Joint replacement in big toe.
I’m a 72 year old female that needs a joint replacement in my big toe. I was told by the surgeon that I will need the joint replaced approximately every 5 years for the rest of my life! Has anyone else had this type of joint replacement surgery? How have you faired with it? Does the surgery actually relieve the pain and awkward mobility problems?
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This is a bit off topic, but my big toes really became a problem this year. No real arthritic problem. Searched around and found the stretches for "turf toe." They pretty much do the trick, but I also had to give up on flip flops and find better shoes/inserts that also have support for my arches. Here is one of Dr Jo's videos. Periodically I have also used KT tape to rest the area for a few days.
Hello. I am in the decision stage of Big Toe Replacement or Fusion. How did your replacement surgery go? Are you pleased with the replacement outcome?
Is surgery scheduled w an orthopedic surgeon?
Yes. A foot and ankle orthopedic surgeon. It is scheduled for this Tuesday.
In 2021, I had the joint in my big toe replaced with a silicon hinge (one size fits all btw) by an over-zealous podiatrist. The joint itself seems to be holding up; however, the joint next to it pushed against it off and on, making it feel like I was walking on broken glass at times. 14 weeks ago, I had surgery on that joint in my 2nd toe to better align it to the silicon hinge, by a respected orthopedic surgeon who specializes in podiatry. The broken glass feeling went away, but 14 weeks later, I feel like the 2nd surgery on that next toe is not right. My 2nd toe pitches up slightly in the middle, like a tent. I am calling today to see what the surgery I had is called and do my own research (albeit too late), to see how it was supposed to leave my toe afterwards. My recommendation is to get the least invasive surgery as possible, and even consider other options, first. This all started because I have significant arthritis in both ball joints of my big toes. It was keeping me from running. After the joint replacement, I was actually able to run with less pain than before, but the pain gradually increased due to the running against the 2nd joint. In sympathy to the joint replacement on my right big toe joint, my left big toe joint decided to get better! Go figure! I think I might have just worn away the arthritic bone spurs? I don't know. All I know is that my left foot almost doesn't hurt at all anymore, since I got the surgery on my right foot. Ha! Crazy.