If you had Whipple surgery, what are you eating or not eating?

Posted by nvan22 @nvan22, May 30, 2023

I am looking for help with diet after the whipple. I had the whipple 8 months ago. I am taking enzymes with meals and snacks - creon 12000 just upped it to creon 24000. The bigger dose gives me tons of gas and so uncomfortable. So I am just talking 1 instead of the three they recommended with meals and 1-2 with snacks. I am getting up in the night to poop even though I take the Imodium AD before bedtime. I think it’s because I snack in the evening?? Just need help with what’s working food wise and enzyme wise. And how you handle gas and diarrhea. Thanks! It has gotten a lot better in the last month so maybe it just takes my body more time to get used to the new digestive tract?

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How are you gaining your weight back? I'm 6 months post surgery but stuck at weight gain. I need to gain 13 lbs to get back to my usual 93 lbs. I'm 4'11" and have been in the 90s my whole life. I'm not losing, just stuck. Thank you for any hints you can give me. I count every calorie and gram of protein. Also, I'm on Zenpep, 30,000 units per meal, 10,000 per snack. If I go up to 40,000, I get the big D. So my bowels are beautiful; my body is awfully thin!

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Thank you for your hug!!! A lovely surprise!



To continue… my diet is essentially the same as yours except I don’t eat meat. I can’t stop at 7pm as I’m just through with my 2nd snack, so my last meal will be around 9pm and maybe a snack at 11:30pm. I was told not to drink 30 minutes before and after eating. I do walk a half mile with one pound weights every day and I ride my stationery bike for 30 minutes every day. I also do exercises my PT gave me almost every day. I just hired a personal trainer to build my muscles which are gone. I’m completely self sufficient except my digestive system is not fully operational. I think I am doing everything possible. I guess it takes time for the body to adjust to the trauma it has been through. I know I’m impatient as my expectations were unrealistic. I use the Portal a lot and write whenever I have a question. The best thing, though, my hair came back curly and wavy, which I immediately dyed a light auburn. I had long blonde hair, way past my bra. Your answer meant a lot to me as I’m really struggling with the weight issue. Thank you, again.

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I finally feel that my gut is not ruling my life since I got up to 72,000 Creon per meal. I have also gained a little weight. My gut symptoms were keeping me from going out in public very much. I have surgery scheduled June 21, 2023. Hope my gut will continue to do well. It's been a struggle.


To continue… my diet is essentially the same as yours except I don’t eat meat. I can’t stop at 7pm as I’m just through with my 2nd snack, so my last meal will be around 9pm and maybe a snack at 11:30pm. I was told not to drink 30 minutes before and after eating. I do walk a half mile with one pound weights every day and I ride my stationery bike for 30 minutes every day. I also do exercises my PT gave me almost every day. I just hired a personal trainer to build my muscles which are gone. I’m completely self sufficient except my digestive system is not fully operational. I think I am doing everything possible. I guess it takes time for the body to adjust to the trauma it has been through. I know I’m impatient as my expectations were unrealistic. I use the Portal a lot and write whenever I have a question. The best thing, though, my hair came back curly and wavy, which I immediately dyed a light auburn. I had long blonde hair, way past my bra. Your answer meant a lot to me as I’m really struggling with the weight issue. Thank you, again.

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Thank you for your hug. It's the litlle things that count and are apreciated. Thsi recovery is a lonely jouney.



I finally feel that my gut is not ruling my life since I got up to 72,000 Creon per meal. I have also gained a little weight. My gut symptoms were keeping me from going out in public very much. I have surgery scheduled June 21, 2023. Hope my gut will continue to do well. It's been a struggle.

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The best of luck on your upcoming surgery. My gut symptoms along with Covid has kept me close to home. From my experienceI learned that keeping active, even if it's
just in the house really helps. I sat like a dummy for two months and lost valuable healing time.
Stick to the boring diet the give you. It isn't always tasty, but the gut responds well as long as you don't overeat. I have learned it's an experiemental journey. And I took seriously not drinking 30 minutes before and after eating. It means your job is to eat all day according to those parameters. When I went off, I was always hungry, the big D was the result.

It's not a walk in the park, but it does get better. Physical Therapy helped a ;ot and your doctor will put in an order if you choose to take advantage.

I'm 6 months out and stuck at 13 pounds underweight and learning from my every mistake...and I make a lot of them.

It sounds lile you are on the right track. Good luck and best wishes for a comfortable recovery.


The best of luck on your upcoming surgery. My gut symptoms along with Covid has kept me close to home. From my experienceI learned that keeping active, even if it's
just in the house really helps. I sat like a dummy for two months and lost valuable healing time.
Stick to the boring diet the give you. It isn't always tasty, but the gut responds well as long as you don't overeat. I have learned it's an experiemental journey. And I took seriously not drinking 30 minutes before and after eating. It means your job is to eat all day according to those parameters. When I went off, I was always hungry, the big D was the result.

It's not a walk in the park, but it does get better. Physical Therapy helped a ;ot and your doctor will put in an order if you choose to take advantage.

I'm 6 months out and stuck at 13 pounds underweight and learning from my every mistake...and I make a lot of them.

It sounds lile you are on the right track. Good luck and best wishes for a comfortable recovery.

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Thank you.


So I have worked extra hard the last few days to eat those small meals and no or very little sugar. I always learn the hard way that’s just my personality lol. My poop is now normal sized normal looking except for the color it’s a little lighter.
I started making lots of protein meals like chicken breasts and steak nothing fancy with mashed potatoes. I store it in the frig and eat it for @2 days along with cottage cheese. I do well with cottage cheese and cut up melon too. It’s the small meals that are so important like everyone has been saying.
And after trying different things if I do eat after 7-8 pm anything bigger than a little snack I will get up at like 2-3 am to poop but no diarrhea yay! It’s normal now. So I am hoping this is the new norm and not a fluke. I am taking Imodium AD 3 times a day so that has helped settle things down and have been taking liquid antacids when I do stray and get bad gas or tums. I haven’t gotten any diarrhea or haven’t this week. So sending this out to encourage you all! There’s a light at the end of the tunnel! I do get out everyday and get lots of exercise whether walking jogging or riding my horse. Sometimes it’s just playing with the grand kids. Last night I got on their new trampoline which caused some gas as things were moving around apparently lol I did a seat drop and called it a day lol. Don’t give up keep fighting the good fight! 😘love all you guys.


So I have worked extra hard the last few days to eat those small meals and no or very little sugar. I always learn the hard way that’s just my personality lol. My poop is now normal sized normal looking except for the color it’s a little lighter.
I started making lots of protein meals like chicken breasts and steak nothing fancy with mashed potatoes. I store it in the frig and eat it for @2 days along with cottage cheese. I do well with cottage cheese and cut up melon too. It’s the small meals that are so important like everyone has been saying.
And after trying different things if I do eat after 7-8 pm anything bigger than a little snack I will get up at like 2-3 am to poop but no diarrhea yay! It’s normal now. So I am hoping this is the new norm and not a fluke. I am taking Imodium AD 3 times a day so that has helped settle things down and have been taking liquid antacids when I do stray and get bad gas or tums. I haven’t gotten any diarrhea or haven’t this week. So sending this out to encourage you all! There’s a light at the end of the tunnel! I do get out everyday and get lots of exercise whether walking jogging or riding my horse. Sometimes it’s just playing with the grand kids. Last night I got on their new trampoline which caused some gas as things were moving around apparently lol I did a seat drop and called it a day lol. Don’t give up keep fighting the good fight! 😘love all you guys.

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Thank you for your very helpful reply. I haven't
tried the Immodium AD 3 times a day, only when I had diarrhea, so that is a very helpful hint. Not eating anyhting heavy after 7-8 PM is a good tip. Congratulations!!

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