Pancreatic Cancer Vaccine Therapy (Immunotherapy): What are the facts?

Posted by howleegirl @howleegirl, May 13, 2023

Does anyone know the facts about this vaccine??????????

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Hi Garden Lady, I am going to go to MSK for second opinion. They gave me appointment with a dr who doesn't specialize in Pancreatic cancer, and I asked them to switch to another dr. I have a few choices, and want to get with a dr who specializes in pancreatic cancer. Do you have a dr there you could recommend? I want to be in Dr. O"Reilly's group. She is the head of the pancreatic group. I see some drs seem to have more research related to pan can, and are more involved with clinical trials in that area. One has a specialty in palliative care which I do not need at this point. Any recommendations would be appreciated. I know they have drs in West Harrison and NYC, and I am in CT, so can go to either location. Thank you garden lady.

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Garden lady--I now upload my email again, and see you already gave your dr name. Thank you.


I see Dr. David Kelsen, he is really great, very nice, attentive, down to earth and expert. He is interested in PRCA mutation, which I have. Dr. O'Reilly is also in that group, I haven't seen her but hear good things. Make sure that you see someone in the pancreatic group. The senior faculty are all in Manhattan and I wanted to see a senior faculty. For a really expert opinion, I would go to the lead or senior faculty. If someone is associate, assistant, etc faculty then they are not senior faculty. I read through all the "About me" statements of the doctors which describes their practice. In the process I found Dr. Kelsen. You will get a good idea if a doctor seems like a good fit for you.


Thank you again. I did read the bios, and agree I want someone w pancreatic specialty. I wanted my husband to see someone more senior, but he is anxious for an earlier appointment, so for now, we are seeing a dr in the pancreatic group, who has done research, trials etc w pancreatic cancer. Dr O"Reilly wasnt available for 5 -6 weeks, so we will see how it goes next week with the dr we have, and see if it makes sense to see Dr. Kelsen or Dr OReilly as our second appointment. Not sure how "switching drs" works, but I presume my husband could see another dr if requested.... Thanks again for your response.


Good luck to you. Seeing a top expert may be well worth your while to get the most you can from your second opinion.


Dr. Eileen O’Reilly is the Section Head for Hepatopancreaticobiliary/ Neuroendocrine Cancers, Gastrointestinal Oncology Service at MSKCC. Dr. Kelson reports to Dr. O’Reilly. She has authored or co-authored hundreds of abstracts and scientific articles and has been the principal investigator of many clinical trials. She is one of the top-cited pancreatic cancer specialists worldwide.

I had several of Dr. O'Reilly's publications open on my other screen when I opened this thread, and my oncologist cited Dr. O'Reilly in his rationale for my current treatment. Sounds like a big win if you can get in to see her!


Is Mayo researching these vaccines too?

If this could be done with a problematic IPMN, it could be a significant advancement for proactive treatment, too.

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'Hi @johnbc, like @mayoconnectuser1 said, all major cancer centers are researching new treatment options for cancer.

Cancer vaccines are a research priority at Mayo Clinic. You can read more here:

Find clinical trials at Mayo Clinic for Vaccine Therapy here:

You can also call to find out about clinical trials available for pancreatic cancer or specifically for you at Mayo Clinic 855-776-0015 (toll-free)


As I read more about it, the MRNA vaccine in Germany has been used in a very small trial with good results. It was used with people that were NED to see if it could prevent reoccurrence. After 18(?) months some success was seen.
I am stage IV but currently NED and searching for what to do next to keep this bad boy away! As I gather information from consults I hope to schedule, I will post.
Right now I am carefully watching my diet, staying active, smiling as much as possible, and being grateful .

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Hi-May I ask what treatment you have received to achieve NED?


Hi-May I ask what treatment you have received to achieve NED?

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Hello Jim,
I did 12 rounds of Fulfurinox which greatly shrunk my tumors and caused necrosis.
With a precision radiation treatment and 2 more chemo rounds, I had pancreadectomy and spleenectomy with clear margins. Then liver Mets resected in February!

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