Why do "Babyboomers" appear to be sicker?

Posted by covidstinks2023 @covidstinks2023, May 25, 2023

When I look around, it seems the "babyboomers" tend to be sicker with autoimune issues, sensitivity, etc., Anyone want to join in on their opinion of this? Is it our food, chemicals, air, etc.?

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@nonobaddog Are you an Italian grandfather or do you have a dog you can't get to mind?😉😉
I agree with a great deal of what you said, especially when it comes to mental health. I think it would be great to see more 'action' on the ground for mental health, but I can remember championing that cause in the late 90s.
It is very true that age and illness have been partners for a long, long time....and we have more cures available. Thanks for adding those wise thoughts.💞

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No. Actually the "nonobaddog" is my little tribute to the great cartoonist Gary Larson who did the 'Far Side' cartoons. Like a lot of people, my favorites of all time.
He did a cartoon where one dog walks up and introduces himself to another dog by saying - "Hi, my name is 'No No Bad Dog', what's yours?"


I agree, Far Side is the best!

I agree, also, that we have more cures available, and I have been helped (probably saved) by such cures.

So I'm not silly (or hypocritical) enough to argue against them!

But I was fascinated to read that, in the days when humans were hunter-gatherers, numerous illnesses we know today didn't exist! So at least some of the cures society later came up with, are apparently for diseases it caused...


Seniors have accumulated toxins in their bodies. Glyphosate slowly damages our health. We are all hearing that good health begins in the gut but glyphosate (herbicide) and other herbicides and pesticides sprayed on the produce we eat destroy our gut bacteria. Eat organic produce if u can because by law organic produce cannot contain Glyphosate. Wash all produce under room temp flowing water. Then soak them submerged in a diluted solution of vinegar and baking powder for 20 min and rinse.
Visit EWG.com for a list of the Clean 16 and Dirty 16 produce list. Soaking in 2T of Epsoms Salt will help us detox from toxins in our body. Also eating dandelion greens. In mornings, we should drink a liter of filtered water with lemon juice. That helps us detox also.


Seniors have accumulated toxins in their bodies. Glyphosate slowly damages our health. We are all hearing that good health begins in the gut but glyphosate (herbicide) and other herbicides and pesticides sprayed on the produce we eat destroy our gut bacteria. Eat organic produce if u can because by law organic produce cannot contain Glyphosate. Wash all produce under room temp flowing water. Then soak them submerged in a diluted solution of vinegar and baking powder for 20 min and rinse.
Visit EWG.com for a list of the Clean 16 and Dirty 16 produce list. Soaking in 2T of Epsoms Salt will help us detox from toxins in our body. Also eating dandelion greens. In mornings, we should drink a liter of filtered water with lemon juice. That helps us detox also.

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Horrible to think of now...but in the 1940s, I can remember how excited we would get when the "mosquito truck" came around to spray DDT. I lived on a short street in Massachusetts, and all the kids would come out and sit on their respective steps and watch as it drove up one side and then the other....we sat in the fog. Horrors!!!💞


I understand the perspective here, but my grandparents were immigrants who fled for their lives. They suffered from malnutrition, TB, oppression, poverty, lack of education, and more. My life has been much much easier than theirs were--because of them. My mom's parents died at 70 and 72 and considered themselves very lucky to have lived so long. My grandfather's mother died giving birth to him--a difficult start in life that I never had to worry about either as a kid or a mom. I think the world is different, but not necessarily worse. My grandmother was illiterate and I have a Master's degree. I don't want to see the past with rose-colored glasses.


Baby boomers had untested foods and dyes. Pop Tarts with a 40 year shelf life, red dyes that later turned out to be deadly in large amounts are two examples. Also nuclear energy testing when we were young. Our folks were Depression Babies, so we are kind of lucky to have a baby boomer generation. This all accumulated in a generation that is not as healthy as possible. Also alcohol and tobacco were considered household staples. It all adds up.


Horrible to think of now...but in the 1940s, I can remember how excited we would get when the "mosquito truck" came around to spray DDT. I lived on a short street in Massachusetts, and all the kids would come out and sit on their respective steps and watch as it drove up one side and then the other....we sat in the fog. Horrors!!!💞

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Not just the 40's, ddt wasn't banned until the late 60's. And what about the nuclear testing in Nevada that blew in the wind, and the various nuclear energy testing all over the country.


@covidstinks2023 all of the above! we have been around longer, so have picked up everything going, along our way.


I understand the perspective here, but my grandparents were immigrants who fled for their lives. They suffered from malnutrition, TB, oppression, poverty, lack of education, and more. My life has been much much easier than theirs were--because of them. My mom's parents died at 70 and 72 and considered themselves very lucky to have lived so long. My grandfather's mother died giving birth to him--a difficult start in life that I never had to worry about either as a kid or a mom. I think the world is different, but not necessarily worse. My grandmother was illiterate and I have a Master's degree. I don't want to see the past with rose-colored glasses.

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I'm very sorry to hear what your family went through. My grandparents fled religious persecution, and no doubt I grew up in a safe country, which was enjoying a good moment in terms of economy, human values, etc.

I agree with you about rose-tinted glasses - when regarding any era. Quite apart from any other reason, because numerous people are right now living in dire conditions and were "in the old days" too.

My view is that earth is a planet on which creatures have always been subject to illness, natural disasters and predators. I just think that humans, in their quest to become "safer" have redistributed the suffering (some enjoy less, many endure far more) and have invented some new problems that God/ nature hadn't thought of - like DDT, among many others.


I'm a "Boomer" and I think this age group tends to be sicker because many are stuck on a certain way of life. I have friends who still eat red meat, drink lots of alcohol and smoke! These same people barely get off the couch and prefer to have others do things for them. Not all of us, but lots. Genetics also plays and imprtant role in your health as does visiting your doctors.

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