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Shock or tremors I am not sure

Sleep Health | Last Active: May 18, 2023 | Replies (9)

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HI @jayrob624 -- I just had that happen again last night. It's jarring. Hypnic jerks, also called sleep starts, are sudden involuntary muscle contractions that make your legs and/or body jerk significantly. They tend to happen as you transition from wakefulness to sleep and often make you feel like you're falling. It can be pretty startling. It can feel like a shock through your body as you described. It's very common and normal. Sweet dreams!

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Replies to "HI @jayrob624 -- I just had that happen again last night. It's jarring. Hypnic jerks, also..."

Thank you soo much for the information. You described it to a T. Now I won't be so extra when or if it happens again.

Hi @californiazebra> I had this too, but only once. I did not know what was happening.