Lupron yeah or Lupron nay that is the question.

Posted by dpcarriere @dpcarriere, Feb 13, 2022

I've rationalized my need for Lupron Therapy. But there are holes in my analysis. The holes are there because of lack of data. So I'm in search of data. I want to hear the real data on the pros and cons of Lupron. All I have heard are generalities. Nothing specific, nothing quantatative, so let's get real.
I invite all to participate including moderators as this is relevant to all and also beneficial to all. My initial query. Who, what facility, has my Lupron answers? They have to be there else we would not be using that form of therapy. It had to have been researched into oblivion as are all procedures in the US of A thus justifying their cost structuring. When does Lupron cease to be effective? That is, what quantifiable condition of our tumors renders Lupron useful? If your doctor says you are cured of your cancer then why continue it's use? If it ain't broke why "fix" it??

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I did 18 months of Lupron, six 90 day shots. Unfortunately, "mitigation" strategies are generally limited.

For the hot flashes, there are various medications that may mitigate, some say acupuncture. I more or less did small things, never ran the heater in my car, swam in the unheated pool at the gym, went outside on the deck...

The fatigue, I did 18 months of Lupron, exercised as best I could - went skiing in Colorado, hiked in the mountains, rode my bike, went to the gym and used the elliptical, lifted weights, sawm, played basketball...even did the 26,2 mile Bataan Memorial March down in White Sands, NM. Think that helped mitigate the fatigue.

Never lost my libido but testacies and penis shrank to pre-pubescent days. Maybe Cialis or Viagra might have helped (or other penile devices) but in a sexless marriage so wasn't worth the trouble.

I did not have any depression some experience.


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How long were you actually on Lupron? The shorter treatments weren’t all that bad on me either. It’s the continuous and long term treatments that are taking their tolls and knowing it will eventually quit working anyway. If you do have a reoccurrence and do say yes later and are on it longer/multiple times you will probably then discover what some of us are talking about.

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High grade PC stage 4 Gleason 9. Have been on ADH and Zytiga for 4 1/2 years. Just started Reoccurrence. It’s been a tough road ! But my opinion is with the grade of my PC it’s what a had to do to say alive for 4 1/2 years. Will now see what’s next in my treatment options. Not a easy road to travel but I also have friends that have other Medical problems and they have to deal with third own issues. I am 72 was a High School teacher Coach College athletic Wrestler. Have done 7 1/2 marathons. I think all of this past experiences have helped me cope. Great Wife of 49 years doesn’t hurt too.
Good luck 👍


My Bone scan and CT scan show small growths in T10, T11 and left hip socket with 1" x 1 1/2" of metastasis in L1 lumbar My L2 was radiated almost 2 years ago and put back on Zolodex injections every 3 months which will continue
In Jan medical oncologist medicating me with 3 daily pills of Enzalutamide oral chemo for life and they may use radiation on L1 and other spinal metastases
The say good probability of 5 years and maybe more I'm 78 Prayers so important
Ideas welcome


I don't understand the discussion of stopping Lupron/Eligard. They both shrink the prostate and stops the production of testosterone which feeds the growth of Prostate Cancer. Isn't that what most of us want, stopping the spread and growth of the cancer? Yes, the side effects are no fun at all, the hot flashes, the sweating, and no sex drive suck, but given the choice I would accept them again. I realize we are all different and we all have to make our own decisions but if my PSA moves up from <.1 and my Oncologist says back on Lupron/Eligard my answer would be a resounding yes. JMO

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I have been on Lupron for 18 months…I agree 💯 with Dave’s comment summary…I am doing well…hoping for no biochemical reoccurrence…I am an active and healthy 72 year old….I don’t like the weight gain from Lupron but accept that it gives me the best chance for a positive outcome


I would also like this same information.


Stage 4 PCA 20 yrs ago. I’m 70, had radical prostatectomy and PSA recurred in 1 year. Started lupron and worked for most of that time but we all become castrate resistant eventually but lupron has kept me alive. Unfortunately after 18 yrs on lupron I developed coronary disease with no other coronary risk factors. Little was known about the very long term effects of lupron/testosterone depletion therapy.
Lupron has been very effective and not many people have been on lupron this long.
Lupron side effects are there but tolerable and hormone treatment has repeatedly been shown to be the best effective treatment for me. Unfortunately my cancer has become metastatic to many bones and I’ve been through every treatment available ( too long to enlist here) but I attribute my survival to lupron. There is a cost to every treatment. There is no cure for advanced prostate cancer yet but lupron may be the ONLY treatment over 20 years that has done anything.
Keep investigating as WE are our best advocates and make our own decisions based on what we are willing to accept and the information available. The docs are there to give us our options sometimes not great options. Keep hopeful.


Stage 4 PCA 20 yrs ago. I’m 70, had radical prostatectomy and PSA recurred in 1 year. Started lupron and worked for most of that time but we all become castrate resistant eventually but lupron has kept me alive. Unfortunately after 18 yrs on lupron I developed coronary disease with no other coronary risk factors. Little was known about the very long term effects of lupron/testosterone depletion therapy.
Lupron has been very effective and not many people have been on lupron this long.
Lupron side effects are there but tolerable and hormone treatment has repeatedly been shown to be the best effective treatment for me. Unfortunately my cancer has become metastatic to many bones and I’ve been through every treatment available ( too long to enlist here) but I attribute my survival to lupron. There is a cost to every treatment. There is no cure for advanced prostate cancer yet but lupron may be the ONLY treatment over 20 years that has done anything.
Keep investigating as WE are our best advocates and make our own decisions based on what we are willing to accept and the information available. The docs are there to give us our options sometimes not great options. Keep hopeful.

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Diagnosed in January stage 4 with PSA over 200 and gleason 8 and 9. Treated with Lupron, Zytica and local radiation as spread was local. Yes, side effects with hot flashes, and urinary issues which could have been caused by the radiation as well. Anyway, psa is now less than one and libido issues and shrunken testicles. I am 64 and would do it again as planning on being around a long time.


while your quest for quantative data is understandable, one has to realize that each case is unique, and you really have to balance off your numbers with your current health, weight and strength. Also your ability (one's ability) to ignore side effects and push yourself to exercise/workout, fighting muscle mass loss, fatigue, etc. So data could be part of your decesion-mix, but advice from doctor DOCTORS and Walsh's book which you should read beyond the grey highlights. Advice from fellow prostrate patients should also be considered CAREFULLY. I also found that reaching out to people I already know and trust was also helpful. In my opinion, depending on just once source of information (so called data base) could be misleading.
Good luck, God Bless. edk


I have taken lupron from 2010-2023 no bad occurrence yours David Simpson


I'm 73, regional metastatic PC. I was put on Eligard (same as lupron) and zytiga in Sept. 2022 stoped zytiga 3 months ago I was considering RAD Therapy. My PSA has been and still is undetectable. Decided against the radiation for now, since my PSA is undetectable. My Doc has put me back on zytiga. When I asked, why she said it was standard care. I was hoping to let my PSA be the guide to do it or not. I feel that the eligard appears to be doing just fine. However, Doc's have to do standard care, unless you are part of a clinical study.

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