Can Gabapentin make neuropathy pain worse?

Posted by cwallen9 @cwallen9, Apr 16, 2019

I started getting peripheral neuropathy pain about nine months ago in my feet and hands right after I received a cervical steroid injection. I started taking gabapentin about 7 months ago. I have gradually increased my dose from 100 mg a day to 1500 mg. I can't say that it has decreased my pain at all. In fact, my pain has gotten steadily worse. I was just wondering if it is possible that gabapentin can sometimes make neuropathy pain worse. My EMG and biopsy results are negative for short fiber neuropathy so far.

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Does it help the itch?

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I recall @artscaping mentioning something that really helps itching. Maybe she can help. My apologies @artscaping if it wasn’t you!


If anyone can help with the nighttime constant itching I would appreciate.



I recall @artscaping mentioning something that really helps itching. Maybe she can help. My apologies @artscaping if it wasn’t you!

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Hi Debbie, no problem, it was me. If it is just external itching, you can use Dermeleve. It is a quick fix that lasts about 6 hours. You can buy it online at It was recommended to me by my dermatologist who knew I needed more help but also knew I was pretty desperate.

If the itch develops internally or feels as if it does, then I consider that a neuropathic itch. Dupixent is what has erased that bothersome situation from my chalkboard. I had my last flare on August 13 when my first dose arrived and I quickly read the "how to" form. I have not had any "itch" since that day. Evidently is also works for VOC itches (volatile organic compounds). I don't succumb to the fumes from chemicals anymore.

If one of these products is what you are looking for......let me know and I can give you contact information.

Be happy. Spring is finally here.


I am incontinent, and recently I have been diagnosed with axonal sensory peripheral neuropathy. I have a prescription for gabapentin and thiamine. Can gabapentin worsen existing incontinence? I manage my incontinence by wearing diapers, and it seems as though I'm going through more of them. I forgot to mention that I also have lumbar spinal stenosis which I believe could also exacerbate bladder issues.


If anyone can help with the nighttime constant itching I would appreciate.


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If it is from nerve twitching, I suggest Gabapentin. Works for me for nerve itch I get mostly at night and after going to bed. 3 x day (not sure of dosage, but will look it up if you need me to. Let me know. (Doesn't do me much good for
my pain itself, just nerves).


Hi Debbie, no problem, it was me. If it is just external itching, you can use Dermeleve. It is a quick fix that lasts about 6 hours. You can buy it online at It was recommended to me by my dermatologist who knew I needed more help but also knew I was pretty desperate.

If the itch develops internally or feels as if it does, then I consider that a neuropathic itch. Dupixent is what has erased that bothersome situation from my chalkboard. I had my last flare on August 13 when my first dose arrived and I quickly read the "how to" form. I have not had any "itch" since that day. Evidently is also works for VOC itches (volatile organic compounds). I don't succumb to the fumes from chemicals anymore.

If one of these products is what you are looking for......let me know and I can give you contact information.

Be happy. Spring is finally here.

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Thanks. I had nerve block shot in low back for herniated disk I've had from childhood, that only started giving me pain from bending from the waist with old age - I'm 81. Dr commented to me - don't stop taking Gabapentin. He didn't explain, but since I was still on hospital bed, I assumed he meant it to help the nerve he had just blocked. I have only had one additional shot 2 years ago and 4 years after he'd said that. So, guess I'll stick with his advice.


Hi Debbie, no problem, it was me. If it is just external itching, you can use Dermeleve. It is a quick fix that lasts about 6 hours. You can buy it online at It was recommended to me by my dermatologist who knew I needed more help but also knew I was pretty desperate.

If the itch develops internally or feels as if it does, then I consider that a neuropathic itch. Dupixent is what has erased that bothersome situation from my chalkboard. I had my last flare on August 13 when my first dose arrived and I quickly read the "how to" form. I have not had any "itch" since that day. Evidently is also works for VOC itches (volatile organic compounds). I don't succumb to the fumes from chemicals anymore.

If one of these products is what you are looking for......let me know and I can give you contact information.

Be happy. Spring is finally here.

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Spring has not arrived in my world!! It hasn't gotten over 70 degrees except for one day last week. 50 degrees rest of this week and mostly cloudy. OK, maybe upper 50's. No mention of 60's either. Just grateful that what snow did fall melted by following day. Almost two years relocated from 12 yrs in Key West. No, not going back - EVER!!


Does it help the itch?

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Yes, it helps considerably. I always know when I've forgotten to take it - itching starts, usually on upper arms, then all over. Ask Dr if it is for you.


Spring has not arrived in my world!! It hasn't gotten over 70 degrees except for one day last week. 50 degrees rest of this week and mostly cloudy. OK, maybe upper 50's. No mention of 60's either. Just grateful that what snow did fall melted by following day. Almost two years relocated from 12 yrs in Key West. No, not going back - EVER!!

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Hi there @tb01. Nice to see you join our discussion. Where do you live now? In Minnesota, we are grateful for temperatures in the 40's. The four feet of snow finally melted and our chipmunks are waking up from hibernation. I just checked and it is 56 this afternoon and will be 34 tonight. You know what makes a difference......sunshine! I lived in Hawaii so Minnesota is a very different environment when there are many days without seeing the sun.

May you have peace and contentment.


Hi, I have peripheral neuropathy, mainly feet, stopped gabapentin and was switched to pregabalin, 150 mg 3 times a day, and have had no episodes since I started, No more serious itching and hot needles in my feet, just absolutely normal, Also have had quad bypass in 1980, rot oblation, stents, and stents, and lately heart failure and permanent A Fib.....Still clicking along but trying to find out why calve muscles hurt so much that I can not walk far. Feels like claudication, but doctors say it is not, so am at a loss. But back to Pregabalin, it has been a godsend. Terry

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