Pancreatic Cancer Vaccine Therapy (Immunotherapy): What are the facts?

Posted by howleegirl @howleegirl, May 13, 2023

Does anyone know the facts about this vaccine??????????

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There's not much information available about it. It is an ongoing study, but it sounds promising. Hope it becomes the answer the everyone's prayers!


Is Mayo researching these vaccines too?

If this could be done with a problematic IPMN, it could be a significant advancement for proactive treatment, too.


Everyone is researching everything (ex: ( ( ( ( frankly, prior to this MRNA based vaccine, there has been limited progress in treatment - a few make it through the keyhole, but the circumstances are always a bit different.

This vaccine sounds like initially for post Whipple operations - but, hopefully more progress will occur for PC - and, for all the other myriad of cancers.


My husband is Stage 4 metastasized to liver and we had been aware of this but were told he would not be a candidate- we are at MSK
Maybe that will change.


MSKCC is a great place. My oncologist is really great and I appreciate being treated with compassion and respect. as well as excellence. You will be in good hands at MSKCC.


My husband is Stage 4 metastasized to liver and we had been aware of this but were told he would not be a candidate- we are at MSK
Maybe that will change.

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As I read more about it, the MRNA vaccine in Germany has been used in a very small trial with good results. It was used with people that were NED to see if it could prevent reoccurrence. After 18(?) months some success was seen.
I am stage IV but currently NED and searching for what to do next to keep this bad boy away! As I gather information from consults I hope to schedule, I will post.
Right now I am carefully watching my diet, staying active, smiling as much as possible, and being grateful .


MSKCC is a great place. My oncologist is really great and I appreciate being treated with compassion and respect. as well as excellence. You will be in good hands at MSKCC.

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Would you be able to share your Oncologist? I am trying to get into a center of excellence for an opinion on my best next course of action.


I see Dr. David Kelse. I was interested in someone who had an interest in BRCA mutation. He is a great doctor, very nice, down to earth, and really listened to me. I also see Dr. William Jarnigan, surgery, very down to earth see listened to my questions and asked me about my symptoms, mainly from the pancreatic insufficiency and got me going on higher doses which improved my quality of life.


MSKCC is a great place. My oncologist is really great and I appreciate being treated with compassion and respect. as well as excellence. You will be in good hands at MSKCC.

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Hi Garden Lady, I am going to go to MSK for second opinion. They gave me appointment with a dr who doesn't specialize in Pancreatic cancer, and I asked them to switch to another dr. I have a few choices, and want to get with a dr who specializes in pancreatic cancer. Do you have a dr there you could recommend? I want to be in Dr. O"Reilly's group. She is the head of the pancreatic group. I see some drs seem to have more research related to pan can, and are more involved with clinical trials in that area. One has a specialty in palliative care which I do not need at this point. Any recommendations would be appreciated. I know they have drs in West Harrison and NYC, and I am in CT, so can go to either location. Thank you garden lady.

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