medical merry-go-round for several months. The only thing that has helped her constant pain is the 20mg of prednisone per day (10mg in the morning and 10mg at night). Hang in there. God Bless

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