Why do "Babyboomers" appear to be sicker?

Posted by covidstinks2023 @covidstinks2023, May 25, 2023

When I look around, it seems the "babyboomers" tend to be sicker with autoimune issues, sensitivity, etc., Anyone want to join in on their opinion of this? Is it our food, chemicals, air, etc.?

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Worried billionaires can do something about the financial inequality!

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I agree, of course.

The financial expert I happened to meet, said the worried billionaires are worried for their OWN safety. It's not that they feel a little guilty!

I have never, never, never understood why mega-rich people would rather live "shut away" in violent societies, when they could have a little less bling, but walk freely here and there, with their families, safe because other people were living in at least acceptable conditions.

And those wealthy people could do that for the most selfish reasons, like: freedom, less stress, variety of places to visit, etc


I don't qualify as a Baby Boomer; too old for that, close to 83.

There is hardly anything about the world that is the same as when I was growing up. It was cleaner, the air was purer, and we ingested fewer chemicals. The oranges and tomatoes I ate had ripened naturally, not forced to be attractive by gassing them. Home freezers were not at all common, so we pretty much ate fresh meat, poultry, and fish.
I don't remember anything plastic in the 40s and 50s...if it wasn't china or ceramic or even Melmac; it was paper. None of our cleaning agents were as powerful; elbow grease meant the most. I love the modern convenience of the microwave but think how often items are heated in plastic containers. All the water available was good clean water. Did you ever think you would pay money for water in a plastic bottle? What is in a Monster drink?
The worst and most shocking thing in high school was drinking a beer~ not hard liquor mixed with marijuana (I know it has medicinal benefits) maybe mixed with a few mushrooms. I'd only read about cocaine in my social studies book yet I lived its horror with one of my sons who is 62 and now clean.
In a nutshell....fresh, clean, healthy air and ecosystem are history....and it can't be helping. Life was simpler then. No Visa, so you only purchased what you could afford. Much less tension...families compromised and managed with one car. The cost of living and wages earned have the widest gap ever. I feel bad for the Boomers and wish I could say it isn't getting worse.🥲💞

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Hello Grammy,
I just had to put in a quick story about "elbow grease". When my older sister was maybe 14 my mother told her in a motherly way to go and clean something, "I'm not sure what it was". Well sis came back in the house and complained that it wasn't getting clean and she didn't know what to do. I think she was trying to get out of her job. Anyway Mom told her to use some "elbow grease" and do what she was supposed to. Sis went to the kitchen closet and looked and looked. Finally she yelled to Mom. "I CAN'T FIND ANY ELBOW GREASE. WHERE IS IT? Mom about fell to the floor laughing. She had to explain it to sis just what elbow grease was. To this day we all laugh about it.


Vietnam war. Jungle water. All those shots they gave us pre in-country.


I don't qualify as a Baby Boomer; too old for that, close to 83.

There is hardly anything about the world that is the same as when I was growing up. It was cleaner, the air was purer, and we ingested fewer chemicals. The oranges and tomatoes I ate had ripened naturally, not forced to be attractive by gassing them. Home freezers were not at all common, so we pretty much ate fresh meat, poultry, and fish.
I don't remember anything plastic in the 40s and 50s...if it wasn't china or ceramic or even Melmac; it was paper. None of our cleaning agents were as powerful; elbow grease meant the most. I love the modern convenience of the microwave but think how often items are heated in plastic containers. All the water available was good clean water. Did you ever think you would pay money for water in a plastic bottle? What is in a Monster drink?
The worst and most shocking thing in high school was drinking a beer~ not hard liquor mixed with marijuana (I know it has medicinal benefits) maybe mixed with a few mushrooms. I'd only read about cocaine in my social studies book yet I lived its horror with one of my sons who is 62 and now clean.
In a nutshell....fresh, clean, healthy air and ecosystem are history....and it can't be helping. Life was simpler then. No Visa, so you only purchased what you could afford. Much less tension...families compromised and managed with one car. The cost of living and wages earned have the widest gap ever. I feel bad for the Boomers and wish I could say it isn't getting worse.🥲💞

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I couldn't have expressed it better, Grammy! With the globalization of the world, high tech, AI, etc...there are things that are good (medical advances for one) but I cannot help wishing things were the way they were when I was growing up. I am a little bit embarrassed to admit that I am glad I am not a youngin'! 🙂

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