Hydrocodone/Medical Marijuana

Posted by chilid @chilid, Sep 12, 2018

I'm 62 years old. After 15 years of taking 3200mg of Ibuprofen a day for achilles tendonitis (which damaged my kidneys...before the discovery of ibuprofen's affect on them; in about the year 2000 or so), my Dr switched me to Norco (10mg Hydrocodone, 325 Tylenol...sorry can't seem to spell the generic name). Another 15 years down the road, I started having lower back, hip & knee pain. The Norco has worked wonderfully at relieving the pain. The last couple of years, I've been having trouble sleeping. Can only seem to sleep an hour or two at a time, having to get up for bathroom runs numerous times a night. California in the meantime had legalized medical marijuana. In the sense of full disclosure, I have done pot recreationally since the early '70s, but decreasingly in the last 10 years or so. Now that it's "legal", I started taking edibles as a sleep aid; have not noticed that the marijuana has had any pain relief for me, but as a sleep aid, it's been wonderful. So, Norco for pain, pot for sleep has been my regimen for about the last 15 months, and I've been feeling 25 years younger; no pain, nearly full 8 hours straight a night of sleep. I'm waking fully rested & ready to take on my days. For the first time in the years I've been taking Norco, my Dr had me do a urinalysis, results, of course, showing both the hydrocodone AND the THC in the pot. He gave me an ultimatum: one or the other, but you can't do both (due to DEA laws, etc). At this point, being a somewhat stubborn person, I'm not willing to give up my newly regained increased quality of daily life. What are my options?

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There are no DEA laws stopping the physician from giving you the narco 5/325 if you use cannabis. Is this physician your pain doctor or your PCP? I reside in Pa and we have a MMJ program and now I use buprenorphine patches for chronic pain with narco 5/325 for breakthrough pain and cannabis as well. My drug tests clearly show what I take. It is your doctor’s personal decision and it’s wrong. Find another doc especially if you live in Ca.


I take it but only helps with my insomnia but not my pain. Sincerely, Cher Cairns


How much THC helps with sleep?


How much THC helps with sleep?

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I suggest you start with 5mg. If that seems like too much try 2.5, or if it doesn’t work try 10. I also suggest that you take it an hour before you plan to sleep.


Sometimes medical doctors and pharmacists state opinions as tho they were the word of God. My pharmacist refused to sell me Primatene (which contains ephedrine hcl) because at one point I was prescribed blood pressure medication. I've been using ephedrine since the 1970s; not about to stop anytime soon!

The methadone clinics in Fairfield County Connecticut nearly had a meltdown when grass became legal. Up to a year ago the clinics "punished" clients if their urine showed any evidence of marijuana use. They finally threw in the towel. Many methadone users take it for chronic pain. Methadone gradually destroys your skeletal system. If using cannabis allows a person to cut down on the methadone that should be rewarded.

I would find a doctor who is more in tune with the current culture. The DEA doesn't give a rat's ass if you are supplementing a prescription pain medicine with marijuana. But just like cops who used to enjoy arresting people for smoking a joint, and now feel a bit confused and angry, some medical people just can't adjust to pot being legal. It's their problem. No need to make it yours!


R.A it's all over my body for most of 20 years and since then no social life for me my RA dr did'nt pay attention when a ask her if trying medical marihuana (cannabis) will be a good choice for my pains instead she prescribed gabapentin 300 mg before i go to bed but did'nt help i'm also taking metothrexate over 20 years ago but a still strugle with my deformities im 77 years old and i don't see any light i need some advise on what i should do and. i' m all for trying medical marihuana without asking my doctors cause i know they won't listen.


R.A it's all over my body for most of 20 years and since then no social life for me my RA dr did'nt pay attention when a ask her if trying medical marihuana (cannabis) will be a good choice for my pains instead she prescribed gabapentin 300 mg before i go to bed but did'nt help i'm also taking metothrexate over 20 years ago but a still strugle with my deformities im 77 years old and i don't see any light i need some advise on what i should do and. i' m all for trying medical marihuana without asking my doctors cause i know they won't listen.

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In a recent study researchers found no evidence of anti-depressants pain reducing claims, Gabapentin is one of these drugs, I was on it for years in the hope that it would help my chronic pain, when your at wits end you try anything, I take THC/CBD combo and although not a painkiller it does take my mind off the pain.Best of luck to you!


I am there also, so to speak. Because of chronic pain in my neck, caused by arthritis and also a car accident, I am also taking Hydrocodone10/325 for the last 8 years. I also have trouble sleeping, and wake up every 2 hours, either having to go to the bathroom or with a severe stomach pain, caused by constipation, which also is caused by the pain meds. Now my children are after me to take some marijuana, since it is legal in our state of California.
But I also found out, that my doc can not prescribe the hydrocodone, if I am also taking marijuana, since it is prohibited by federal law. So I did not take it.
And sure enough a few weeks ago, my pain doctor had me take a urine test, and could tell, what was in the blood. Even a sleeping pill showed up.
So I am not going there with the pot. But I decided to wean myself off the hydrocodone, and I can tell you, it is not easy. But with all the news about hydrocodone, I really hope, I can do it. Never thought, it was that dangerous, otherwise I would never started it. And I did start with two pills and then was
slowly put up to 6 a day. The problem is, they do help me. My doc says, I am dependent on the hydrocodone, not addicted. But my life is not the same anymore, and I really hope, I can be successful with the weaning off. It has been already 8 months. Wish me luck! I want my life back, and not be tired or in pain all the times. It put me in a very lonely, depressed state and nobody talks about it. Has anybody weaned off the hydro successful, after about 8 years?
One always reads about overdosing about it, but what to do and where to get help, nobody says. My other doctors do not want anything to do with it. I think, they want my pain doctor approach this with me, but he also just says, wean yourself off!!!!

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I'm 64 and have been taking hydrocodone 10/325 for about 20 years. I take them every 7 hours. My script says every 6 and every now and then I need them every 4 hours but maybe only 2 times a month. They still work as well as when I started taking them. I do not have a problem with constipation. I also was worried about the overdosing but I believe if you take them for what they intended for then it's not a problem. Just because it says take every 6 doesn't mean to do so. I went to every 7 just to see if I could tell a difference or the pain was there before the 7 hours. I have Dr. appt today, moved from last Monday because I had too many pills left, and I still have enough for about 5 days. I'll go and they'll just fill one and put the other on my file for later and when I need it, I'll call. I'm not worried about overdosing because I'll never take enough for that to happen. One is almost out of my system by the time I take another. They keep me functioning and that's what counts. I did hair for 30 years and my back and neck are paying the price.


In a recent study researchers found no evidence of anti-depressants pain reducing claims, Gabapentin is one of these drugs, I was on it for years in the hope that it would help my chronic pain, when your at wits end you try anything, I take THC/CBD combo and although not a painkiller it does take my mind off the pain.Best of luck to you!

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Gabapentin is not an antidepressant!


I'm 64 and have been taking hydrocodone 10/325 for about 20 years. I take them every 7 hours. My script says every 6 and every now and then I need them every 4 hours but maybe only 2 times a month. They still work as well as when I started taking them. I do not have a problem with constipation. I also was worried about the overdosing but I believe if you take them for what they intended for then it's not a problem. Just because it says take every 6 doesn't mean to do so. I went to every 7 just to see if I could tell a difference or the pain was there before the 7 hours. I have Dr. appt today, moved from last Monday because I had too many pills left, and I still have enough for about 5 days. I'll go and they'll just fill one and put the other on my file for later and when I need it, I'll call. I'm not worried about overdosing because I'll never take enough for that to happen. One is almost out of my system by the time I take another. They keep me functioning and that's what counts. I did hair for 30 years and my back and neck are paying the price.

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I am glad you wrote, I have been on oxycontin ( changed to 15mg MSContin after 6 yrs ) I also take 5 / 325 percocet 5 times a day for break through pain. 17 years when it started, I have never thought of crushing those pills and snort it or shoot it up. take as prescribed and you will have little to no issues. Why is it tough for people in pain to understand that, my life is much better with a pain level at 4 rather then 8 or 9.

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