First chemo tomorrow--tips, suggestions, cautions?

Posted by ncteacher @ncteacher, Apr 23, 2023

I'll do my first chemo tomorrow (Mon 4/24)--modified FOLFIRINOX, with all the additional meds and the infusion pump coming home with me for a couple of days afterward. I've been told that because I did well during chemo for ovarian back in 2007, I should do well with this. But I admit I'm nervous. I've already packed a bag with stuff to take with us, and I am going to try icing during oxaliplatin (I'd really like to minimize cold neuropathy in my mouth and throat). For those of you who've done this chemo regimen, are there any tips, suggestions or cautions you might share to make things easier? I'd appreciate hearing them. Thank you in advance!

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My side effects were pretty tolerable and I credit getting twice a week acupuncture as well as other meds. Less fatigue and less nausea than expected and almost no neuropathy either during treatment or after treatment. My oncologist and his nurse were very supportive of the acupuncture as there is ample evidence to support its benefit during chemo. I also worked with a naturopath for supplements, cleared through my oncologist, that I also think really helped minimize my side effects. Compazine worked the best for nausea. I did not use cryotherapy. Hope this is helpful. Beth

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I’m very interested in exploring acupuncture to alleviate chemo nausea. I had my first round Tuesday, then went home with the pump for 48 hours. Second night I had miserable vomiting and dry heaves. Did you oncology team help you locate a reputable acupuncturist? Not sure where to start. Thanks!


I receive treatment at the UC Health Anschutz in Denver Colorado. We have a multi-disciplinary team and they direction me to their Wellness/Integrated health center on site at the clinic. This may or may not be covered by your insurance. Some plans do cover it. I have also used an acupuncturist in the community. There are certified practitioners and you can find them on the internet. Go to one that understand cancer and cancer side effects.


I don't know anything about acupuncture. However, my daughter, who's an RN, mentioned a pressure point that is supposed to control nausea. An online search brings up P-6, which is between the two large tendons on the inside of your wrist. Obviously, you could press only one at a time. I wondered about bands to control motion sickness. Has anyone tried those? Do they work?


Good Luck. I have had 9 FOLFIRINOX and the Whipple. Scheduling additional chemo this week. I found that fasting the day before chemo prevented nausea and urgent visits to the bathroom. Also, getting 1-2 shots of Atropeen with Irinotecan (I think it is) made a huge difference with very uncomfortable side effects. I also wore a diaper because accidents did happen (I had a three hour commute). My worst ongoing side effect is the peripheral neuropathy.
All the best!!


Diaper is a good idea. Not to appealing but helped to know that I had the "back up". Good premeds are important, I got Aloxi and Emend. On the second day of the 5-FU the Emend was starting to wear off so I took a dose of Compazine for nausea and I did not have difficulty with nausea. The good thing about chemo is that it is repetitive, so you can predict how certain things will go. I know that the fatigue will get better. WhenI take the infusion pump back on Thursday, I know that by unday my energy will be pretty good.


I fasted prior to the infusion. All that did was delay my horrid side effects but they still happened. I was fine during the infusion and 2 days after I still felt pretty normal. Days 4 & 5 were definitely the worst for me. Zofran & Compazine did nothing for the horrendous nausea I experienced. I cannot keep anything in my stomach and it’s now Day 6. Yesterday all I was able to keep down were a few crackers & a wild blueberry green protein smoothie. Not a fan of smoothies. 🙁

I am deathly afraid to get round 2 now. No idea how I am going to make it through 12 rounds.


Oh & I developed a huge mouth sore on Day 5 despite gargling & ringing 4 x per day with oncology mouthwash.

I all also have ongoing chills. No fever, just chills.


I fasted prior to the infusion. All that did was delay my horrid side effects but they still happened. I was fine during the infusion and 2 days after I still felt pretty normal. Days 4 & 5 were definitely the worst for me. Zofran & Compazine did nothing for the horrendous nausea I experienced. I cannot keep anything in my stomach and it’s now Day 6. Yesterday all I was able to keep down were a few crackers & a wild blueberry green protein smoothie. Not a fan of smoothies. 🙁

I am deathly afraid to get round 2 now. No idea how I am going to make it through 12 rounds.

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I am so sorry to hear of the reaction you have experienced! I did not fast but did eat easily digested foods the day before and also during the first day of infusion. I took 1 ondansetron day 1 so I could sleep well the first night. Then didn’t need through the days later. Please do call the nurses as they go through this with patients and can help you! Sometimes the adjustment of pre-meds fixes things.


Oh & I developed a huge mouth sore on Day 5 despite gargling & ringing 4 x per day with oncology mouthwash.

I all also have ongoing chills. No fever, just chills.

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I feel you! My son gave me a weighted blanket and a sweet friend gave me warm colorful socks. Both very appreciated! You may also want to keep gloves near the refrigerator..


Oh yeah, I already have those next to the fridge & freezer.

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