Concerned about the side effects of anastrozole

Posted by tinalove @tinalove, Jan 31, 2016

I completed all treatments for breast cancer but now I am supposed to take hormone blocker, named anastrozole. im concerned about the side effects. Has anyone here taken it and did anyone have hair loss?

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I have been on it for about 5 months and I'm having hot flashes all of the time, trouble sleeping, joint pains and racing heart rate at any given time...(anxiety?🤔).does anyone else.?I'm trying to manage and taking it one day at a time
To everyone on this journey with me....stay strong and continue to fight .. 💪

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Stopped taking it in Dec. Started Tamoxifen and feel much better. Still have hot flashes but all the joint pain and arthritic pain is gone. Never. Again. Good luck


To all those taking anastrozole blockers...
I was taking a cheap brand of Tumeric 500 mg twice a day. I bought Qunol extra strength Tumeric 1000mg. I take one in the morning and the cheap stuff at night. I feel like the Qunol extra strength works better on my bone pain. Also, walk as much as possible. I hope this information is helpful.


Hi- I've been on Letrozole for 3 months (lumpectomy for 2 cm Lobular, followed by radiation in January) and really starting to have the joint pain you all have referenced. The areas I have some arthritis (wrist, and neck) are most painful and I try heat upon waking. Once I get moving pain improves a bit. Have any of you tried glucosamine chondroitin supplements? I'm honestly so overwhelmed in regards to supplements - I will also add tumeric. I take 2000 D3 along with vitamin K as have osteopenia and try to get calcium diet as I've read that calcium just isn't all the bioavailable. However I have read Algae Calcium may be better absorbed?? Thanks for sharing and does take a village.

My oncologist at Dana Farber never mentioned any supplements other than the D3 and calcium as have osteopenia at 57 yrs.

Could any of you weigh in follow up scans. My onco feels that any scans before one year post surgery are not helpful so I only have a diagnostic mamo scheduled in October ( a year post surgery). I have dense breasts but mammo last year did pick up lobular but I do fear it had been there a while as the radiation onco said it was hiding behind a fairly large benign lump (had aspirations on that in the past a few times).

Do I beg for an MRI? Anxiety creeping up!


I have been on it for about 5 months and I'm having hot flashes all of the time, trouble sleeping, joint pains and racing heart rate at any given time...(anxiety?🤔).does anyone else.?I'm trying to manage and taking it one day at a time
To everyone on this journey with me....stay strong and continue to fight .. 💪

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I am post op 3months, had a bilateral mastectomy with stage 1 breast cancer, positive with brca gene. My oncologist recommended I take anastrozole every other day to see how I tolerate it for 3 months. It’s been a journey for sure. Seeing my oncologist in a week and the plan is going on it everyday. We will see, ugh 😩. I’m going to ask my oncologist for either a pet scan or ct scan, with the brca gene I’m very concerned on reoccurring cancer some where else. Be a squeaky wheel I suppose


I am post op 3months, had a bilateral mastectomy with stage 1 breast cancer, positive with brca gene. My oncologist recommended I take anastrozole every other day to see how I tolerate it for 3 months. It’s been a journey for sure. Seeing my oncologist in a week and the plan is going on it everyday. We will see, ugh 😩. I’m going to ask my oncologist for either a pet scan or ct scan, with the brca gene I’m very concerned on reoccurring cancer some where else. Be a squeaky wheel I suppose

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Have you tried different manufacturers or brand name? Or would you consider switching to letrozole?


I am post op 3months, had a bilateral mastectomy with stage 1 breast cancer, positive with brca gene. My oncologist recommended I take anastrozole every other day to see how I tolerate it for 3 months. It’s been a journey for sure. Seeing my oncologist in a week and the plan is going on it everyday. We will see, ugh 😩. I’m going to ask my oncologist for either a pet scan or ct scan, with the brca gene I’m very concerned on reoccurring cancer some where else. Be a squeaky wheel I suppose

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I was called a squeaky wheel when I was a kid and shamed for it. As an adult I’ve learned that if I’m not a squeaky wheel I get screwed. So, please, do not apologize for being a squeaky wheel. Ever.


I have been taking Anastrozole (Arimidex) for 2.5 years for lobular carcinoma. No side effects. I take only Calcium and D-3 as supplements as well as pro-biotics for the GI system, all prescribed by my doctor. I do yoga each morning, walk up to three miles a day, and go to the gym for a slightly more intense workout twice a week. I am 75 years old.


Hi- I've been on Letrozole for 3 months (lumpectomy for 2 cm Lobular, followed by radiation in January) and really starting to have the joint pain you all have referenced. The areas I have some arthritis (wrist, and neck) are most painful and I try heat upon waking. Once I get moving pain improves a bit. Have any of you tried glucosamine chondroitin supplements? I'm honestly so overwhelmed in regards to supplements - I will also add tumeric. I take 2000 D3 along with vitamin K as have osteopenia and try to get calcium diet as I've read that calcium just isn't all the bioavailable. However I have read Algae Calcium may be better absorbed?? Thanks for sharing and does take a village.

My oncologist at Dana Farber never mentioned any supplements other than the D3 and calcium as have osteopenia at 57 yrs.

Could any of you weigh in follow up scans. My onco feels that any scans before one year post surgery are not helpful so I only have a diagnostic mamo scheduled in October ( a year post surgery). I have dense breasts but mammo last year did pick up lobular but I do fear it had been there a while as the radiation onco said it was hiding behind a fairly large benign lump (had aspirations on that in the past a few times).

Do I beg for an MRI? Anxiety creeping up!

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Neither a mammo nor an ultrasound found TWO large tumors in one breast. I insisted on an MRI as I had a symptom. It likely saved my life. I now get an MRI and mammo/ultrasound annually… alternating every six months.


These Estrogen Blockers have lots of symptoms - not everyone will have them all. But basically, if you remember how you felt during your menopause, you may be going through similar symptoms again, because menopause is when most of your Estrogen goes out of your system. After that you have some Estrogen left in your body and the Estrogen Blocker is now blocking what's left. Or almost all. Hence, all the hot flashes etc. I would check with your doctor to see if one of the other two Estrogen Blockers would work better for you. Also, ask your doctor if you can take a two week break from the pills - some people did this to give their body a break! I think you might need a break to relax and raise your spirits. And remember, nothing lasts forever. Things will get better.

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This is helpful information. I have most of the side effects and have been managing as best I can. My bone doc told me not to take a holiday and has not talked to me about the other types of drugs. I have 8 months to go and maybe that is why. Does anyone know how long the side effects last after you quit this drug?


Hi- I've been on Letrozole for 3 months (lumpectomy for 2 cm Lobular, followed by radiation in January) and really starting to have the joint pain you all have referenced. The areas I have some arthritis (wrist, and neck) are most painful and I try heat upon waking. Once I get moving pain improves a bit. Have any of you tried glucosamine chondroitin supplements? I'm honestly so overwhelmed in regards to supplements - I will also add tumeric. I take 2000 D3 along with vitamin K as have osteopenia and try to get calcium diet as I've read that calcium just isn't all the bioavailable. However I have read Algae Calcium may be better absorbed?? Thanks for sharing and does take a village.

My oncologist at Dana Farber never mentioned any supplements other than the D3 and calcium as have osteopenia at 57 yrs.

Could any of you weigh in follow up scans. My onco feels that any scans before one year post surgery are not helpful so I only have a diagnostic mamo scheduled in October ( a year post surgery). I have dense breasts but mammo last year did pick up lobular but I do fear it had been there a while as the radiation onco said it was hiding behind a fairly large benign lump (had aspirations on that in the past a few times).

Do I beg for an MRI? Anxiety creeping up!

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Sue Ellen,
Following are the dates of my follow-up scans.
Jan 2020 - Lumpectomy
Feb 2020 - Bilateral MRI
April 2020 - Mammogram & ultrasound
October 2020 - Mammogram and ultrasound
Feb 2021 - MRI
May 2021 - Mammogram & ultrasound
Feb 2022 - MRI
May 2022 - Mammogram
Feb 2023 - MRI
April 2023 - Mammogram and ultrasound
I have no idea if this number of scans is normal or not. I have a primary immune disease and I had a cancer that was very rare but is common to recur in the same place.
Going an entire year without a scan seems like a long time. What about your other breast?
I also have dense breasts and 2 months after having a 3D mammogram that I was told was negative I had an ultrasound that showed a 2 cm tumor. Maybe you could get a second opinion regarding follow-up scans.

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