Magnesium: bad for seizures?
My husband has seizures. Magnesium citrate is citric acid. I read that's bad for seizures. I noticed he does not sleep good when he takes it. Is magnesium glycinate better if you have seizures? I read it relaxes your brain. Please help.
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Thank you for all that info, Santosha! I’m also interested in the Alzheimer research as my dad and his only sister both suffered terribly from it. I’m sorry your mom has it. I don’t believe it is hereditary as much as healthy choices and social/mental connections! I’ve read about keto and I will watch the movie. My son eats terribly and vapes nicotine and chemicals and drinks… so painful to watch his choices and struggles. GOD please hear our pleas for heavenly guidance and total healing for all struggling w brain disorders and the effects of them. 💗🙏
Here 2 links, one with some information on the Recode Program and the other one with the link to the program's website.
I have learned that some Alzheimer's are hereditary and others are not. The same as epilepsy.
I am sorry to hear that your son does not pay much attention to what he puts in his mouth. I also did not pay much attention to my food when I was younger (I am 52 years old today). How old is he today? Perhaps through more research on the contribution of food to epilepsy, he starts paying more attention to this aspect... let's pray for that. My vibrations to you and your son!!!
They say the gut is our second brain, I hope you have good luck after treating the SIBO. May also consider a holistic/integrative doc who treat the gut imbalances w food and natural supplements. We must heal our guts to heal our bodies… and antibiotic use has ruined our natural immune function by imbalancing our gut bacteria. Blessings to all of you struggling w health and especially epilepsy 💗🙏
Does anyone know if magnesium hydroxide milk of Magnesia is good for seizures? Gastrointestinal Dr put my husband on it for constipation. He has so many issues with his intestines. He takes Lamotrogine for his seizures it
causes constipation plus aspirin does .
Hi @angelgirl777
While taking Vimpat, I had terrible constipation having even had to go to the hospital for a bowel wash. I also took some magnesium hydroxide milk that time, but what helped me most was a daily recipe my family doctor recommended: papaya, prune (without lump) and cole. Every morning, I prepared a drink containing half papaya, some 4 prunes and cole, hitting it all in a blender (for 1 big glass). Natural and my constipation improved a lot. Hope that nowadays it is easier to find papayas in the States. Here in Brazil is a common fruit. Eating papaya's lump is also quite helpful.
Hope your husband will overcome this side-effect. Being constipated is a terrible feeling. My fingers crossed for you.
Hi @sgboster123
How are you? And your son?
Thank you for your post. About 10 days ago, I completed my SIBO treatment based on antibiotics for it. I feel some improvement, but the treatment is not yet over. My doctor has told me she would continue the treatmnent with a specific diet and prebiotics. I will have a new appointment with the doctor beginning May. I have already been thinking to visit a functional/ integrative medicine doctor. Thank for reminding me that.
As to seizures, I had 3 this month of April (which is my average), two of them related to my period. I usually take birth control pills no stop every 6 months so as not to have my period, thus reducing my seizures. But for some reason, I forgot to start the next pill card right after finishing the old one, having to give this break and having my period. Result: I had two seizures during this last period, but they were mild. I imagine that if I had continued with my birth control pill nonstop, avoiding my period, I would have had just 1 seizure this month of April. But again, I do believe it is too early to say it is a result of my SIBO treatment.
Thank you for your blessings. My greetings to you!
Don't know about milk of Magnesia and seizures but I always go to my pharmacist if I ever have any concerns about taking things. Also, warm prune juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach followed by coffee always did the trick for me. Lots of water as well!
Hi Santosha! I have been having some gastro issues so haven’t checked this in a while, but thanks for the natural recipe for the papaya, prunes and cole. (Didn’t know what “cole” was so had to look it up!) I think I can find papaya so going to try this right away. Hope you are well and have a wonderful day - baa
Hi @baa
I do hope you can find all ingredients. Here is a picture of cole, it is something we eat much here in Brazil in our national dish (feijoada)
Have also a wonderful day 🙂
Thank you! If it’s green I will eat it! God bless!