3rd opinion: How many opinions did you get for prostate cancer?

Posted by saralie67 @saralie67, Mar 29, 2023

My husband was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. I think maybe stage four but I’m not sure. He has a 3+4 Gleason score 13 PSA he’s 54. He has of also rheumatoid arthritis and thyroid problems. His initial urologist recommended surgery he then sent us to a specialist who also recommended surgery because of his age and relative good health. I follow a Facebook group on this subject, and Majority of them recommend another opinion, so I don’t know I’m just curious what everyone else thinks. I’m told that because the guy we saw today was a surgeon that he would naturally recommend surgery which is kind of what my husband thinks but he said today that if my husband was to have radiation first and then down the line , come up with cancer again that he wouldn’t be able to do surgery so I don’t know we’ve got surgery scheduled but I’m just curious if anyone else has been through this particular scenario what your thoughts are etc. thank you

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Hello, my husband was diagnosed last year and our situations are similar. My husband is 55yrs old, Gleason score (4+3) and PSA was 32 at diagnosis. We went to 3 doctors and was told that surgery was his best option and that preserved the possibility of radiation should we need it later. His PSA following surgery was 1.5 so he started Lupron and radiation. Side effects were somewhat mild and tolerable. It is a long journey so brace yourself for that. Take care of him but also yourself. As his wife and caregiver, a lot will be on you as well. Give yourself grace and take those moments to spoil yourself. It’ll be a rollercoaster ride. All the best.

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Thank you for sharing. His journey starts Friday with ADT shots for a month or 2 prior to radiation for 5 1/2 weeks along with continuing ADT (not sure how long). Praying effects aren’t completely debilitating. Just recovering from throat cancer (all good results but treatment was rough) last year so not starting in a strong position. Concerned about all theADT side effects.


Yes! I can speak about side effects of Radiation. I had 20 fractions of Tomotherapy. Not everyone has side effects, it's just that I did. After about 15 sessions of RT, I started having some side effects, primarily issues with urine. The side effects peaked around a week after completion of my radiation and continued for about 5 weeks, basically a lot of pain and burning during peeing, constriction, tremendous urgency at time leading to incontinence on a couple of instances, dribbling (at times I would take 15-20 minutes to feel satisfied after peeing). At its worst it was bad, but then I knew it would pass, which it did. I had my last shot of RT on 19th Feb and today I am feeling good. Constriction, dribbling and the issue of incomplete voiding seems much better that pre-radiation. But not everyone has side effects.

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Congratulations on getting thru the process! Must feel good to have it behind you. My husbands starting the journey on Friday with the first ADT injection.


He's stage 3b. He's on elligard injections & Zytiga-oral chemo for 2 years. He also had Spaceoar and markers inserted.
He had 26 rad sessions, finished today. He was not able to maintain a full bladder, so they did a foley catheter which he would clamp before treatment to fill his bladder. That was not a good experience, but did the trick.
He is fatigued, sleeps alot during the day. Burning with bowel movement and urinating. Some hot flashed, but not bad. Overall, the worst was the catheter thing. Without that problem, I think he would have gotten through rad sessions well. Everyone's experience is a bit different. Good luck to you and your husband!

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Thank you for sharing. Gives me some hope. Hubby also has catheter due to urinary retention after biopsy. ADT starts Friday. How soon did you realize any side effects from Elligard? I believe that is what my husband will be on to shrink BPH first, and then radiate the cancer in a month or two for 28 sessions while continuing on ADT for sometime. Not sure how long? A year or more?


Gleason 8, with seminal invasion. Both surgeons we met with recommended ADT and radiation over surgery. Both said chances of recurrence were equal between the 2 treatment strategies. We went with the radiation.

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Hopefully it went well for you. That’s what we’re doing too. Journey starts Friday.


Congratulations on getting thru the process! Must feel good to have it behind you. My husbands starting the journey on Friday with the first ADT injection.

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All the best to your hubby. Tell him it's no big deal at all. There will be issues initially but those problems will abate over time and/or he will get used to it. On 18th I had my 4th Zoladex jab in my tummy, and I am no worse for it. Tell him to keep smiling!


Thank you for sharing. Gives me some hope. Hubby also has catheter due to urinary retention after biopsy. ADT starts Friday. How soon did you realize any side effects from Elligard? I believe that is what my husband will be on to shrink BPH first, and then radiate the cancer in a month or two for 28 sessions while continuing on ADT for sometime. Not sure how long? A year or more?

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What I had: 3 months of ADT to shrink my tumors, only after that 20 shots of radiation, and to continue ADT for 2 years from when I started. Hot flashes and fatigue does set in a week or so after ADT starts, but again it gets better and/or you get used to it. And the best way to overcome fatigue is walking every day.


Thank you for sharing. Gives me some hope. Hubby also has catheter due to urinary retention after biopsy. ADT starts Friday. How soon did you realize any side effects from Elligard? I believe that is what my husband will be on to shrink BPH first, and then radiate the cancer in a month or two for 28 sessions while continuing on ADT for sometime. Not sure how long? A year or more?

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Hot flashes started after a few weeks, but then got better. Otherwise, just trouble sleeping and more easily fatigued.


Thank you. Have been advised Surgery would not get it all due to regional spread, and would then need to be radiated anyway. ADT and IMRT suggested. Starting Eligard Friday in hopes to shrink prostate, remove catheter (post biopsy complication) then start radiation 28 sessions. Need to follow up with cardiologist regularly due to heart condition ADT combo. Anyone know if hot flashes and side effects start right away after ADT shot or does it build up?

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Praying for healing and quick response to the radiation. Sincerely.


I would get another opinion. Specifically Dr Scholz with Prostate Oncology specialists. He has been specifically prostate focused for 25 years. You can also review PCRI on YouTube and get many videos of him in discussion. There are many options available which while a good thing can also be overwhelming. Dr Scholz cuts to the chase. I went thru more than three institutions before landing with Dr Scholz. His organization(PCRI) has seminars twice a year with docs from all over, and can be viewed free on YouTube. I myself am about to go thru focal LDR brachytherapy.


Three specialists, plus talked to two GP's (though they didn't really have much of an opinion).

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