What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

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Love the pictures Elizabeth @ess77! I see you have one of my favorite bird feeders that holds the suet nuggets, easy to fill and lots of different kinds of birds like it. And boy does your kitty look content 🤗

Yesterday on my way to the garage to get my lawnmower to finally cut the grass, I saw this tiny baby snapping turtle in the driveway in front of my garage. I picked him up and carried him out to my back yard where there is a culvert and heavy rains that might help him get back to the river on the other side of a hill where I think he came from.

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@johnbishop, and all...I adore that little turtle. Don't think I've ever seen one quite like that one, He's truly a tiny dinosaur, and hope he loves his new digs. Kind of you, my friend.

I apologize to all for the previous message. I wrote it on my phone so I could send pictures, as I haven't learned how to do it on the laptop. Yes, I've synced them but that's as far as I got. So, my phone has some letter issues I believe and I don't do so well on the little keyboard. So, always have gobs of mistakes. Actually, on the way home from the Mayo ED 2 days ago after taking Rob there after his knee gave out on him and he fell....I spilled coffee in the car and killed my cell. Guess I'm getting a new one tomorrow. I've decided to use it as my only phone, I think, and this may actually change my mind. We'll see. Any suggestions on where to get a new one? May buy on Consumer Cellular or Best Buy? Ideas?

I got a call from my son yesterday calling for help. He'd fallen at his car in the parking lot outside my condo. Same issue, knee gave out. He was covered in blood with a gash on his forehead and back of his head, no use of his right leg, can't use his left arm, and I can't get him up anyway. So, after rescue took him to Mayo ED again yesterday afternoon, we spent several hours getting stitches and such...he's wearing a leg brace now and will see orthopedics at Mayo tomorrow. Probably tendon issues due to 4 leg lifts at PT. Just 4 lifts! His poor body is so worn out with all the horrible stuff he's been through. We're now entering a new phase of our lives with him more debilitated in most of his body.

Well, I'll send you some new pictures of my birds soon. Several woodpeckers are now regulars, with all the other folks who visit. I'm thrilled they're coming back and even watching me fill the feeders, and call family members to dinner. I love them all!
Blessings everyone. Elizabeth


I'm visiting in Florida for follow-up med appointments so the Gulf Stream is outside my window and was a lovely indigo yesterday with patches of cerulean. Or what I think artist would consider cerulean if they were mixing pigments and oils for painting.

In the foreground, on the terrace today, were two baby squirrels waiting for some almonds. [I'm happy to share them but would prefer that they eat them and not bury them as I order non-pasteurized almonds from a grower in California and hate to see them lost, suspecting that they won't sprout and become trees. I planted butterfly-atrracting plants outside in the past and monarchs still enjoy them. Then there are the usual skinks, anoles and curly-tailed lizards and a few prehistoric-looking iguanas.

We used to live here so my cat has a full-time job keeping an eye on the terrace and glaring at the squirrels from inside the slider. She was homeless here but now has a human family and lives most of the year in Asheville, where she sees an occasional bear, a lot of wild turkeys and, once, a bobcat from her window seat perch there. The wild turkeys seemed to fascinate her the most though, whereas the bears get my attention...and a wide detour out of their path if I come upon one when walking outside.


I'm visiting in Florida for follow-up med appointments so the Gulf Stream is outside my window and was a lovely indigo yesterday with patches of cerulean. Or what I think artist would consider cerulean if they were mixing pigments and oils for painting.

In the foreground, on the terrace today, were two baby squirrels waiting for some almonds. [I'm happy to share them but would prefer that they eat them and not bury them as I order non-pasteurized almonds from a grower in California and hate to see them lost, suspecting that they won't sprout and become trees. I planted butterfly-atrracting plants outside in the past and monarchs still enjoy them. Then there are the usual skinks, anoles and curly-tailed lizards and a few prehistoric-looking iguanas.

We used to live here so my cat has a full-time job keeping an eye on the terrace and glaring at the squirrels from inside the slider. She was homeless here but now has a human family and lives most of the year in Asheville, where she sees an occasional bear, a lot of wild turkeys and, once, a bobcat from her window seat perch there. The wild turkeys seemed to fascinate her the most though, whereas the bears get my attention...and a wide detour out of their path if I come upon one when walking outside.

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@callalloo Since I feed a lot of squirrels at my condo, I can tell you that walnuts are their favorite. If I give them any other nut, they bury it for later. The crows watch where the squirrels bury nuts and are thankful for the gift. I watched an online video with a man who put out every possible kind of nut for the squirrels and they ate the entire bin of walnuts before they touched one other bin. Have fun with your wildlife! 🙂


@callalloo Since I feed a lot of squirrels at my condo, I can tell you that walnuts are their favorite. If I give them any other nut, they bury it for later. The crows watch where the squirrels bury nuts and are thankful for the gift. I watched an online video with a man who put out every possible kind of nut for the squirrels and they ate the entire bin of walnuts before they touched one other bin. Have fun with your wildlife! 🙂

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@californiazebra, @callalloo, @johnbishop,and all...Hello, my window friend. You squirrel lovers are a hoot. I told you about my college days encounter feeding squirrels and the follow-up week of rabies shots in my stomach. Yuck! I've overcome a lot in the subsequent years, so don't sit with a rifle waiting for the 6-8 squirrels, probably all related...that visit continually throughout the day. I use baffles over my hanging feeders and hang several metal tubes filled with peanuts, sunflower seeds, and in winter months peanut flavored suet balls. Mostly for the squirrels. This keeps them busy a lot of the day and not focused on the seeds for my feathered friends.

Also, I have a couple of safflower seed glass feeders for the doves and other birds who enjoy them. Squirrels don't! Good! So, all to say I've adjusted and enjoy watching their nimble antics and fussing over property rights, but focus on more for the birds.

I have pileated woodpeckers several times daily...I adore this huge, lovely bird. Also, several other woodys, downy and red-headed, chickadees, cardinal families, finch, a lovely new yellow/gray? finch yesterday and today. House finch is lovely, with territorial mockingbirds, sparrows, and others. It's always fun to see them come as soon as I put out food and water plants. They're watching, some even come sit on my fence and watch me fill and water. Amazing how friendly they can be. Then, the calls go out! It's pretty noisy with several sending out loud and long vocal calls to lunch. I love it. And, it happens with me on the patio filling the feeders!

I have 5-6 doves several times daily. I also have a feeder filled with dove food they've recently found as well as the 2 safflower feeders. The dove seed feeder isn't the best for such large feeders, so I think I need a different style. Guess I'm buying a new feeder!!!! I do spoil them all as I can...They're very happy visitors.

Occasionally, I see an extra large bird fly over. I don't think it's looking for birds as food, but checking things out. We do have owls, eagles, and hawks...we have to watch carefully over our small dog as we walk her. Often we have one of the hunters circling above. It's really disconcerting and I go into protection mama bear mode.

Hope all are well. Blessings, elizabeth


My view outside my picture window is a hummingbird sitting on a nest which she built on a patio light.


My view outside my picture window is a hummingbird sitting on a nest which she built on a patio light.

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Nice pictures! I love the Hummingbird nest on the light fixture.


My view outside my picture window is a hummingbird sitting on a nest which she built on a patio light.

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@alive -- how fun to have a hummingbird nest. Great pics! What a nice view out your window!


Not my front window...my daughter-in-law in Nova Scotia sent me these last week. She was walking back to a cottage in Five Islands....I thought them breathtaking ! It looks more like the West of the States. I will try to watercolor the one with the arched stone...nature is a treasure trove.
I think the luckiest on here today is @alive having a hummingbird nest so close.💞


Not my front window...my daughter-in-law in Nova Scotia sent me these last week. She was walking back to a cottage in Five Islands....I thought them breathtaking ! It looks more like the West of the States. I will try to watercolor the one with the arched stone...nature is a treasure trove.
I think the luckiest on here today is @alive having a hummingbird nest so close.💞

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Beautiful pictures!


Beautiful pictures!

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I couldn't find my post after I uploaded the pictures....so I'm happy to see all went well technically! Nature is amazing; she took them with her phone while walking. Life is so busy with a family; that is how we get our chats in! I've still so much to learn about the site but I'm enjoying it so much💞

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