Magnesium: bad for seizures?
My husband has seizures. Magnesium citrate is citric acid. I read that's bad for seizures. I noticed he does not sleep good when he takes it. Is magnesium glycinate better if you have seizures? I read it relaxes your brain. Please help.
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Thank you so much for this recipe. Going to do the Mom right now but probably will try this. Thanks
Cole looks similar to collard greens but smaller leaves.
Is it a specific vegetable or a group of various vegetables?
When I look it up it doesn’t mention a vegetable called cole but a group of various vegetables called “cole crops”. I’m confused even more than usual.
I’ve never seen anything labeled “cole” in the store.
Hi @jakedduck1
Looking up on the internet, it seems that collard greens belong to the same group of this vegetable we eat here together with rice and beans. Here we usually slice it tinny and cook. It is delicious!
But cooked it does not have the same laxative effect.
I have seen it in some specific stores in Europe. I have never checked for this vegetable in the States, I can not say, sorry. But with globalization, you can find it in some stores perhaps?
Have a nice weekend!
My pleasure to share this with our group. I hope you can find all ingredients and make it for your husband 🙂 🙂 🙂
That’s what I found - here we don’t have a veggie called cole - can be cabbage or broccoli, kale … any of which would be good!
Hi @jakedduck1 and everybody else, a very good morning
As promised, updating you guys on my SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) treatment.
The neurologist who is doing gut studies on people with some neurological disorder (Epilepsy, Parkinson, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's, etc) and was recommended by my epileptologist, discovered that I have SIBO and treated me with antibiotics. The antibiotics have helped me much but did not heal SIBO completely. But just with this treatment, I already could feel a positive impact on my seizures. So she has recommended me to see a gastro, which I did yesterday.
The gastro has explained to me why taking gluten out of my diet has reduced so much my seizures (a decrease of 60%). Gluten is a food that ferments and worsens much for someone who has SIBO. There are more and more studies showing a close relationship between the gut and the brain, especially in people with some kind of neurological disorder like us that have epilepsy.
Most probably my SIBO has been caused by my treatment with AEDs. SIBO is closely related to mood, being many times treated also with antidepressives. SIBO can also be caused by low immunity. During my treatment with some AEDs (Tegretol and Vimpat) I had depression. With Vimpat, my immunity has also decreased much and I had several other health issues. Please bear in mind that I am not a standard patient, I am a sensitive person to traditional medication, not tolerating many of them well since my childhood.
Now I am going to start a treatment based on a specific diet (Fodmap) and Oregano Oil. This is giving me also new perspectives on the treatment of my epilepsy and better control of my seizures 🙂
I am sharing all that with you because I do believe I can be beneficial to some of you. As I know and I read much in epilepsy groups, many of us have experienced depression and mood changes with AEDs. As one of the causes of SIBO is closely related to the emotional part, if you have experienced or still experience depression and mood changes, I believe it would be interesting to do a lab exam to check for SIBO. Check that with your doctors. And if SIBO confirms, treating it will give you new perspectives on your seizure control.
Wishing you all a good day!